Topic: - on January 24, 2003 at 8:12:07 PM CET
Elephants to be banned on roads in Indian city
Authorities in the southern Indian state of Kerala are considering a ban on the movement of elephants on city roads.
It follows an incident in the port of Cochin where an elephant killed his keeper and later went on the rampage
Though police have promised to take action against the owners of the "guilty'' elephant, civic officials are concerned about the safety of residents on the roads during peak hours.
It is being reported 15 people have died after being attacked by elephants last year alone.
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Topic: - on January 24, 2003 at 8:04:17 PM CET
Zigaretten-Schmuggler war ein LKA-Spitzel
Im Zusammenhang mit dem Ermittlungsverfahren gegen den Tabak-Riesen Reemstma ist ein dubioser Kontakt zu den Behörden aufgeflogen: Einer der beschuldigten Zigaretten -Schmuggler belieferte jahrelang das Landeskriminalamt mit Infos und blieb so unbehelligt. Die Behörde gerät nun in Erklärungsnot.
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Topic: - on January 24, 2003 at 7:15:00 PM CET
Logitech: Gesichtserkennung für Webcams gratis
Mit Hilfe einer Face-Tracking-Software sollen sich Besitzer von Logitech-Webcams mit eingebautem Zoom künftig immer im Fokus wissen. Das Programm verfolgt automatisch das Gesicht einer Person und sorgt dafür, dass es im Zentrum des "Blickfeldes" der Kamera bleibt.
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Topic: - on January 24, 2003 at 7:01:03 PM CET
Norwegen: Sicherheits-Behörde verbreitete Virus
Datatilsynet, so der Name der norwegischen Daten-Aufsichtsbehörde, verschickte am 20. Januar mit dem Sicherheits-Newsletter ein Virus. Etwa 1.700 Abonennten kriegten den "FunLove"-Virus zugeschickt.
Nach Angaben von Datatilsynet hat "FunLove" zuvor den E-Mail-Server infiziert. Der Server sei eine Stunde danach vom Provider abgeschaltet worden, zu spät wie sich herausstellte. Ungewöhnlich ist, dass es die Behörde mit der Computer-Sicherheit auch nicht allzu genau nimmt, "FunLove" ist bereits seit 1999 in Umlauf.
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Topic: - on January 24, 2003 at 6:53:38 PM CET
Crazy Things To Do With Coca Cola!
Below are some wacky uses for Coca Cola that have been sent in by my readers. Fact or Fiction, you decide...
Also, check out some really yummy Coca Cola Recipes!!

¬> Coke
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Topic: - on January 24, 2003 at 6:41:27 PM CET
Could Attack on DALnet Spell End for IRC?
For at least a month, distributed denial of service (define), or DDOS, attacks have been crippling DALnet, one of the world's largest Internet Relay Chat (define) networks, bringing it to its knees and raising the possibility that many hosting providers may refuse to host IRC servers at all.
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Topic: - on January 24, 2003 at 6:28:21 PM CET
World Unemployment Reaches 180 Million
And hundreds of millions of people work but make so little money they can barely survive. The U.N. labor agency reports that the number of people without a job has increased by 20 million over the past two years.
One economist called the situation "alarming."
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Topic: - on January 24, 2003 at 1:53:06 PM CET
Big pot stash was only hay
Had it actually been marijuana, the three wise men might be viewed in a whole new light.
What Chicago police thought was more than $660,000 worth of dope in a pickup truck last month turned out to be hay from a Roman Catholic church's nativity scene.
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Topic: - on January 24, 2003 at 1:48:22 PM CET
US Says It Can Prove Iraq Has Banned Weapons
The United States said on Friday it had "very convincing evidence" Iraq possessed banned weapons as a transatlantic rift widened over whether Baghdad should be disarmed by force. U.S. Undersecretary of State John Bolton, Washington's top arms control diplomat, said Iraq has maintained an extensive program for the production of weapons of mass destruction, including long-range ballistic missiles banned since the 1991 Gulf War.

¬> Reuters
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Topic: - on January 24, 2003 at 1:42:41 PM CET
Super Bowl's fun ads will be playing for big stakes
Ozzy Osbourne pushes Pepsi Twist in his dream, Quizno's introduces its founder and chef - in his saggy skivvies - and Willie Nelson gets in trouble with the IRS. Plan on laughing again during Sunday's Super Bowl, maybe even falling off the couch.
The commercial lineup is mostly fun and wacky, a turnaround from the 2002 game, when advertisers set aside their typical antics after the terrorist attacks.

¬> Denver Post
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Topic: - on January 24, 2003 at 1:35:50 PM CET
325-Million-Year-Old Fossil Found in Ark
University of Arkansas students unearthed the world's largest fossil of the squid-like, straight-shelled cephalopod at a city intersection as cars and trucks zipped by them.
Freshman Sarah Kee and senior Kevin Morgan made the discovery while digging along a drainage ditch for ammonoid fossils, a spiral-shelled subclass of cephalopods. A cephalopod is a marine mollusk that has a distinct head with suckers attached to it, highly developed eyes and varying numbers of arms.
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Topic: - on January 24, 2003 at 1:25:12 PM CET
Das gute Ä
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