Sunday, 8. January 2017

My First Day Microdosing With LSD

Looking for a new way to regulate her moods, the writer Ayelet Waldman happened upon “microdosing”: the practice of taking tiny doses of psychedelic drugs (less than you’d need to make you hallucinate). In her new book, A Really Good Day, she describes her experiences — which began with the challenge of getting her hands on LSD.

Today I took my first microdose. My senses are ever-so-slightly heightened, a feeling all but unappreciable, so perhaps it’s psychosomatic, though that word carries little meaning when anything that might be happening to me right now has inevitably to do with the interaction of mind and body. I feel a tiny bit more aware, as if my consciousness is hovering at a slight remove, watching me tap the keys on my keyboard, rub my ankles together, sip a mouthful of tea and swallow it. The trees look prettier than usual; the jasmine smells more fragrant.

My First Day Microdosing With LSD

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