Topic: - on January 2, 2003 at 8:43:48 PM CET
Holiday Rice Cakes Prove Deadly
Three men, ages 87, 88 and 89, died Thursday after suffocating from the traditional New Year's fare. An 85-year-old man and a 92-year-old woman died Wednesday and an 86-year-old man died Sunday under similar circumstances, Tokyo Fire Department official Yuichi Yokomizo said.
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Topic: - on January 2, 2003 at 8:26:23 PM CET
Automaker To Change Slogan
# At Chrysler '=' Becomes '&'
A simple slogan change is in the works at DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler Group, as the automaker tries to refresh itself after watching sales drop in 2002.
The "Drive = Love" equation is giving way to "Drive & Love", which will be the new official slogan, Chrysler's marketing department announced Tuesday.
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Topic: - on January 2, 2003 at 6:26:06 PM CET
Police make record drug bust
When two men driving a new truck worth tens of thousands of dollars asked for a quarter to make a phone call, a station attendant got suspicious.
His quick thinking led area police to at least $2 million in pure cocaine that may be one of the biggest drug busts in Ohio history.
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Topic: - on January 2, 2003 at 6:18:39 PM CET
Twins "Separated" at Birth
One Born New Year's Eve, One New Year's Day
The first girl, Caleigh James Johnson, was born at 11:25 p.m. Tuesday and weighed 5 pounds, 14 ounces. Her sister, Emily Paige Johnson, was delivered 54 minutes later and was the first baby born in Ocean County in 2003. She weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and was born at 12:19 a.m. Wednesday.
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Topic: - on January 2, 2003 at 4:14:49 PM CET
Police Reveal Details Of Ross' Drunken Driving Arrest
Report Says Singer's Blood Alcohol Level Twice Legal Limit Police in Tuscon, Az., say legendary pop singer Diana Ross' blood alcohol level was two times over the state's legal limit after she was pulled over for an alleged drunken driving incident Sunday.
Diana RossAccording to The Associated Press, the police report said a witness reported a driver, alleged to be Ross, driving south in the northbound lanes Monday.
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Topic: - on January 2, 2003 at 4:05:11 PM CET
Vaporware 2002: Tech up in Smoke?
Wired News put out a call to readers for the technological wonders they most looked forward to in 2002 but never saw because developers delayed release or, in some cases, abandoned them altogether. Then we tabulated nominations and selected the top 10 -- or should we say bottom 10? -- most-waited-for-in-vain products.
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Topic: - on January 2, 2003 at 2:34:14 PM CET
STREAMINGMEDIA - 2002 - Using water as an organic network between two computers
Overview StreamingMedia is an interactive data sculpture that employs a new Internet protocol (H20/IP) I developed that uses water to transmit information between computers. H20/IP functions in a similar way as TCP/IP but focuses on the inherent viscous properties of water that are not present in traditional packet networks. The StreamingMedia demonstration of H20/IP exists as an installation of two computers at different heights where one captures an image and transmits it to the second computer in the form of modulated water drops. The project attempts to show how digital information can be encoded and decoded into organic forms to create a physical network between digital devices.
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Topic: - on January 2, 2003 at 2:28:12 PM CET
Hollywood out of ideas MAGNUM the movie
Just call him Magnum D.O.A. That pretty much describes the chances we have of seeing a "Magnum P.I." feature film. Tom Selleck tells GLARE, "It's obvious with all the television series they're making into movies these days that there's a demand for a film. In fact, in every interview I do people ask me, 'Hey Tom, how come we've never seen "Magnum: The Movie?"
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Topic: - on January 2, 2003 at 2:24:25 PM CET
Humanoid robots: companions or just costly toys?
In the 1950s, Astro Boy drew on his 100,000 horsepower and hip-mounted machineguns to fight evil-doers. Despite his supposed April 7, 2003, birthday, however, the creation of robots the likes of Astro will probably remain a superhero pipe dream forever.

¬><a href=""target="_blank">Japantimes
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Topic: - on January 2, 2003 at 2:21:42 PM CET
Villagers chase out "witches" over lightning bolts
South African villagers have hounded two elderly men from their homes after accusing them of using witchcraft to direct lightning bolts on to other houses, police said.
Police spokesman Ntobeng Phala told Reuters on Thursday villagers from Bokna Farm in the country's northern province of Limpopo met after three houses were set ablaze by lightning strikes.
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Topic: - on January 2, 2003 at 12:11:32 PM CET
After Famed Calaveras Jumping Contest, What to Do With All Those Frogs?
For years, organizers of the Calaveras County Fair and Frog Jumping Jubilee urged participants to carefully put the frogs back where they got them after the annual contest.
Last summer, they found out the practice is illegal in California.
It's not against the law to catch the bullfrogs that compete in the contest - but it's illegal to put them back, said Ed Pert, the California Department of Fish and Game's fisheries programs chief. Technically, violators could face a $5,000 fine and a year in jail.
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Topic: - on January 2, 2003 at 11:44:42 AM CET
Mehr als hundert Skifahrer in Sessellift gefangen
In luftiger Höhe saßen Dutzende Wintersportler in einer Schweizer Sesselbahn mehrere Stunden lang fest. Der Lift, der in das Skigebiet von Grächen im Oberwallis führt, hatte sich nach einer technischen Panne komplett abgeschaltet.
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