Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 3:00:14 PM CEST
Index Finger Length Can Predict Penis Size: Study
According to Greek scientists, the length of a man's index finger can accurately predict the length of his penis. The findings are published in the September issue of the journal Urology. Dr. Evangelos Spyropoulos and colleagues from the Naval and Veterans Hospital of Athens, Greece say they conducted their investigation to gather more information on the relationship between body measurements and male genitalia size. They argue that such information--as well as a clearer definition of "normal penile size"--will help doctors counsel and treat the many men who are concerned about perceived inadequacies relating to their genitals.
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 12:44:28 PM CEST
International Web Police
Web Police is an internationally recognized Internet Police Authority whose sole purpose is to serve and protect citizens of the Internet community throughout the world.
The staff of the International Web Police comprise the largest international crime fighting organization in the world dedicated to serving and protecting citizens of the Internet community. They have been fighting Internet related crime longer than any other organization in the world.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Web Police
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 12:38:08 PM CEST
Microelectronic devices that function by using the spin of the electron are a nascent multibillion-dollar industry--and may lead to quantum microchips. As rapid progress in the miniaturization of semiconductor electronic devices leads toward chip features smaller than 100 nanometers in size, device engineers and physicists are inevitably faced with the looming presence of quantum mechanics--that counterintuitive and sometimes mysterious realm of physics wherein wavelike properties dominate the behavior of electrons.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Scientific American
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 12:29:21 PM CEST
Food Scientist Developing Wine-Based Disinfectant
Chardonnay disinfects: at least it has some use
How about a nice glass of Chardonnay to go with that sponge when cleaning the kitchen? Looking to build on previous anti-microbial research and anecdotal evidence, Daeschel decided to take a hard, scientific look at a centuries-old piece of advice: drinking wine with a meal helped some people avoid food poisoning.
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 12:25:24 PM CEST
Sniper Letter to Police Found Near Killing Site in
Ashland, Va.
Text transcribed from a letter found near the Ashland, Va., Ponderosa restaurant where a man was shot and wounded Oct. 19.
2 stars) For you Mr. Police "Call me God" Do not release to the Press (3 stars)
For you Mr. Police "Call me God." Do not release to the press We have tried to contact you to start negotiation, But the incompitence of your forces in
(i) Mongomery Police "Officer Derick" at 240-773-5000 Friday. (ii) Rockville Police Dept. "female officer" at 301-309-3100. (iii) Task force "FBI" "female" at 1888-324-8800 (four times) (iv) priest at ashland (v) CNN Washington DC at (blacked out) These people took of call for a Hoax or Joke, so your failure to respond has cost you five lives. If stopping the killing is more important than catching us now, then you will accept our demand which are non-negotiable. (i) You will place ten million dollar in Bank of america account no. (blacked out) Pin no. (blacked out) activation date (blacked out) Exp. date (blacked out)
Name: (blacked out) member since (blacked out) Platinum Visa Account
We will have unlimited withdrawl at any atm world-wide. You will activate the bank account, credit card, and Pin number. We will contact you at Ponderosa (asland, VA) Buffet tel (pound sign): (blacked out) 6:00 am Sunday morning. You have until 9:00 a.m. Monday morning to complete transaction.
"Try to catch us withdrawing at least you will have less body bags."
(ii) If trying to catch us now more important then prepare you body bags.
If we give you our word that is what takes place
"Word is Bond."
P.S. your children are not safe anywhere at any time.

¬> Faksimile
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 12:17:23 PM CEST
Russian forces storm siege theatre
Russian security forces have stormed a Moscow theatre where Chechen rebels were holding hundreds hostage and brought it under their control, officials say.
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 12:09:14 PM CEST
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - Q247804
How to Remove Linux and Install Windows on Your Computer
This article describes how you can remove the Linux operating system from your computer, and install a Windows operating system. This article also assumes that Linux is already installed on the hard disk using Linux native and Linux swap partitions, which are incompatible with the Windows operating system, and that there is no free space left on the drive.
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 12:04:34 PM CEST
Road sign in Montgomery County
Maryland thanks police chief Charles Moose October 25, 2002, who lead the task force in the Washington, DC area sniper case.
¬> Reuters
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 11:57:36 AM CEST
Two F-16s Collide Over Utah's West Desert
Two F-16 fighter jets from Hill Air Force Base collided Friday over the Utah Test and Training Range in the desert west of the base, the military said. One pilot was rescued and was in good condition, the Air Force said in a statement. Search and rescue crews were trying to find the second pilot late Friday. His condition was unknown, said Capt. Angie Chang, a spokeswoman for the 388th Fighter Wing at Hill Air Force Base in Ogden.
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 11:44:37 AM CEST
Halloween Pumpkin Madness
We decided to do some pumpkin carving this year, so after Nitrozac did some research on the web, we applied that knowledge to some suitable pumpkin specimens!

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Pumpkin Madness
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 11:41:28 AM CEST back up after hack attack
Pyra has not yet determined when the hacker first got access to Blogger accounts, but the attack appeared to have started “early this morning,” Shellen said. Pyra took down the Blogger site at around 9 a.m. PT, and it was offline for about two and a half hours, he said. It was brought up at about 11:25 a.m. Pyra has not yet determined when the hacker first got access to Blogger accounts, but the attack appeared to have started “early this morning,” Shellen said. Pyra took down the Blogger site at around 9 a.m. PT, and it was offline for about two and a half hours, he said. It was brought up at about 11:25 a.m.
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 2:25:27 AM CEST
hmm what 22 with the NEW inventions
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