Topic: - on January 5, 2003 at 9:48:57 PM CET
Traffic stop traumatizes family Couple handcuffed, dog shot to death over lost wallet
Losing your wallet in Cookeville, Tenn., can get you handcuffed on the side of the highway and your dog shot to death by police – at least, that was the experience of a North Carolina family returning from a vacation in Nashville.
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Topic: - on January 5, 2003 at 6:07:37 PM CET
Frankfurt hijacker arrested
The pilot who caused panic in Frankfurt when he hijacked a light aircraft and flew it over the city has been arrested.
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Topic: - on January 5, 2003 at 6:02:23 PM CET
Microsoft Enters Online Software Sales Arena
Chris Hoofnagle, legislative counsel with the Electronic Privacy Information Center, told NewsFactor that consumers should be concerned about using product activation codes.
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Topic: - on January 5, 2003 at 5:57:24 PM CET
Ga-ga over Google
Visitors at Google's squat headquarters in Mountain View, California, sit in the lobby transfixed by the words scrolling by on the wall behind the receptionist.
The projected display, called Live Query, shows updated samples of what people around the world are typing into Google's search engine. The terms scroll by in English, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, French, Dutch, Italian - any of the 86 languages that Google tracks.
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Topic: - on January 5, 2003 at 5:53:54 PM CET
The ethics of linkage
If you read "meta" sites like Slashdot, Kuro5hin, Fark, Met4filter (natch), and Memepool you've probably encountered links to stories that you can't reach -- namely because the act of linking to a server not prepared for massive traffic has brought down the server, or worse, put the hapless soul over their bandwidth cap denying any use to anyone for the rest of the month or day or whatever time period the ISP or hosting provider uses to allocate bandwidth.
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Topic: - on January 5, 2003 at 5:43:03 PM CET
Microsoft's masterplan to screw phone partner - full details
If Microsoft's extended family of lawyers was thinking it could now kick back and anticipate a kind of extended Spring Break for the rest of this Bush administration, the pre-Xmas filing by British phone company Sendo could yet be the cause of a few unexpected late nights.
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Topic: - on January 5, 2003 at 5:26:12 PM CET
Entführtes Flugzeug kreist über Frankfurt
Wegen eines entführten Motorseglers wurde der Flugverkehr über Frankfurt eingestellt. Der Mann, der offenbar den Piloten mit einer Pistole bedroht, soll gedroht haben, das Flugzeug auf die Stadt stürzen zu lassen. Der Hauptbahnhof und einige Hochhäuser wurden geräumt.

¬><a href=""target="_blank">Spiegel ¬> Icrontic ¬> local6
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Topic: - on January 5, 2003 at 5:23:04 PM CET
Österreichs heimliche Liebe putzt sich heraus
Die Zukunftsprognose für die Kulturhauptstadt 2003 ist günstig: Graz ist überschaubar genug, um die Idee des Kulturstadtjahres in konzentrierter Form zu repräsentieren, exotisch genug, um noch Entdeckerfreuden zu gewähren, und malerisch genug, um sich dauerhaft auf der touristischen Landkarte zu behaupten.
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Topic: - on January 5, 2003 at 4:51:17 PM CET
Kleinflugzeug kreist bedrohlich über Frankfurt
Ein entführtes oder gestohlenes Kleinflugzeug kreist seit dem Nachmittag über Frankfurt. Ersten Informationen zufolge hat der unbekannte Pilot gedroht, die Maschine in das Gebäude der Europäischen Zentralbank zu stürzen. Die Polizei steht nach eigenen Angaben in Kontakt mit dem Mann. Er spreche Deutsch und habe bislang keine Forderungen gestellt, die auf einen terroristischen Hintergrund hindeuten. Möglicherweise sei der Mann verwirrt.
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Topic: - on January 5, 2003 at 4:47:32 PM CET
What Marx can tell us about Bill Gates
In 1946 the Marx Brothers decided to make an independent feature film entitled A Night in Casablanca. IMHO (as they abbreviate 'in my humble opinion' on the net), the spoof is immeasurably superior to the original. Groucho plays the manager of the Hotel Casablanca, whose predecessors have been murdered by an escaped Nazi war criminal played by Sig Ruman. Chico and Harpo team up to protect Groucho, who runs the hotel in his own distinctive style.
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Topic: - on January 5, 2003 at 4:35:51 PM CET
Ticket to the Mars
Die Freie Universität Berlin will die Wirkung eines Mars-Fluges auf den Menschen testen. Man hat sich vorgenommen, die Auswirkungen extrem langer Schwerelosigkeit - bedingt durch die zweijährige Reisezeit - zu untersuchen. Vom 8. Jänner an können sich junge männliche Probanden für einen Langzeittest bewerben.
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Topic: - on January 5, 2003 at 4:08:22 PM CET
Psychadelics the anti-drug
Blaming Americans for funding terrorism is like blaming alcohol consumers in the 1920s for Al Capone's violence.
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