Topic: - on January 19, 2003 at 12:50:32 PM CET
Japanese go crazy over Taiwan's boxed lunches
As the only international representative invited to participate in an annual lunchbox show in Japan, Taiwan's classic pork chop and vegetable lunchbox proved its worth by becoming the event's biggest draw. A combination of pork chops, cabbage and rice gave Taiwan's often-absent and much-maligned presence on the international stage a flavorsome boost last week, when Taiwan Railway's classic pork chop and vegetable lunchbox (台灣懷舊排骨菜飯便當) became the first international participant to take part in an annual lunchbox show in Tokyo.
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Topic: - on January 19, 2003 at 12:44:21 PM CET
Schweizer Team Alinghi schreibt Segelsport-Geschichte
Olympiasieger Jochen Schümann und das Schweizer Segel-Team Alinghi Challenge haben vor Auckland in Neuseeland Segelsportgeschichte geschrieben. Mit dem fünften Sieg gegen Larry Ellisons Team Oracle BMW Racing (USA) gewannen die Eidgenossen die Herausforderer-Runde zum America's Cup mit 5:1 und ziehen damit als erstes Binnenland in der 151jährigen Geschichte des Cups in den Kampf um die älteste Sporttrophäe der Welt ein.
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Topic: - on January 19, 2003 at 12:42:06 PM CET
Musikindustrie will gemeinsam gegen Online-Piraten vorgehen
Die Musikindustrie kann nach Ansicht des US-Branchenverbandes RIAA nur durch eine stärkere Zusammenarbeit von Plattenfirmen, Verlegern und Künstlern im Kampf gegen Online-Piraten bestehen.
Alle Songs und Alben müssten schnellstens für den kommerziellen Vertrieb im Internet lizenziert, also freigegeben werden, sagte Hilary Rosen, Geschäftsführerin der Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) am Samstag auf dem eintägigen Fachkongress Midemnet in Cannes.
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Topic: - on January 19, 2003 at 12:38:39 PM CET
Robbie Williams ruft zum illegalen Download seiner Musik auf
Robbie Williams (29) hat Fans in aller Welt zum illegalen Download seiner Musik aus dem Internet aufgerufen. "Das ist eine großartige Sache, ehrlich. Es gibt nichts, was irgendjemand dagegen tun könnte", sagte er am Wochenende am Rande der Musikmesse Midem in Cannes. "Ich bin sicher, dass mich meine Plattenfirma EMI für diese Aussage hassen wird -- und mein Management und meine Buchhalter", fügte er ironisch grinsend hinzu. Zur gleichen Zeit diskutierten rund 1000 Fachleute auf dem eintägigen Kongress Midemnet in Cannes über Wege, die Online-Musikpiraterie einzudämmen, die der Musikindustrie jährlich Millionenverluste bringt.
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Topic: - on January 19, 2003 at 12:31:23 PM CET
Gene test to help you beat death sparks row on ethics
Do you want to know how you will die and when? Or would you rather live without that knowledge? Such a dilemma might only be expected to face characters in a science fiction novel or film. Until now.
The Observer can reveal that genetic tests that promise to foretell accurately our medical future are being sold in growing numbers across Britain.
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Topic: - on January 19, 2003 at 12:20:01 PM CET
Designer Drugs: Fact or Fiction?
The Human Genome Project created many breathless headlines promising, among other things, designer drugs for everyone. But the project's failure to bring about miraculous changes in health care burst biotech's stock market bubble.
The World Economic Forum, to be held in Davos, Switzerland, starting Jan. 23, will gather pioneering biotech executives to discuss the promise of drugs tailored to each person's genetic makeup: Are they hype, or are financial markets simply too impatient for science's comparatively slower pace?
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Topic: - on January 19, 2003 at 12:01:03 PM CET
A cow taking flight over the Alps
'The Cow,' a hot air balloon, takes off in the skiing resort of Chateau d'Oex, in the Swiss Alps, during Saturday's 25th International Hot Air Balloon week. More than 100 balloons from 19 countries were entered in the event.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Topeka Capital-Journal
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Topic: - on January 19, 2003 at 11:57:19 AM CET
Cuba votes in choice-free poll
Millions of Cubans are going to the polls on Sunday to vote for deputies in the country's National Assembly. In the election there are exactly the same number of candidates as seats and all the candidates are selected by government-approved bodies.
Dissidents on the island have described the vote as a sham.
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Topic: - on January 19, 2003 at 11:51:39 AM CET
Motorist runs out of gas; tank's full of marijuana
A sheriff's deputy who assisted two women and five children in a van after it ran out of gas here found there wasn't enough room in the tank because it was full of marijuana.
Eddy County sheriff's deputy Kelly Calicoat was dispatched to a location near the New Mexico-Texas state line Wednesday to help a motorist who ran out of gas.
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Topic: - on January 19, 2003 at 11:41:46 AM CET
Orbital tracker
The beta version of the Orbital Tracker has been updated to more accurately depict the shuttle and station as they orbit the Earth. New features include zoom and rendezvous views as well as audio of shuttle engine firings.
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Topic: - on January 19, 2003 at 11:35:22 AM CET
One hundred years ago
on Saturday, a young Italian inventor named Guglielmo Marconi stood on a sandy bluff on Cape Cod and sent a 54-word greeting from President Theodore Roosevelt across the ocean to England’s King Edward VII. A few hours later, the king responded, completing a dialogue that at the time seemed like pure magic. Marconi had launched the era of global wireless communications.
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Topic: - on January 19, 2003 at 11:26:04 AM CET
Designed for your Discomfort
Your hands might be ready for a challenge and you don't even know it. Why not put them to the test? Introducing a completely new style of keyboard: the Microsoft Unnatural Keyboard Pro. With a new inverted twist on the split keyboard design, you'll find the Unnatural Keyboard Pro remarkably hard to type on -- in fact, you'll wonder how it ever made it out of Microsoft R&D.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">4bitterguys
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