Topic: - on October 12, 2002 at 12:21:22 PM CEST
H E L P - Audio blogger`s
How does Audio Blogger work? Audio Blogger was a very simple application to build, using ColdFusion MX, Flash MX, Dreamweaver MX, Flash Communication Server MX and Flash Remoting. This short article provides a high-level overview of how the utility was built and how it operates.
What it does? Audio Blogger allows anyone to easily create a piece of original voice content and then embed that content in any web page or weblog. The voice content can be of any length, and it will automatically stream to end-users. The utility allows anyone to create an account, create audio blog items, and review how many people have listened to the items.
¬> Jeremy Allaire
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Topic: - on October 12, 2002 at 12:15:15 PM CEST
Talking toilet paper
A hilarious new product, and fantastic gift idea! You can record and re-record your own messages! Surprise your friends with sayings like "Hey Charlie, a little fiber wouldn't kill you." Only $19.95, but for a limited time, every one after the first one is only $14.95. Installs in seconds.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Limited time offer!
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Topic: - on October 12, 2002 at 12:10:39 PM CEST
According to military source with experience in Vietnam, the recent sniper killings in the Washington area look like the work of a military "special operation" involving no less than two or three profesional snipers.
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Topic: - on October 12, 2002 at 12:04:32 PM CEST
INSIDE TRACK: Cutting internet waiting time
Internet transfer speed record broken again - 483 megabits per second
The record was set over an ordinary internet connection running for 2,518km between Slovenia and Spain, using the new Ipv6 protocol. While the technique has been available for some years, most parts of the internet do not use the protocol because to do so would require extensive upgrading of hardware and software. In setting the record, 483mb of data were transferred in 11.73 seconds, equating to a speed of 1215 terabits per second, from Ljubljana in Slovenia to Madrid, via Milan, Geneva and Vienna.
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Topic: - on October 12, 2002 at 12:00:23 PM CEST
Introducing the latest hacker exploit: War Phoning
Bluetooth-enabled phones and PDAs with inadequate security could become the target of the next wave of security exploits, allowing phreakers to filch confidential information or even make calls using someone else's identity.
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Topic: - on October 12, 2002 at 11:05:19 AM CEST
the girl, the commercial, the website
what was mentioned to me as a joke has now become a reality. how could someone with 15 minutes of fame generate such a fan following. maybe it was the rumor that she was under the influence during the shooting of the commercial, or maybe pc users really are switching over to macs. i don't believe the first reason and seriously doubt the second, either way we're all fans.
"...and it was like, bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep..."
- Ellen Feiss, Student
¬> <a href="< ¬> wallpaper ¬> OLD SHIT
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Topic: - on October 12, 2002 at 8:07:44 AM CEST
Wer bastelt mit ?
Neues vom Bastelonkel - Wir schreiben einen Bestseller. Mehr als 80.000 Autoren tun es, sagt Sol Stein, und 98 Prozent davon "mit Erfolg": sie wenden seine Software "WritePro Fiction" an. Jetzt liegt das Programm auch in einer deutschen Version vor. Motto: Wie bastle ich mir einen Bestseller? Eine Selbsterfahrung.
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Topic: - on October 12, 2002 at 7:58:36 AM CEST
Anfälliges Geschlecht: Warum Männer so kurz leben
Die Hormone sind schuld - auch daran, daß bei den meisten Säugetieren die Männchen anfälliger für Infektionen sind. Erklärt das auch die unterschiedliche Lebenserwartung von Frauen und Männern?

¬> <a href=""target="blank">Hier gehts zur Geschichte
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Topic: - on October 12, 2002 at 7:43:53 AM CEST
Was versinken wird ...
Wiener Ausstellung zeigt Fundstücke von Ausgrabungsstätten, die Chinas Drei-Schluchten- Staudamm zum Opfer fallen werden.
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Topic: - on October 12, 2002 at 7:39:58 AM CEST
Musik auf dem Prüfstand. Und ein Kompass.
"Was tun Musiker, wenn sie ein Musikstück spielen - wie erwecken sie es zum Leben?"

¬> <a href=""target="blank">Hier gehts zur Geschichte
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Topic: SCIENCE - on October 12, 2002 at 7:34:50 AM CEST
Aufnahmen der Palk Strait bestärken Religionsforscher
Laut Ramayana-Epos Brücke zwischen Indien und Sri Lanka vor eineinhalb Millionen Jahren erbaut - NASA fand tatsächlich Spuren einer 18 Kilometer langen Brücke.

¬> <a href=""target="blank">Hier gehts zur Geschichte ¬> <a href=""target="_top"> OLD SHIT
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Topic: - on October 12, 2002 at 7:27:49 AM CEST
"Die Überflugszahlen explodieren"
Wien - Der grüne Sicherheitssprecher Peter Pilz hat am Freitag eine Sitzung des Nationalen Sicherheitsrat verlangt. Er forderte außerdem, dass keine Überflugsgenehmigungen mehr erteilt werden. Pilz verlangt Tagung des Sicherheitsrats, da es sich bei den Flügen möglicherweise um Kriegsvorbereitungen gegen den Irak handelt.
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