Topic: - on January 15, 2003 at 2:35:37 PM CET
Giuliani Down To 9 Bodyguards
With New York City's budget shriveling, former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani is down to nine bodyguards. A source says the city has also asked Giuliani to pay for his guards' travel expenses. About 20 officers had been protecting Giuliani and close relatives after he left office on the first of the year. The annual cost was nearly $1 million.
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Topic: - on January 15, 2003 at 2:31:18 PM CET
Exploding frying pans recalled
About 8,700 frying pans sold through America's Home Shopping Network are being recalled because they can "explode" while in use, according to U.S. safety regulators.
Two consumers have been burned from hot oil and there have also been eight reports of property damage involving the frying pans, the Davenport, Iowa-based Innova reported to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
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Topic: - on January 15, 2003 at 11:41:12 AM CET
Schweizer und segeln? - Alinghi baut Führung weiter aus
In der Best-of-nine-Serie fehlen Alinghi nach der am Mittwoch gewonnenen dritten Wettfahrt nur noch zwei Siege, um das Finale um den America's Cup zu erreichen. Im Hauraki Golf vor Auckland gewann die Schweizer Crew mit dem deutschen Sportdirektor Jochen Schümann gegen das amerikanische Team Oracle BMW Racing mit einem Vorsprung von 1:03 Minuten.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Spiegel
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Topic: - on January 15, 2003 at 11:38:21 AM CET
Milzbrand-Brief in US-Notenbank entdeckt
n der Poststelle der amerikanischen Notenbank Federal Reserve (Fed) sind erneut Milzbranderreger gefunden worden. Der verseuchte Brief war an Vizepräsident Roger Ferguson adressiert. "Wir haben ein einzelnes Testergebnis aus einer ganzen Reihe von Proben, die bei der Notenbank gemacht wurden", sagte Tom Day vom US Postal Service am Dienstag in Washington. Es handle sich anscheinend um einen Einzelfall. Ein Sprecher der Fed bestätigte, dass ein an Vize-Präsident Roger Ferguson adressierter Brief dreimal positiv auf den Milzbranderreger getestet worden sei.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Spiegel
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Topic: - on January 15, 2003 at 11:31:20 AM CET
Deep Throat documentary in works
Oscar-winning filmmakers Brian Grazer and Ron Howard's Imagine Entertainment will make a feature documentary on the cultural impact of the 1972 porn film "Deep Throat."
The $25,000 "Deep Throat" is still considered the most profitable film ever, having grossed around $600 million. The picture also fueled a sexual revolution. The directors of the documentary will be Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato, who filmed the HBO expose "Monica Lewinsky in Black and White."
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Topic: - on January 15, 2003 at 11:27:47 AM CET
Monster Machine
Kevin 'Dr. Frankenstein' Rose creates a revolutionary hybrid PC built from Mac and PC hardware. I love my Mac and I love my PC, but what I don't love is having two monitors, two keyboards, and two mouses. Switching back and forth has become a royal pain. And since Jobs and Gates probably won't be releasing a Mac/PC combo box any time soon, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
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Topic: - on January 15, 2003 at 11:19:05 AM CET
Elton John: I'm right behind you, Pete
TROUBLED Townshend was last night backed by his close pal Sir Elton John.
Speaking in the US, Elton, 55, said he was shocked by Townshend’s arrest. He added: “I love Pete and my thoughts are with him.”
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Topic: - on January 15, 2003 at 10:58:17 AM CET
Phony Advisory Attacks RIAA
A hoax message posted to two security mailing lists Monday suggests that the Recording Industry Association of America has hired a group of hackers who have developed a worm capable of infecting and shutting down peer-to-peer file-sharing software. The hackers claim to have released the worm, on the RIAA's orders, and that it now controls almost 95 percent of "all P2P participating hosts."
The RIAA said the message was a total fabrication.
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Topic: - on January 15, 2003 at 10:48:26 AM CET
Copyright truce for music, tech firms
Hollywood spurned a high-stakes agreement disclosed Tuesday between leading music and technology companies aiming to protect copyrights on digital movies and music without new government involvement. The unusual compromise, brokered among the music industry and some of the largest computer companies, lists seven “guiding principles” that the companies hope lawmakers will take into account as Congress develops future technology policies.
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Topic: - on January 15, 2003 at 10:32:06 AM CET

A water balloon lands on the face of Greek soccer player of Olympiakos FC Dimitris Mavrogenidis during a first division match between archrivals Olympiakos and Panathinaikos in Athens.
¬> Reuters... Link (1 comment) ... Comment
Topic: - on January 15, 2003 at 10:23:46 AM CET
Antipiracy plan takes shape
The music and software industries have reached a "landmark consensus" in a divisive debate over copy protection, trade groups representing both sides said in a statement.
Details of policy plans endorsed by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the Business Software Alliance (BSA) and the Computer Systems Policy Project (CSSP) will be jointly released Tuesday, the groups said.
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Topic: - on January 15, 2003 at 10:17:32 AM CET
Canine Cupid killed in Jordan
A dog trained to carry messages between two Jordanian lovers has been stoned to death after his secret mission was discovered.
The three-year-old German Shepherd, named Big Joe, was carrying a marriage proposal when he was intercepted by the girl's brother last week.
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