Topic: - on October 22, 2002 at 10:32:17 PM CEST
Ein See für Außeriridische
Lebensbedingungen wie auf dem Mars. Ein Team von Wissenschaftlern erkundet den höchsten See der Welt, weil dort extreme Lebensbedingungen herrschen, die wohl denen auf dem Mars der Vergangenheit ähneln.
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Topic: - on October 22, 2002 at 10:25:25 PM CEST
Universe is 'doomed to collapse'
Forget the idea that we live in a youthful universe. If two American professors are correct, the cosmos is middle-aged. And it has not got an old age to look forward to. Despite what recent observations suggest, Professor Andrei Linde from Stanford University and his wife Professor Renata Kallosh say the universe will stop expanding and collapse in the relatively near future.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on October 22, 2002 at 10:23:44 PM CEST
Wiener mit 2,5 Tonnen Haschisch erwischt
2,5 Tonnen Haschisch haben Zollbeamte in Südfrankreich im LKW eines 42-jährigen Wieners gefunden. Gegen den Mann ist Anklage wegen Drogenhandels erhoben worden.
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Topic: - on October 22, 2002 at 10:21:10 PM CEST
'Italian Stonehenge' found on mountain
A series of prehistoric stone structures, reminiscent of Stonehenge but taller and possibly earlier, have been located 3,500ft above sea level on a mountain in Calabria, southern Italy.
The structures - now largely in ruins as a result of earthquakes - are mainly made up of two columns of large, square granite blocks, topped by a lintel.
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Topic: - on October 22, 2002 at 10:17:47 PM CEST
Konferenz zu digitalen Bürgerrechten
Die Wiener Cyber-Liberty-Gruppen Quintessenz und VIBE veranstalten gemeinsam mit dem Open Society Institute die erste Central European Cyber Liberties Conference.
Die zweitägige Konferenz findet ab Freitag im Wiener Museumsquartier statt und setzt sich zum Ziel, Internet-Aktivisten aus ganz Europa zusammenzubringen. Schwerpunktthema ist die Gefahr, die von den Datensammlungstendenzen in Europa ausgeht.
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Topic: W A R - on October 22, 2002 at 10:11:44 PM CEST
Smart bombs still stupid
"Smart" bombs have advanced by magnitudes since 1991. But war takes place under imperfect conditions. Targeting data may be faulty, computer chips can fail, and greater accuracy can breed overconfidence.
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Topic: - on October 22, 2002 at 10:07:26 PM CEST
Holocaust survivor says the world has learnt little since Auschwitz
"The world seems to be careening towards new forms of madness, new disasters reminiscent of those which half-a-century ago destroyed my world, my family and my childhood." It is as if two people cohabit within 73-year-old Pisar. One is the modern man of international affairs, who has advised heads of state as diverse as John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Valery Giscard d'Estaing.
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Topic: - on October 22, 2002 at 9:53:06 PM CEST
Virginia Schools Linked to Sniper Threat
A note found near the Virginia restaurant where a man was shot and critically wounded by the elusive Washington area sniper indicated a possible threat to area schools, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported on Tuesday.
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Topic: - on October 22, 2002 at 9:49:51 PM CEST
'Watch for Deer' signs go high-tech
An experimental system is being tried in Yellowstone National Park that uses radar to detect large animals. If an animal like a bison, elk, deer or moose enters the radar beam, the system triggers flashing lights on a road warning sign.
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Topic: - on October 22, 2002 at 9:40:46 PM CEST
Account of police contact with possible sniper
source close to the Washington-area sniper investigation gave the following account of the communication between police and the person investigators suspect is the sniper:
•A letter police believe to have been left by the sniper behind the Ponderosa Steakhouse in Ashland, Virginia -- the scene of Saturday night's sniper shooting -- contained a phone number. Police were instructed to call the sniper at that phone number to establish communication.
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Topic: - on October 22, 2002 at 5:19:27 PM CEST
Sniper alert over French marksman
The French deserter had been training to be a second lieutenant in the army at the prestigious Saint-Cyr, in Coetquidan in the northern coastal region of Brittany. The school provides general training in shooting but does not train elite sharp-shooters.
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Topic: - on October 22, 2002 at 4:40:59 PM CEST
$9.3 million in cocaine, heroin found in Peru onion shipment sent to Vidalia
Police found 29 kilos of cocaine and eight kilos of heroin inside the bags, said Toombs County Sheriff Alvie Kight Jr. The heroin seizure is believed to be the largest ever in Georgia, state agents said. Vidalia, in rural southeast Georgia, is known for its famous sweet Vidalia onions. But in the off-season, Vidalia onion growers process imported onions for commercial sale.
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