Topic: - on January 22, 2003 at 3:40:33 PM CET
Schlachtfeld-TV mit Videotelefonen
Die US-Miliärs wollen in einem möglichen Irak-Krieg eine neue Kommunikations- bzw. Propagandatechnik zum Einsatz bringen.
Dabei sollen in Österreich gefertigte Satelliten-Videotelefone eine Art "Schlachtfeld-TV" ermöglichen, mit dem die Militärs viel flexibler als bisher auf aktuelle Ereignisse reagieren wollen.
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Topic: - on January 22, 2003 at 3:31:06 PM CET
Pentagon to Offer Combat Videophones
The Pentagon plans to equip public affairs officers with two-way satellite video transmitters to provide on-the-spot visuals from combat zones that it says could counter hostile propaganda.
The $27,000 Austrian-made videophone system will allow military field commanders to hold "near real-time" videoconferences with journalists who may be sitting anywhere on the planet, said Lt. Col. David Lamp, a spokesman for the U.S. Joint Forces Command.

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Topic: - on January 22, 2003 at 3:24:46 PM CET
Woman drove car with 27 dogs
An animal lover had 27 dogs in her car including one on her lap when she was stopped by police on a dual carriageway, a court heard.
Barbara Byrne, 60, was also smoking and holding a can of drink between her thighs, Huntingdon magistrates were told.
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Topic: - on January 22, 2003 at 11:45:45 AM CET
Tolkien-Namensgenerator im Internet
Dazu tippen Sie auf der Homepage, einfach ihren Vor- und Nachnamen in eine Eingabemaske.
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Topic: - on January 22, 2003 at 11:27:17 AM CET
Silly burgers
Last week a burger war broke out in New York, with two restaurants battling it out to make the most expensive. Oliver Burkeman samples the winner - a $50 hunk of beef with a nugget of foie gras embedded within - and wonders if this craze for overpriced food will last .
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Topic: - on January 22, 2003 at 11:13:42 AM CET
Verizon Must Reveal Internet Song Swapper
Provider muss Kazaa-Nutzer identifizieren
Recording companies won a victory in their fight against online piracy on Tuesday when a U.S. court ordered Verizon Communications to turn over the name of a customer suspected of downloading more than 600 songs in one day over the Internet.
Provider muss Kazaa-Nutzer identifizieren
Ein Bezirksgericht in Washington D.C. hat entschieden, dass der Provider Verizon die Identität eines vermeintlichen Tauschbörsen-Piraten preisgeben muss.
Der Fall ist bedeutsam, da die RIAA [Recording Industry Association of America] hier erstmals einen einzelnen Tauschbörsen-Nutzer vor Gericht bringen will.
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Topic: - on January 22, 2003 at 11:02:03 AM CET
Frasier faces the axe
Frasier, the award-winning United States sitcom, could be scrapped because of spiralling production costs and a dip in ratings, according to a report.
The comedy, which started in 1993, had been one of NBC's biggest hits of the last decade, winning 21 Emmys and two Golden Globes.

¬> BBC
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Topic: - on January 22, 2003 at 10:55:49 AM CET
Why Mars will be So Close to Earth in August
Anyone who had a Spirograph drawing toy as a kid has a head start in grasping why Earth and Mars will be closer to each other this August than ever in recorded history. The drawing wheels with the little toothy gears were very simple, yet they produced amazingly complex patterns that seemed to change, ever so slightly, for as long as you kept them moving.
The relationship in space between Earth and Mars is never exactly repeated either. Each planet orbits the Sun on its own elliptical path, and those paths actually rotate through space over thousands of years.

¬> Space
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Topic: - on January 22, 2003 at 10:45:21 AM CET
The Negative Effects Of Alcohol
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Topic: - on January 22, 2003 at 10:36:25 AM CET
Craig Kelly
Snowboarding Legend Among Avalanche Victims
Pioneering snowboarder Craig Kelly of Mount Vernon was among seven people killed in an avalanche in British Columbia, his sponsor, Burton Snowboards, said Tuesday.
Kelly, 36, and the six others died Monday after being buried under more than 10 feet of snow on the Durrand Glacier in the Selkirk Range near Revelstoke.
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Topic: - on January 22, 2003 at 10:34:48 AM CET
Humming helps name that tune
For better or worse, technological advances have transformed the music industry, but technology may now help even the tone-deaf to name that tune. Software developed by Germany's Fraunhofer Institut, the creators of the MP3 digital audio format that is now ubiquitous across the Internet, have a solution.
It's called "Query by Humming" -- software displayed at this week's Midem music conference in Cannes that identifies a song by title and composer based on a person humming a few bars into a microphone.
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Topic: - on January 22, 2003 at 10:31:11 AM CET
3 Floridians Arrested With $800,000 In Stolen Levis
Four men, including at least three Miami residents, were arrested near Cincinnati after police said they found 1,125 boxes of stolen Levi jeans worth an estimated $800,000 in a warehouse.
The tractor-trailer was taken from a truck stop in Walton, Ky., police said.
Bond for each man was set at $1 million Monday because police could not confirm their identities and feared they would flee if released.
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