Topic: - on January 20, 2003 at 3:50:32 PM CET
Doubts on Diva's Airplay Numbers
Mariah Carey's new single, "Through the Rain," has stirred up a squall in the radio world with suggestions that the pop singer's record label tried to revive her career by inflating airplay figures.
Island Def Jam Music Group bought radio spots containing 53 seconds of the song, which fooled the computers that monitor and measure airplay, or "spins," for the recording industry. As a result, the ballad seemed to be building momentum in markets across the country when in fact it was losing steam.
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Topic: - on January 20, 2003 at 3:17:31 PM CET
Sauna SAAB 900
On this page you will find a little story about some (crazy?) nordic people, an old SAAB 900 Classic 5-door and a common desire to have a sauna. This is not the first sauna in a SAAB, I know of at least one SAAB 96 made into a sauna in Finland. However, this is probably the only sauna built into a Classic 900...
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Topic: - on January 20, 2003 at 3:01:22 PM CET
1.3 Megapixel Video Camera Accessory Module for Mobile Phones and PDAs
Atsana Semiconductor Corp., a leader in the development of power-efficient, programmable processors for multimedia devices, today announced the availability of a 1.3 Megapixel Video Camera Accessory Module reference design for mobile phones and PDA manufacturers.
The comprehensive reference design connects to existing mobile handsets to offer MPEG4 and H.263 video along with Megapixel JPEG and audio capabilities. OEMs now have a ready-to-market, production-ready design that provides add-on Megapixel still image and video camera functionality to mobile phone handsets.
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Topic: - on January 20, 2003 at 2:48:55 PM CET
Shirtless woman joyrides in stolen police cruiser
A woman who played police officer for two hours in a stolen Loveland cruiser Saturday night wasn't wearing a gun or a badge.
Or a shirt.
But police said that didn't stop 22-year-old Amanda Briles - who has a lengthy arrest record - from pulling at least two people over and giving them verbal warnings.
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Topic: - on January 20, 2003 at 2:25:00 PM CET
Algeria hijack bid foiled
An attempt to hijack an airliner in Algeria has ended without injury to the more than 160 passengers and crew aboard.
The Algerian news agency said three men had burst into the cockpit of the Air Algerie Boeing 737 during a flight from the eastern city of Constantine to the capital, Algiers, and demanded to see senior officials on landing.
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Topic: - on January 20, 2003 at 1:40:03 PM CET
No sex please, we are too busy
Today's women have less sex than their 1950s counterparts, a survey suggests.
Researchers in the United States believe the demands of modern life are to blame - leaving women with little time or energy.
Fifty years ago, most women were stay-at-home mums with more free time. Few had jobs and television sets were rare.
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Topic: - on January 20, 2003 at 1:35:59 PM CET
Cubans Vote in One-Party General Elections
Cubans voted in one-party general elections on Sunday, with President Fidel Castro saying the election showed defiance against U.S. efforts to destroy the country's communist revolution.
Dissidents dismissed the poll as a fraud and urged people to boycott it, but authorities said that 7.4 million people, or 89.6 percent of registered voters, had cast their ballots by early.
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Topic: - on January 20, 2003 at 12:52:17 PM CET
Coyote Linux
This product is a single floppy distribution of Linux that is designed for the sole purpose of sharing an Internet connection. The floppy can be created using either a Microsoft Windows "wizard", or by using a set of Linux shell scripts. In addition to being designed to have very low hardware requirements, the floppy release of Coyote Linux is able to provide the performance and uptime that is expected from any Linux based system.
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Topic: - on January 20, 2003 at 12:20:04 PM CET
The Invisible Web Revealed
"If only I had known!" was the bitter cry of the searcher who relied just on search engines to search the Web. Although many popular search engines boast about their ability to index information on the Web, more of it (dynamically-generated pages, certain file formats, and information held within numerous databases) is becoming invisible to their searching spiders. Much of the Web is hiding information from us, but we can access this hidden content! Learn how you can reveal the secrets of these dark, hiding places.
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Topic: - on January 20, 2003 at 12:11:15 PM CET
Explosion in Chinese fireworks factory kills seven
An explosion at a fireworks factory in central China has killed seven people and injured nine others. Government officials say police are investigating the cause of the blast in Linli, a city in Hunan province. The death toll added to the annual surge in fatal accidents, as fireworks production rises before the Lunar
New Year. This year the holiday falls on February 1.
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Topic: - on January 20, 2003 at 11:51:11 AM CET
Ich schlag dir deine blöde Hackfresse ein
Der wohl umstrittenste Kandidat ist Daniel Küblböck, der 17-jährige Bayer mit der Quietschestimme. Mit seinen "99 Luftballons" von Nena brachte er die meisten der Zuschauer auf seine Seite: Kreischende Mädchen, Liebesbekundungen auf Plakaten. Während die verbleibenden Kandidaten mit Stimmgewalt überzeugen, entzückt Küblböck seine Anhänger mit coolen Sprüchen, Partystimmung und Ausstrahlung.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Spiegel
¬> fanbetreuung ¬> danielsuperstar ¬> daniel-fanseite 1 ¬> daniel-fanseite 2 ¬> nicht-daniel !
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Topic: - on January 20, 2003 at 11:48:05 AM CET
Polizei stürmt Moschee in London
Anti-Terroreinheiten der britischen Polizei haben in London die Moschee eines radikalislamischen Geistlichen gestürmt und sieben Personen festgenommen. Nach Angaben von Scotland Yard stand die Aktion in Verbindung mit dem Fund des hochgiftigen Biokampfstoffs Ricin Anfang des Monats in einer Wohnung in London. Vier Algerier, die dabei festgenommen worden waren und inzwischen als Terroristen angeklagt sind, hatten die Moschee regelmäßig besucht.
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