Topic: - on January 28, 2003 at 2:36:56 PM CET
Microsoft hatte nicht alle eigenen Rechner auf den letzten Stand gebracht
Und selbst im Microsoft-Netzwerk waren eine Reihe von Rechnern nicht gepatcht und verursachten so zeitweilig einen Zusammenbruch ausgerechnet der Infrastruktur, auf die Kunden angewiesen waren, um ihre Systeme gegen weitere Attacken abzusichern.
Rick Devenuti, Microsofts Chief Information Officer, gab jetzt auch zu, dass sein Konzern immer noch nicht wisse, wie der Wurm ins Netzwerk gelangt sei. Es sei aber schwer, "immer 100-prozentig gepatcht" zu sein.
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Topic: - on January 28, 2003 at 2:06:52 PM CET
SQL Slammer: Auch MS SQL Server 7.0 gefährdet.
Die von dem am Wochenende aufgetauchten Wurm SQL Slammer genutzte Sicherheitslücke im Microsoft SQL Server 2000 existiert prinzipiell auch in anderen Microsoft-Datenbanken, so der Hersteller. Demnach sollten auch Nutzer des SQL Server 7.0, der Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) 1.0 und der Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE) 2000 ihre Systeme mit dem entsprechenden Patch absichern.
NAI bietet zur Erkennung und Bereinigung von infizierten Rechnern zudem eine aktualisierte Version des Stand-Alone Remover Utility "Stinger" an. Sie steht unter kostenlos zum Download zur Verfügung.
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Topic: - on January 28, 2003 at 2:01:02 PM CET
Tornado strikes near Limassol port in Cyprus; injuries reported
A tornado touched down Monday near the port area of Limassol, extensively damaging shops and property, and littering the streets with trees, broken glass, water tanks ripped from rooftops. Twenty-eight people were injured, most of them slightly, police said.

¬> AP
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Topic: - on January 28, 2003 at 12:37:44 PM CET
Kazaa-Betreiber schießen zurück
Die Betreiberfirma der Internet-Musiktauschbörse Kazaa, Sharman Networks, verklagt die US-Musikindustrie wegen Verstoßes gegen US-Anti-Trust-Gesetze, berichtet der Internet-Dienst CNet. Demnach habe Sharman Networks mehrfach versucht, Verträge über den legalen Vetrieb von Musik mit Hilfe seines P2P-Netzwerkes abzuschließen.
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Topic: - on January 28, 2003 at 12:25:46 PM CET
Kazaa fires back at Hollywood, labels
Sharman Networks, owner of the popular Kazaa file-swapping software, has launched a legal counterstrike against the major record labels and Hollywood studios, asserting they have “obscenely” abused their copyright powers.
In a lawsuit filed late Monday in federal court in Los Angeles, Sharman claims that major entertainment companies have colluded to drive potential online rivals out of business. The conduct should preclude the industry from being able to defend its copyrights in court, at least until the behavior is corrected, Sharman contends.
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Topic: - on January 28, 2003 at 12:21:34 PM CET
Is this 18th-century smiley the earliest one found to date?
In the back of tome second (book two) of Stanislas de Boufflers' Œuvres (Paris: Chez Pironnet, 1805 - possibly a reprint of the original 1786 edition) one finds a short collection of poetry written by the author's extended family, most of which are in a humourous vein. These may have been collected from salon recitations and private correspondence. One of these poetic send-ups is the "Chanson de l'abbé Porquet". Abbé Pierre-Charles-François Porquet (b. Jan. 12 1723 - d. Nov. 22 1796) was Boufflers' tutor and companion from c. 1749 to 1766 (?). Porquet wrote this piece for one of Boufflers' birthdays ("Célébrons l'heureuse naissance / De notre aimable chevalier").

¬> Deepsky
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Topic: - on January 28, 2003 at 11:55:28 AM CET
Microsoft Was Vulnerable to Worm Virus
Microsoft Corp. itself was exposed to the virus-like attack that crippled global Internet activity last weekend because it failed to install crucial fixes to its own software on many Microsoft computer servers, according to internal e-mails obtained Monday by The Associated Press.
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Topic: - on January 28, 2003 at 11:48:45 AM CET
Poison warfare suits found in mosque raid
BRITISH police investigating a terror plot by Islamic saboteurs have found chemical warfare protection suits in a north London mosque. The discovery has shocked detectives, who believe the find confirms supporters of Osama bin Laden were planning a poison attack on civilian targets in Britain. Scotland Yard and MI5 detectives had kept the discovery of the nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) suits secret.
They feared disclosing it would spark panic.
Government ministers have warned any suggestion that the Finsbury Park mosque had been involved would have worrying racist overtones.
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