Topic: - on January 14, 2003 at 6:18:09 PM CET
Ghost Ship Packed with Rotten Fish Found at Sea
Australian police said on Tuesday they were baffled by the discovery of a ghost ship full of rotting fish -- but no crew or life rafts -- drifting off the remote northwest coast of Australia.
The 65-foot High Aim 6, registered in Taiwan and flying an Indonesian flag, was intercepted and boarded by the Australian navy last week about 185 miles west of the fishing port of Broome after it was spotted drifting aimlessly.
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Topic: - on January 14, 2003 at 6:15:59 PM CET
Naked Chef
Jamies kitchen up for award
They were among society's rejects, and the nation watched them burn, drop and destroy dishes as they struggled to learn to cook - but now they are making some of the best food in London and are in line for the capital's top restaurant awards.
Jamie Oliver's restaurant Fifteen in Hoxton - set up to give jobless teenagers the chance to become top chefs - has been shortlisted for the title of New restaurant of the year in the Tio Pepe Carlton London Restaurant Awards.

¬><a href=" "target="_blank">lecker
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Topic: - on January 14, 2003 at 6:08:01 PM CET
Music, Tech Groups OK Copyright Plans
The leading trade associations for the music and technology industries, which have been at loggerheads over consumers downloading songs on the Internet, have negotiated a compromise they contend will protect copyrights on movies and music without new government involvement.
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Topic: - on January 14, 2003 at 6:01:42 PM CET
RIAA Hack 11.01.03
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Topic: - on January 14, 2003 at 5:54:02 PM CET
Internet error puts Starwood in no-win situation
A month ago, Starwood's Web site recently showed $85 rates — instead of $850 — for over-the-water bungalows during high season at its luxurious new resort on the French Polynesian island of Bora Bora in the South Pacific.
Over two days, 136 people booked 2,631 rooms at the cheap rate and some made multiple reservations covering more than two months of vacation, Starwood says. If all the reservations were kept, the glitch would cost the resort $2 million.
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Topic: - on January 14, 2003 at 5:45:15 PM CET
UFO over the bra fence?
Is it a bra, is it some panties ... no, it's an unidentified flying object.
Cardrona's bra fence has attracted worldwide attention since it hit the headlines more than a year ago, but a photograph taken last month has some people questioning whether word has spread even further.

¬><a href=""target="_blank">Stuff
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Topic: - on January 14, 2003 at 5:32:33 PM CET
Georgia Court Strikes Down 1833 Law Against Unmarried Sex
The Georgia Supreme Court struck down a 170-year-old law that made it a crime for unmarried people to have sex.
The ruling Monday came in the case of a 16-year-old boy discovered having sex with his girlfriend in the bedroom of her home. The young woman's mother made the discovery.
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Topic: - on January 14, 2003 at 5:28:04 PM CET
Calgary cops find 69 duffle bags of pot, cocaine during random trailer search
Brazen drug dealers didn't even attempt to try to hide two tonnes of marijuana discovered during a random check of a semi-trailer on the weekend. Inside, police found 69 duffle bags crammed with dope bound for locales as far east as Boston and Philadelphia. Nine palettes of the bags were stacked from floor to ceiling. "This is a case where even the common man would think to put it in the back, put some boxes in front," Staff Sgt. Roger Chaffin said Monday. Police also seized 250 kilograms of cocaine. The drugs were discovered at a weigh-scale west of Calgary on Saturday.
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Topic: - on January 14, 2003 at 12:55:22 PM CET
56-year-old soccer hooligan jailed for five years
A 56-year-old Millwall fan became Britain's oldest convicted soccer hooligan Monday when he was jailed for five years for kicking a police horse.
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Topic: - on January 14, 2003 at 12:53:00 PM CET
Is the RIAA "hacking you back"?
The RIAA is preparing to infect MP3 files in order to audit and eventually disable file swapping, according to a startling claim by hacker group Gobbles. In a posting to the Bugtraq mailing list, Gobbles himself claims to have offered his code to the RIAA, creating a monitoring "hydra".
RIAA infiziert Tauschbörsen Sicherheitsfirma brüstet sich damit entsprechenden Wurm programmiert zu haben – angeblich bereits 95 Prozent der Clients infiziert. Für einiges Aufsehen sorgt momentan ein Posting der "Sicherheitsfirma" GOBBLES Security an die Sicherheits-Mailing-Liste Bugtraq. In diesem behaupten die SchreiberInnen vor mehren Monaten von der Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) mit der Programmierung von Anti-Piraterie-Software beauftragt worden zu sein. Das Ergebnis dieser Bemühungen sei ein Wurm der sich mittlerweile so gut verbreitet habe, dass die RIAA damit einen Großteil der an Tauschbörsen teilnehmenden Clients kontrollieren könne.
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Topic: - on January 14, 2003 at 12:48:43 PM CET
Was ist Schönheit? Wenn Sie das untenstehende Bild betrachten, werden Sie dieses Gesicht sicher schön finden. Aber warum? Hier fällt eine Antwort schon schwerer.
Dass Ihnen dieses Gesicht gefällt, ist nicht erstaunlich. Es wurde mit Hilfe eines Computers berechnet und von Psychologen der Universität Regensburg so optimiert, dass es von möglichst vielen Menschen als möglichst attraktiv empfunden wird.

If you take a look at the picture above, you will quite certainly think that this is a very beautiful face. But what makes you be so sure about that? Finding answers to why we regard one face as being more beautiful than another is actually not as easy as it seems.
Nevertheless, at least in the case of the above photograph, it's not a big surprise that you think this is an attractive face. Each pixel of that face has been calculated by scientists using a specialized software program - that is, it has been altered in a special way in order to make people think this is an attractive face.
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Topic: - on January 14, 2003 at 12:45:01 PM CET
The Aibo speedboard allows your robot pet (The Sony Aibo ERS-210) to speed around.

¬><a href=""target="_blank">insomedia
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