Topic: - on October 17, 2002 at 4:02:38 PM CEST
Tear-free onion could be on the menu
It's as certain as death and taxes. Chopping onions makes people cry. Now scientists in Japan say they may have discovered a way to dry the tears without taking away any of the taste.
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Topic: - on October 17, 2002 at 4:00:41 PM CEST
Aibo gets a skateboard
THE SPEED BOARDS will be available online and in retail stores in November, and will cost $249. Compatible robot models will also respond to voice commands from consumers, such as “turn right” or “turn left.” When the Aibo is not “zipping around” on its Speed Board, it will randomly dance, Sony said.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">CNET
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Topic: - on October 17, 2002 at 2:35:54 PM CEST
Amazing pill combats the effects of alcohol.
The effects are dramatic. Two capsules taken 30 to 45 minutes before drinking any alcoholic beverage, notox® helps to restore internal balance and vitality. Recommended dosages and results will vary in individuals by weight, gender, metabolism rate and overall physiology.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">notox®
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Topic: - on October 17, 2002 at 2:33:13 PM CEST
Drugs destroyed in public bonfire
AFGHAN authorities have sent a 2500kg pile of hashish and raw opium up in smoke in a bonfire the government said symbolised the rescue of thousands of lives.
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Topic: - on October 17, 2002 at 2:28:06 PM CEST
Station grows into largest man-made space vehicle
When shuttle Atlantis departed the International Space Station on Wednesday, it left behind the largest man-made vehicle in space. Opinions differ about whether it's aesthetically pleasing. Shot from a distance, the photographs of Alpha look like a string of silvery beer cans stretching 146 feet long -- about the length of two mobile homes sitting end to end. Set against the blackest of backgrounds, the steely look of the modules is complemented by the shimmering gold of solar panels that stretch almost the length of a football field.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Florida Today
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Topic: - on October 17, 2002 at 2:24:30 PM CEST
schwedisch spreche ich leider nicht aber
Det ska va' husvagn - på EU-mopeden

MOPPE MED HUS Aftonbladets reporter fick många förbipasserande att vända på huvudet när han tog Camprider på en provtur utanför mässområdet.
¬> Aftonbladet
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Topic: - on October 17, 2002 at 12:53:37 PM CEST
MIT Robot Helicopter Does Split-S
According to a press release from MIT, the MIT Autonomous X-Cell 60 Helicopter has completed a Split-S. MIT professor Eric Feron claims this is the most "complex maneuver ever completed automatically by any helicopter". In February, covered the MIT helicopter's autonomous performance of a 360 degree aileron roll.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">MIT
Dont miss the video
¬> Windows Media - 1.3 ¬> AVI - 2.2 Mb
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Topic: - on October 17, 2002 at 12:43:08 PM CEST
SCROB: Subsumption Controlled Robot Bug
The SRS has published an article by George Vastianos describing SCROB, one of several robots he has created. SCROB uses a combination of subsumption architecture and finite state machines (FSMs) to produce life-like robot behaviours. The articles includes schematics, FSM diargrams, source code, and photos. You can also download SCROB's source code from Vastianos' website.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">
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Topic: - on October 17, 2002 at 12:35:47 PM CEST
The media player war picks up stream
Have you ever installed a new video player and found that it had disabled one that was already on your PC? Welcome to the streaming-media wars--competing companies will do anything to ensure their player is your default video viewer.
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Topic: - on October 17, 2002 at 12:21:17 PM CEST
NASA Shuttle Atlantis Undocks from Space Station
The STS-112 crewmembers said goodbye to the Expedition Five crew and began their trip home. Space Shuttle Atlantis undocked from the International Space Station today at 8:13 a.m. CDT (1313 GMT). Prior to undocking, the hatches between the station and Atlantis were closed at 6:15 a.m. CDT (1115 GMT).

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Space Ref
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Topic: - on October 17, 2002 at 12:16:58 PM CEST
Other solar systems
There is a fish with a solar system in its mouth. This fish swims through our nighttime skies and bears the name Piscis Austrinus the Southern Fish. The star that forms its mouth, Fomalhaut, is just 200 million years old and 2.3 times the size of the sun. Around it, astronomers have discovered a disk of gas and dust and comets, and evidence of a planet the size of Saturn.
¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Astronomy
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Topic: - on October 17, 2002 at 12:11:00 PM CEST
Site Review: Google News Beta
Never has a news product so clearly exposed the old-school thinking from the new. The prevailing banter over Google News: On one side, it's a realized global newsstand - a stunning example of programming and understanding of the web. The other side, it's just another portal/link aggregator, with less than average value to news consumers.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Hypergene
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