Zuckerberg's post-IPO wedding is smart legal move

Getting married was a smart business move as well as a personal milestone for Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg, with the timing of the wedding, the day after the company's initial public offering, potentially proving particularly advantageous, California divorce lawyers said on Sunday.

Assuming the couple signed a prenuptial agreement, as most wealthy Californians do, Zuckerberg and Chan would have agreed exactly how to split assets, including his Facebook stock, if their marriage dissolved in future. Even without a prenup, the wedding's timing would help establish the value of their assets in the event of any future divorce battle, lawyers said.


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FBI 'looking at' law making Web sites wiretap-ready, director says

Director Robert Mueller says FBI needs to be able to "capture communications" of people under surveillance, but declines to elaborate on renewed lobbying effort reported by CNET two weeks ago.

FBI Director Robert Mueller confirmed that the bureau has renewed its push for a new Internet wiretapping law, which CNET reported two weeks ago.

In an appearance this week on Capitol Hill, Mueller downplayed privacy concerns, saying the FBI's wiretap proposals -- social-networking Web sites and providers of VoIP, instant messaging, and Web e-mail are the primary targets -- would still require a court to be involved.


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Facebook IPO: the data behind our animation

Facebook is about to hit the stock exchange - valued today at anywhere between $93 and $104bn. But just how big is it and how has it grown so massive? This video by our animator Mariana Santos, shows you exactly how the Facebook became the world's biggest social network. This is the script and data behind that animation


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Private: some search engines make money by not tracking users

In the United States, two out of every three searches go through Google, which serves up a total of three billion search queries per day. "Googling" has become so ubiquitous that the company has become a verb in English (and in other languages, too).

Given that most of us use Google several times a day and may also use it to send e-mail, to plan our calendar, and to make phone calls, questions commonly arise about how all of that data is used. Google has said that it needs access to such large amounts of data as a way to “make it useful” and to sell personalized ads against it—and to profit substantially in the process.

arstechnica.com Search Engine Use 2012

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Host Your Own Cloud Server With OwnCloud

Enter ownCloud, an open source cloud hosting script that you can install on a Windows or Linux based web server. And since it would not really be cloud space without synchronization, you also get Windows, Linux and Mac apps for syncing, plus mobile apps for Android, and soon iOS as well.


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Security Threat Report 2012

Over the past year we in the IT security industry have seen a growing awareness of the work we do.

In 2011, a number of highly visible cyberattacks made news headlines around the world, but the underlying problem affects us all. It seems that the cybercriminals are getting bolder in their attacks as the availability of commercial tools makes mass generation of new malicious code campaigns and exploits easier. The net result has been significant growth in volume of malware and infections.

And for 2012, I anticipate growing sophistication in web-borne attacks, even broader use of mobile and smart devices, and rapid adoption of cloud computing bringing new security challenges.


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Vorratsdatenspeicherung - Prominente Unterstützung für Verfassungklage

Eva Glawischnig, Robert Menasse und „Facebook-Kläger“ Max Schrems unterzeichneten Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung.

Grünen-Bundessprecherin Eva Glawischnig ist am Mittwoch mit prominenten Unterstützern gegen die Vorratsdatenspeicherung aufgetreten. Gemeinsam mit dem Schriftsteller Robert Menasse und „Facebook-Kläger“ Max Schrems unterzeichnete sie vor Journalisten eine Vollmacht für eine Verfassungsklage. „Ich habe etwas zu verbergen, nämlich mein Privatleben, meine Intimsphäre“, begründete Glawischnig den Schritt.


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“Die Cloud” als fünftgrößter Energieverbraucher der Welt

Eine neue Greenpeace-Studie mit dem Titel “How clean is your cloud” untersucht die Auswirkungen der stetig wachsenden Informationsindustrie auf Energieverbrauch und Umwelt. Analysiert werden die “Ökologischen Fingerabdrücke” von 14 weltweit tätigen IT-Großkonzernen. Besonders gut schneiden laut der Studie Google, Yahoo! und Facebook ab, zu den Negativ-Spitzenreitern zählen dagegen Microsoft, Amazon und der so sehr in Imagepflege geübte iPhone-Hersteller Apple. Die Firma decke alleine 55 Prozent des Energiebedarfs für ihre Cloud mit Kohlestrom, weitere 27 Prozent mit Atomstrom.


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Turkey Bans Pastebin and Tinyurl

"Pastebin and Tinyurl have been blocked in Turkey. Pastebin was blocked last week by a court after the hacking of Turkish Information and Communications Technologies Authority (BTK). Four databases including email addresses and plain-text passwords stolen from BTK were posted to Pastebin last month, in retaliation for the blocking of Blogspot, Incisozluk (a popular Turkish community dictionary) and thousands of other websites. The more shocking ban was that of Tinyurl, a URL shortening service. Turkey currently blocks thousands of websites and is classified as one of the countries under surveillance by the 2012 Internet Enemies report (Pdf) published last week by the Reporters Without Borders (RSF).


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Transfer of Wikipedia sites from GoDaddy complete

After months of deliberation and a complicated transfer, the Wikimedia Foundation domain portfolio has been successfully transferred from GoDaddy to MarkMonitor. The portfolio transfer was formally completed on Friday, March 9th, 2012. The transfers were done seamlessly and our sites did not experience any interruption of service or other issues during the procedure.

As the provider of the 5th most visited web properties in the world, the Foundation cares deeply about who handles our domain names. We had been deliberating a move from GoDaddy for some time — our legal department felt the company was not the best fit for our domain needs — and we began actively seeking other domain management providers in December 2011. GoDaddy’s initial support of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), the controversial anti-piracy legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives, reaffirmed our decision to end the relationship.


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Stakeout: how the FBI tracked and busted a Chicago Anon

"Script kiddie"—no hacker worth his salt wants to hear the term used to describe him. Anyone with modest computer skills can cause modest havoc using other people's code fragments, scanners, and infiltration tools, but this is little more than knowing how to point a gun in the right direction and pull the trigger. It lacks art. True hacking requires a deep knowledge of computer and network security, an ability to navigate around obstacles, and the willingness to be careful enough to always hide one's tracks. The script kiddies, they might be easy targets for the feds, but the true hackers? Shadows are their home.


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Facebook Kiffen ja, Nippel nein

Ein geheimes Handbuch für Facebook-Kontrolleure zeigt, was das Netzwerk in seinem Reich duldet. Kiffen, zerquetschte Köpfe, tiefe Fleischwunden - alles kein Problem. Nicht okay sind Sex, weibliche Brustwarzen, Tierquälerei: Solche Bilder werden gelöscht. Subtil setzt der Konzern seine eigenen Werte durch.

Bei Facebook darf man schreiben: "Ich habe einen großen Penis und mag es, wenn Mädchen ihn anfassen." Verboten dagegen ist: "Ich suche nach Mädchen, die Spaß haben wollen. Schickt mir eine Nachricht, wenn ihr eine gute Zeit haben wollt."


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