Topic: - on October 14, 2002 at 5:46:59 PM CEST
The History of Breakdancing
To most American radio listeners, even to casual fans of hip hop, breakdancing was a fad whose moment passed before the end of the '80s, tossed into the decade's time capsule along with acid wash and decent John Hughes movies.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">NPR Foundation's Fund
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Topic: - on October 14, 2002 at 5:40:02 PM CEST
Did Germany give Iraq nuclear technology?
Film Probes German-Iraq Nuclear Link
The documentary, "Stealing the Fire," also offers a rare close-up look at a "proliferator," the engineer Karl-Heinz Schaab, who emerges on film as a bland, gray, fastidious 68-year-old technician who protests he's "too small to be turned into a scapegoat for the others." The film, produced and directed by Oscar-winning documentarian John S. Friedman and Eric Nadler, premieres Tuesday at a New York theater.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Associated Press
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Topic: - on October 14, 2002 at 2:57:24 PM CEST
Is Big Brother watching you ?
Ein aktueller TKG-Entwurf des österreichischen Verkehrsministers soll eine Verpflichtung enthalten die Zugangsdaten von Internetbenutzern zu sammeln und zu speichern. Auch das Innen- und das Justizministerium sind für eine EU-weite Pflicht zur Datenspeicherung.
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Topic: - on October 14, 2002 at 2:35:00 PM CEST
Riesiger Haschisch-Fund in britischem Zirkus-Wagen
An der französisch-spanischen Grenze haben Zöllner fast eine Tonne Haschisch an Bord eines britischen Zirkus-Wagens entdeckt.
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Topic: - on October 14, 2002 at 2:00:34 PM CEST
e-Holster pouches
Clothing manufacturers have started to recognize the importance of portable devices by enlarging pants pockets to accommodate cell phones and the like; Levi Strauss goes further in recognizing what's really important by padding its new line of slacks with anti-cell-phone-radiation lining.
¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Japantoday ¬> eholster HP
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Topic: - on October 14, 2002 at 1:51:37 PM CEST
Bin Laden 'to appear on TV'
NEW Video
Abdel Rahman al-Rashed told London-based magazine Al Majalla that bin Laden is in good health and has been putting on weight. He also revealed that al-Qaida has set up a media department to "address the Muslim people". Al-Rashed said: "Sheikh Osama is alive and in good health. He has gained more weight due to security precautions and his inability to move a lot as you will notice in his next appearance."
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Topic: - on October 14, 2002 at 1:49:01 PM CEST
Ukraine 'sold aircraft detectors to Saddam'
British and American experts arrived in Ukraine yesterday to investigate the alleged illegal supply of military equipment to Iraq in a mission which could permanently sour relations between the West and Kiev. An American embassy spokesman in Kiev said the team would "obtain information that could help determine whether Kolchuga [aircraft detection] systems were transferred to Iraq".
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Topic: - on October 14, 2002 at 1:30:41 PM CEST
Don't mention the war:
German star takes charge of Iraq's football side
Reached at his Baghdad hotel, Bernd Stange, 54, said: 'It's a great chance to get to World Cup 2006.' While they have been holding out concessions and smoothing over misunderstandings following Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's controversial attack on America over its plans for a 'military adventure' in Iraq, one of their fellow countrymen has been hard at work in a different direction, negotiating to become the new coach of Iraq's national football team.
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Topic: - on October 14, 2002 at 1:27:24 PM CEST
Iran cleric wants to arrest all dogs
Dogs and their owners could become the latest target of a clampdown on moral corruption in Iran after a hardline cleric called for canines of all shapes to be arrested. "I call on the judiciary to arrest all long-legged, medium- legged and short-legged dogs along with their long-legged owners," the newspaper quoted Gholamreza Hassani, Friday prayer leader in the northwestern city of Urumiyeh, as saying. "Otherwise I'll do it myself," the Etemad newspaper on Sunday quoted the cleric as saying.
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Topic: - on October 14, 2002 at 1:23:09 PM CEST
'World's largest bear' shot in Alaska
A US airman is believed to have killed the world's largest bear. Ted Heuvelmans says he shot the 1,800lb Alaskan Brown bear from 35 yards away, in self defence.The bear, which was 14ft tall, tried to attack him during a hunting trip on Hitchenbrook Island, near the Elmendorf Air Force Base in the Gulf of Alaska, south of Valdez.
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Topic: - on October 14, 2002 at 11:03:52 AM CEST
1971 Photo Proves AIDS Is U.S. Government Creation
An American civil rights activist may have "irrefutable proof" the U.S. government engineered the AIDS virus to get rid of African-Americans and other minorities. Boyd Graves, an African-American lawyer in San Diego and AIDS victim, claims he has hundreds of U.S. government documents proving AIDS was created to be used as biological weapon against African-Americans.
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Topic: - on October 14, 2002 at 10:55:09 AM CEST
The eBay random feedback generator
Too lazy to write positive feedback for something you've bought or sold on Ebay recently? Tired of browsing other people's feedback to find something original to say? Want to be known for leaving "original sounding" feedback?
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