Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 8:41:30 PM CEST
Moskau: Geisel-Erschießungen noch diesen Abend?
Ein russischer Vermittler in der Geiselaffäre in Moskau hat heute Abend erklärt, die tschetschenischen Geiselnehmer würden noch heute mit der Erschießung der Geiseln beginnen, falls ihre Forderungen nicht erfüllt werden und führende Politiker nicht mit ihnen zu verhandeln begännen.
Was die Pravda schreibt weiter unten.
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 8:27:29 PM CEST
10,000 evacuated in tanker-truck accident
A toxic-chemical leak after an accident on the Beijing-Shanghai expressway lead to the evacuation of nearly 10,000 people from four nearby villages and stalled traffic for seven hours, the Beijing Morning Post reported yesterday.
A tanker-truck, which was carrying 4 tonnes of phosphorus trichloride and travelling at 108 kmh, was hit in the rear by another truck during the accident on Sunday.
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 8:19:22 PM CEST
Documents on the Sniper
Beltway Sniper suspect John Allen Muhammad served in the U.S. Army for 15 years as a "demolitions/weapons expert" and could "make a weapon out of anything," his former wife once reported. According to Mildred Muhammad, she was hospitalized in May 2000 when she received a phone call from John Muhammad, who threatened to kill her.
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 8:07:56 PM CEST
Observations from the Scene: Alpha Force Brought In
Observations from the scene.
Today, eight children have been released, between the ages of six and twelve. It is reported that 25 children remain in the building.
It is being said that the Russian government has broken off talks. The Russian government will not consider removing Russian troops from Chechnya. In fact, because of this, the government is promising to come down even harder in Chechnya.
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 8:04:17 PM CEST
Rugby team banned from international play after losing 151-0
Dinamo Bucharest's rugby union team has been banned by their own board from international competition for the next two years after a record 151-0 defeat by Saracens last weekend. All the players and the coach were fined for their dismal performance.
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 8:00:11 PM CEST
IBM Builds Circuit with Carbon Monoxide Molecules
IBM has been working on molecular computing for years as it tries to find an alternative to silicon-based semiconductors in modern computers. One circuit is so small that 190 billion could fit on a standard pencil-top eraser, IBM said.
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 7:57:27 PM CEST
e-bay10-Screen LCD Display by 9X Media
Get more done and have more fun! Increase your productivity and capabilities with this scalable 10-screen X-TOP display by 9X Media. It takes up nominal desktop real estate while providing TEN! times the display power. This system includes TEN impressive narrow-bezel 19" SlimLine LCD screens. All graphics cards to run the displays are included.
$21,000.00 each Location Sunnyvale Ca. Quantity 1 available Country United States Time left 36 mins, 0 secs
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 7:51:24 PM CEST
Federal drug agents seize man's state-allowed medical marijuana
The daylight basement in Leroy Stubblefield's Sweet Home area house seems an unlikely battlefield for America's war on drugs.
Stubblefield, a 52-year-old quadriplegic, and two of his caregivers were growing 12 marijuana plants in his basement in a state-licensed operation until Sept. 23, when a federal drug agent seized them in a drug raid. No one was arrested.
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 7:46:15 PM CEST
Iraq kicks out journalists for coverage of protests
Apparently angered by recent U.S. news reports on dissent, Iraqi officials Thursday told many foreign journalists, including staff members for CNN, ABC and NBC, that they must leave the country within days, according to executives at the networks.
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 7:43:33 PM CEST
Iceland invents energy-from-water machine
Now an Icelandic team has invented a radical device which can produce electricity from water. The Thermator could play a major role in the non-polluting economies of the future.
It works by something called the thermo-electric effect, which scientists have known about for many years. But while thermo-electric generators have mainly been used to power spacecraft, such as Voyager and Galileo using heat from radioactive materials, the Thermator is firmly rooted on Earth and works on nothing more than hot water.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 7:25:23 PM CEST
A patently absurd invention?
Inventors have been registering bright ideas with the UK Patent Office for 150 years. While the flush toilet, computer and aspirin have proved invaluable, the same cannot be said of every innovation. Inventors have been registering bright ideas with the UK Patent Office for 150 years. While the flush toilet, computer and aspirin have proved invaluable, the same cannot be said of every innovation.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 7:16:40 PM CEST
Snipermobile was pulled over by cops on Oct. 2 and Oct. 3
On 2 October, officers from Montgomery County - the force leading the massive manhunt - stopped the car as it was driven by Muhammad, 42, but let it go without searching it. The next day - when four people were killed by the sniper in Montgomery County and one in Washington DC at night - police in the capital again stopped the car but did not have enough cause to arrest Muhammad or search the vehicle.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Evening Standard
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