This Obscure Marijuana-Related Illness Is On The Rise In States With Legalized Pot

Ever heard of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome? Don’t worry, almost no one else has either. But it’s a very real, and frightening, condition that can affect people who smoke heavy amounts of marijuana. And unfortunately, it appears to be on the rise in states that have legalized recreational cannabis. “It is certainly something that, before legalization, we almost never saw,” Dr. Kennon Heard told CBS News. “Now we are seeing it quite frequently.”

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Why Amsterdam’s coffee shops are closing

ON DECEMBER 31st the world’s oldest coffee shop, Mellow Yellow, in Amsterdam, was forced to roll down its bright yellow shutters one last time. Over the past half-century, many a foreigner has smoked their first spliff at this cosy cafe, which sat perfectly on the route between two tourist favourites, the Heineken Brewery and Rembrandt Square. Mellow Yellow is the latest in a string of Amsterdam coffee-shop closures, a development that is worrying health workers, law enforcement officials and potheads equally because it may push drugs back onto the street. The number of coffee shops in the Dutch capital has fallen by half since 1995, from 350 to just 167. Why are so many Amsterdam coffee shops closing?

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Mesmerizing Timelapse Video From ‘Planet Earth II’ Reveals The Psychedelic World Of Fungi

Fungi are already interesting themselves, but when you have the chance to see some unusual ones blooming at night in a stunning timelapse, then that’s truly mind-blowing. This footage from Planet Earth II, shot by Steve Axford, even includes a few specimens of this psychedelic world that were captured for the very first time.

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Cops Using FAKE Drug Tests To Convict Hundreds Of Thousands – Redacted Tonight

Faulty results from cheap roadside drug tests are sending tens of thousands of innocent people to jail or prison and ruining their futures. So why do police departments rely so heavily on a test that’s so obviously flawed? Correspondent Natalie McGill uncovers this highly gross miscarriage of justice and more on Redacted Tonight.

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'Hollyweed' sign prankster arrested

Los Angeles police on Monday arrested a local artist suspected of a New Year's Day prank in which he altered the letters of the famous Hollywood sign to read "Hollyweed." Pranksters change iconic Hollywood sign to 'Hollyweed' Zachary Cole Fernandez, 30, was booked on a misdemeanor charge when he voluntarily surrendered to the authorities with his attorney at his side. He was released on his own recognizance and ordered to appear in court on February 15, a police spokesman said.

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My First Day Microdosing With LSD

Looking for a new way to regulate her moods, the writer Ayelet Waldman happened upon “microdosing”: the practice of taking tiny doses of psychedelic drugs (less than you’d need to make you hallucinate). In her new book, A Really Good Day, she describes her experiences — which began with the challenge of getting her hands on LSD.

Today I took my first microdose. My senses are ever-so-slightly heightened, a feeling all but unappreciable, so perhaps it’s psychosomatic, though that word carries little meaning when anything that might be happening to me right now has inevitably to do with the interaction of mind and body. I feel a tiny bit more aware, as if my consciousness is hovering at a slight remove, watching me tap the keys on my keyboard, rub my ankles together, sip a mouthful of tea and swallow it. The trees look prettier than usual; the jasmine smells more fragrant.

My First Day Microdosing With LSD

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How to make a hempcrete wall

The development of hemp in the United States has been ridiculous, because idiot politicians thought it was the same thing as marijuana (it's not) and banned it back in 1970 as a Schedule 1 drug. In actuality, though hemp is a variety of Cannabis sativa, it has less than a 0.3% concentration of THC, the psychoactive ingredient that you need to get stoned. (Marijuana has a 5%-plus concentration.) Nowadays, thankfully, open-minded materials scientists and builders have discovered hemp's value as an eco-friendly building material. As host of the UK's Grand Designs TV show for nearly two decades, British designer Kevin McCloud has seen his fair share of building techniques and materials.

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New DEA Rule Says CBD Oil is Really, Truly, No-Joke Illegal

The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) made CBD oil a little more federally illegal in a little-noticed bureaucratic maneuver this morning. Today’s Federal Register (Dec. 14, 2016) contains an item (21 CFR Part 1308) that establishes a new drug code for “marihuana extract.” “This code,” wrote DEA Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg, “will allow DEA and DEA-registered entities to track quantities of this material separately from quantities of marihuana.” The move, the Register entry explained, is meant to bring the US into compliance with international drug-control treaties.

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Was Österreich trinkt, kifft, schluckt, schnupft

Die Auswertung einer weltweiten Umfrage gibt Einblick in das österreichische Drogennutzungsverhalten. Welche legalen und illegalen Drogen trinken, schnupfen, schlucken oder rauchen Konsumenten weltweit? Dieser Frage sind britische Forscher nachgegangen und haben Antworten von etwa 100.000 Personen erhalten – davon 2.055 aus Österreich.

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Mühlviertler Tee tschicken

Kräuter eignen sich nicht nur für heiße Aufgüsse, sie können auch das Ende der Nikotinsucht bedeuten.

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„Drogen“-Prozess endet mit Enthaftung

Drei Somalier haben sich wegen Handels mit getrocknetem Kath in Wien vor Gericht verantworten müssen. Sie wurden aber nicht verurteilt, sondern enthaftet. Denn es muss erst geklärt werden, ob getrocknetes Kath eine Droge ist.

„Es ist schlicht und ergreifend völlig wirkungslos“, fasste Richter Wilhelm Mende die Ergebnisse seiner eigenen Recherche zum Thema Kath zusammen. Bevor er die Verhandlung auf unbestimmte Zeit vertagte, begründete er dies damit, dass sich der Tatverdacht insoweit relativiert habe, „als dass nicht mehr zwingend davon auszugehen ist, dass eine Verurteilung erfolgen müsste“.

Die drei Angeklagten, die sich seit knapp sechs Monaten in U-Haft befanden, wurden gegen Gelöbnis, das Land nicht zu verlassen, und Abgabe ihrer Pässe auf freien Fuß gesetzt.

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A cannabis product is being tested by the NHS

An NHS unit is testing a cannabidiol vaporiser, the first cannabis product ever tested by the public body, which could hugely impact surrounding UK legislation if its medical benefits can be evidenced. In a report by the Independent, they found that the producers of MediPen had been consulting with NHS production and regulatory support pharmacists in the last few months as they test cannabis oil formulation and its properties.



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