Topic: - on January 11, 2003 at 4:27:19 PM CET
Iranian teen faces death for drinking
A 19-year-old Iranian man has been sentenced to death by hanging for repeatedly drinking alcohol, local newspapers have reported. Under the country's strict Islamic laws, drinking is strictly forbidden, and those caught are usually whipped or heavily fined.
However if caught for a third time an offender can be sentenced to death.
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Topic: - on January 11, 2003 at 4:21:03 PM CET
Top Ten Reasons to Work at Google
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Topic: - on January 11, 2003 at 4:18:08 PM CET
The Tomahawk
Forget the Hayabusa, the Boost King, and even the V-8-powered Boss Hoss. Those are weak compared to the Dodge Tomahawk. Chrysler unveiled what might be the most radical of all motorcycles on Monday at the Detroit Auto Show.
DaimlerChrysler’s latest machine has an 8.3-liter V-10 engine yanked from a Dodge Viper mounted in a motorcycle chassis. The resulting machine, according to Chrysler, is capable of pumping out 500 horsepower and reaching 60 mph in about 2.5 seconds.

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Topic: - on January 11, 2003 at 4:13:18 PM CET
Police may quiz multi-millionaire legend over child porn photos after he is named by US investigators A MULTI-millionaire British rock star is at the centre of a child porn investigation, it was claimed last night. The man, a legendary name in Britain and the US, is suspected of subscribing to a seedy US pay-for-view internet service.
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Topic: - on January 11, 2003 at 4:09:07 PM CET
Norwegians launch beauty contest for cows
Farmers in Norway have launched a beauty pageant for cows. The winner will get the title "Miss Lista" - after the region where it is being held. Two judges will examine each cow and consider their body, legs and teats.
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Topic: - on January 11, 2003 at 10:40:37 AM CET
Spielberg Receives Star on Walk of Fame
"This is so surreal," the 56-year-old filmmaker told onlookers. "Getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame really makes you feel like you are part of this community."

¬><a href=""target="_blank">abc
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Topic: - on January 11, 2003 at 10:36:29 AM CET
Pirate Afghan Radio Broadcasts
Pirate Afghan Radio Station Broadcasting Anti-Government, Anti-U.S. Messages. A pirate radio station operating in eastern Afghanistan is broadcasting appeals to overthrow the fragile central government and attack U.S.-led coalition forces, area residents said Saturday.
The broadcasts have been picked up sporadically by residents of Paktia province around the area of Khost, said a local businessman reached by satellite telephone.
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Topic: - on January 11, 2003 at 10:30:49 AM CET
FBI issues nationwide warning on ricin toxin
The FBI yesterday issued a nationwide alert about ricin days after the arrest in London of seven men allegedly connected with an Algerian extremist group and the discovery of a small amount of the poison in their flat.
The Bureau contacted 17,000 law-enforcement officials, and provided advice and information on how to handle ricin and warning how the deadly toxin might be used in a terror attack.
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