Topic: - on October 13, 2002 at 4:20:15 AM CEST
Spacewalkers fix station plumbing
A pair of astronauts took a short ride on the International Space Station’s railway system Saturday, inaugurating a hand cart designed to move spacewalkers along the length of the station.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">REUTERS
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Topic: - on October 13, 2002 at 4:16:04 AM CEST
The Scorpion
The biomimetic approach towards robotics is driven by the idea that in order to find technical solutions for problems needing autonomous behavior it is useful to look at natural examples.
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Topic: - on October 13, 2002 at 4:11:59 AM CEST
How mobile phones let spies see our every move
Government's secret Celldar project will allow surveillance of anyone, at any time and anywhere there is a phone signal. Secret radar technology research that will allow the biggest-ever extension of 'Big Brother'-style surveillance in the UK is being funded by the Government.
The radical new system, which has outraged civil liberties groups, uses mobile phone masts to allow security authorities to watch vehicles and individuals 'in real time' almost anywhere in Britain.
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Topic: - on October 13, 2002 at 4:05:44 AM CEST
Google grows up
Success of popular search engine could threaten its alliance with Yahoo
The announcement, though subtle, provided a window into the increasingly complex alliance between the two Silicon Valley Internet companies. Merely an upstart when its partnership with Yahoo was unveiled two years ago, Google is now viewed as a major rival because its stand-alone Web site has become wildly popular, analysts said.
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Topic: - on October 13, 2002 at 3:53:45 AM CEST
Museums and the Online Archive of California
Museums and the Online Archive of California Project (MOAC), will investigate one of the most serious problems facing knowledge seekers everywhere, the geographic distribution and limited access to the collections of unique materials -- primary sources for research in all areas of our cultural heritage -- that are held in libraries, museums, and archives around the world. We propose to solve this problem by creating a prototype "virtual museum archive" that integrates standardized "finding aids" for museum and library special collections into a single source, thus providing access to collections held by archives, museums, and libraries throughout the state of California.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">MOAC
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Topic: - on October 13, 2002 at 2:59:48 AM CEST
Violence mars England victory
England fans have been involved in violence during a Euro 2004 qualifying match against Slovakia in Bratislava The trouble apparently started when visiting fans in the stands behind one goal began hurling missiles at nearby Slovakian supporters. Some even tried to scale the flimsy metal fence separating them from their rivals, who were celebrating Szilard Nemeth's goal, putting them 1-0 up in the 24th minute.
¬> BBC
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Topic: - on October 13, 2002 at 2:42:47 AM CEST
RIAA launches anti-piracy site
It’s illegal and it’s a drag! The unauthorized reproduction and distribution of copyrighted music is JUST AS ILLEGAL AS SHOPLIFTING A CD. Burning CD’s from peer-to-peer networks like KaZaA, Morpheus or Gnutella is against the law. The rules are very simple. Unless you own the copyright, it’s not yours to distribute.
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Topic: - on October 13, 2002 at 2:38:13 AM CEST
Many dead in Bali explosions 54 dead
Ten foreigners are believed to be among the dead, and more than 120 people were injured - among them Americans, Australians and five Britons.
Reports from the Indonesian holiday island of Bali say at least 53 people have been killed in two explosions. Ten foreigners are believed to be among the dead, and more than 120 people were injured - among them Americans, Australians and five Britons.

The blast went off near the US embassy
¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC ¬> Google NEWS related articles
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Topic: - on October 13, 2002 at 2:35:16 AM CEST
Great !! Problems with Universal's Rings Xbox and GBA
Microsoft says: "If your having problems with LOTR for Xbox; simply remove the game from the hard drive, install 3 new games, then reinstall LOTR. Oh and Xbox isn't a PC."
Another reported solution is to delete the save-game file created during the game installation process. The game will then create a new save-game file once the game loads correctly and the user saves the game's progress.
What the hack .....
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Topic: - on October 13, 2002 at 2:17:40 AM CEST
Creator of the Internet dies
Keith Uncapher, computer pioneer, dead at 80
Keith Uncapher, a computer pioneer at the University of Southern California who was a key player in the development of the Internet, died of a heart attack, the university announced. He was 80.
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Topic: - on October 13, 2002 at 2:11:01 AM CEST
Kylie's underwear sale
IT may have been smaller than some of the other celebrity undergarments on offer, but Kylie Minogue's bra stole the show when it went for STG2,400 ($A6,880) at a charity auction.
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Topic: - on October 13, 2002 at 2:06:42 AM CEST
How to hack people
The biggest threat to the security of a company is not a computer virus, an unpatched hole in a key program or a badly installed firewall. In fact, the biggest threat could be you.
So says Kevin Mitnick, and he should know.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
¬> OTHER "Mitnick" stories @ shithappens
¬> Google NEWS related articles
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