Topic: - on October 19, 2002 at 8:43:40 PM CEST
Boeing makes once-secret, subsonic 'Bird of Prey' public
Named after a Klingon spacecraft in "Star Trek," The Boeing Co. yesterday took the wraps off what was once one of its most classified "black" military airplane projects known as the "Bird of Prey." The plane, which looks like something that should be flying -- and probably once did -- at the super-secret Area 51 Nevada test range, helped Boeing pioneer stealth technology and new and more-affordable ways to design and build airplanes.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Seattle Post-Intelligencer
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Topic: - on October 19, 2002 at 7:06:44 PM CEST
Patients, growers sue Feds over medical marijuana raids
Medical marijuana patients and growers sued U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and Drug Enforcement Administration chief Asa Hutchinson on Wednesday, claiming federal raids are violating their civil rights. The federal lawsuit is both a response to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling against the Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative last year, and a reaction to recent DEA raids against medical marijuana patients and providers.
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Topic: - on October 19, 2002 at 7:03:52 PM CEST
Explosion rocks Moscow McDonald's
A car bomb has exploded in south-west Moscow near a crowded McDonald's restaurant. At least seven people have been injured, including a child, police said. Police have ruled out a terrorist motive and say it was probably connected to criminal activity.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on October 19, 2002 at 11:34:51 AM CEST
US-Polizei kommt bei Suche nach Heckenschützen voran
Auf der Suche nach dem Heckenschützen von Washington hat die US-Polizei möglicherweise einen ersten Erfolg erzielt. Am Flughafen Dulles bei Washington sei ein weißer Kastenwagen sichergestellt worden, in dem die Reinigungskräfte einer Autovermietung eine Patronenhülse gefunden hätten, berichtete die "Washington Post". Gegen einen vermeintlichen Augenzeugen erhob die Polizei Anklage wegen Falschaussage.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Freie Presse
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Topic: - on October 19, 2002 at 11:23:30 AM CEST
Holograms in Motion
The newest 3-D video displays herald an interactive future for imaging.
A half-meter-long protein floats in midair, several centimeters in front of a monitor. It looks like an oversize curled ribbon from a birthday package. As three molecular biologists maneuver around the image, studying the complex molecule from different angles, it begins to fold, slowly twisting and interlocking into a tangled knot. Its shape is a clue to the function it performs in the human body: some proteins produce chemical reactions or behave like a kind of scaffolding for cells, while others help with cell division. Creation of a drug that encourages or blocks a protein’s action—say, preventing cancerous cells from dividing—could lead to more effective treatments. One of the researchers uses a stylus to prod the protein at several points. As she does so, the protein refolds itself, revealing a location that could be targeted with a drug to inhibit the protein’s function.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Technology Review
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Topic: - on October 19, 2002 at 11:16:45 AM CEST
Police seize white box truck with shell casing inside
Investigators of the Washington-area sniper shootings Friday night seized a white box truck after a shell casing was found inside the vehicle at a Virginia car rental agency, Montgomery County Police said.
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Topic: - on October 19, 2002 at 4:03:32 AM CEST
Mit Rilke in die Charts
Lyrik ist out, "Chill out"-Musik ist in. Mit Gedichten von Rainer-Maria Rilke, die von Prominenten vorgetragen und von sphärischer Musik untermalt werden, hat die Musikindustrie offenbar eine Marktlücke aufgetan. In Hamburg wurde die zweite CD des "Rilke Projekts" vorgestellt.
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Topic: BOARD NEWS - on October 19, 2002 at 3:37:58 AM CEST
Der "Riesenvogel" von Alaska zieht weiter seine Kreise
Mehrere Bewohner des US-Bundesstaates Alaska wollen einen Vogel von der Größe eines Kleinflugzeuges gesehen haben. Wissenschaftler bezweifeln jedoch, dass Vögel dieser Größe noch existieren können. Die Kreatur, die wie ein Wesen aus dem Dinosaurier-Film "Jurassic Park" aussehe, habe eine Flügelspannweite von gut viereinhalb Metern, berichteten Bewohner der Dörfer Togiak und Manokotak im Südwesten Alaskas der Zeitung "Anchorage Daily News" in dieser Woche. Unter den Augenzeugen ist ein Pilot, der angab, den Riesenvogel kürzlich in nur 300 Metern Entfernung aus seinem Flugzeug beobachtet zu haben.
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Topic: - on October 19, 2002 at 1:40:54 AM CEST
Cause of brown spots remain a mystery
They've been publicized and sampled, but the brown spots that appeared on cars, plastic furniture and house siding over the summer remain as much a mystery as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. The spots were first observed in August by residents of Springdale, who pointed to Reliant Energy's Cheswick Power Plant as the possible cause. But as news spread, residents of other communities reported seeing the same spots.
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Topic: - on October 19, 2002 at 12:21:40 AM CEST
Understand the Zeitgeist !
Resolving the UFO Mystery and The Riddle of Biblical Prophecy Using C.G. Jung's Concept of Synchronicity
ACHTUNG WARNING large file (18mb)
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Topic: - on October 19, 2002 at 12:12:55 AM CEST
Reality show plans Everest climb
An American cable channel is looking for contestants prepared to climb Mount Everest to compete for a cash prize in a new reality television show. The assault on the world's tallest mountain will be the culmination of the new series on the Outdoor Life Network.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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