Apple paid U2 $100 million to give away their new album 'Songs of Innocence'

It has been a whirlwind nine months for Guy Oseary since he took the reins of U2’s management after longtime manager Paul McGuinness announced his retirement last fall. That includes a Golden Globe, an Oscar nomination, a big Super Bowl campaign and the premiere of The Tonight Show in support of two songs that ultimately didn't make the final cut on Songs of Innocence, the history-making album that debuted to 500 million iTunes customers on Sept. 9.

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Wie Apple die NSA einlädt

Leute mit iPhone in der Tasche sollten wissen: Ihre Geräte öffnen Geheimdiensten Tür und Tor. Ist das der Grund, weshalb sie neuerdings am Flughafen angeschaltet bleiben müssen?

Keine leichte Aufgabe, aber damit jeder iPhone- und iPad-Besitzer ihn versteht, stellt Jonathan Zdziarski seine Fragen in einer Form, die viele kennen. Im Stil von „Wer wird Millionär?“ – das Ausschlussprinzip kann beim Raten helfen –, fragt er die Leser seiner 58 Seiten starken Präsentation zur Sicherheit von Apple-Geräten: „Warum gibt es einen Daten-Schnüffler auf sechshundert Millionen Apple-Geräten? Wieso kann die Verschlüsselung des Gerätes sogar per WLan unbemerkt umgangen werden?“ Drei Antworten stehen zur Wahl: A) Apple braucht den Zugang für den Datentransfer mit iTunes. B) Apple braucht den Zugang für den Kundendienst. C) Apple braucht den Zugang für Entwickler.

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Steve Wozniak on Newton, Tesla, and why the original Macintosh was a 'lousy' product

Ford gathered journalists in its hometown of Dearborn, Michigan earlier this week for its Further with Ford conference, holding a variety of panels to discuss the past, present, and future of technology across a variety of industries (Warby Parker and Coca-Cola were both in attendance, for instance). One of those panelists happened to be the gregarious and always entertaining Steve Wozniak — better known to most of us as "Woz" — and I had the opportunity to spend a few minutes with him after his final panel appearance on Tuesday. The Apple co-founder, entrepreneur, and technologist was eager to chat.

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Jailbreak For A5 iOS Devices Released

It certainly took long enough, but the untethered jailbreak for Apple's A5 based iOS devices (iPad 2, iPhone 4s) has been released (official site, struggling due to traffic). It's currently only available for OS X, though ports of it to Windows are forthcoming.

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RIP Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Today I was in my living room playing with my son when on the TV news they announced Steve Jobs had passed away. I was shocked, I mean I knew he was ill, problems in the past with cancer. Didn’t he just step down as CEO yesterday? This can’t be true. I opened twitter on my iPhone and sure enough, there was the internet’s raw outpouring of emotion over a man who truly touched all of our lives.

I wrote my first lines of code on an apple, I don’t remember what it was called. Monochrome green monitor, big ol CPU with the keyboard integrated. I was in 6th grade at the time, and my math teacher taught me BASIC after class. We saved our cool role playing games onto 5 1/4″ floppies. Soon afterwards my grandmother got a Mac Classic, you know the one with the super tiny black and white screen? It had 3 1/2 inch floppies and was the bomb. I sort of broke up with Apple soon after, when I got my first 486 with Windows 3.1. It was all PC/Windows/Linux until a few years ago.

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Man camps out by London Apple store for latest iPhone

People get very excited about the release of new Apple products. They drool. They caress and cradle them like newborns. They tweet and post about them nonstop.

Rob Shoesmith is planning to top all that. In what is either a clever gimmick or foolhardy challenge, the 29-year-old has camped outside the Covent Garden Apple store in London to await the arrival of the iPhone 5.

Keep in mind that Apple hasn't even announced the new iteration of the iPhone yet, or what it will be called, or when it will hit store shelves -- so the man could be sleeping in a tent for months.

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Apple Charges Customer 122 Times for Lion

John Christman purchased OS X Lion on July 23, and paid $31.79 after sales tax. Then, his PayPal account was charged $31.79 an additional 121 times, for a total of $3,878.40.

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McDonald’s WiFi Guide, Windows vs. Mac says it all

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Apple Laptop Batteries Can Be Bricked, Firmware Hacked

Security researcher Charlie Miller, widely known for his work on Mac OS X and Apple's iOS, has discovered an interesting method that enables him to completely disable the batteries on Apple laptops, making them permanently unusable, and perform a number of other unintended actions. The method, which involves accessing and sending instructions to the chip housed on smart batteries could also be used for more malicious purposes down the road.

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The future of H2G2 - Latest official news

I'm Social Media Executive for BBC Online and I have responsibility for H2G2.

By now some of you may have read the announcements about the review of BBC Online, so I wanted to tell you as soon as I could about how this will affect H2G2.

If you haven't seen the announcements, the big news is that BBC Online is having to cut its budget by 25% and is being reorganised. Part of this reorganisation will see the BBC moving away from stand alone communities and message boards. Last year some message boards were closed, more will close this year. The BBC's other big community 606 is scheduled for closure. (You can read about why we're moving in this direction on this blog post from Ian Hunter: )

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Der Pömpel für’s iPhone

Wer nach einem passenden Ständer für sein iPhone sucht, dürfte vom iPlunge, einem handelsüblichen Pömpel im Mini-Format, begeistert sein. Der iPömpel, der einfach von hinten auf das iPhone geploppt wird, saugt sich sicher fest und bietet laut dem Hersteller einen sicheren und zuverlässigen Halt.


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Joyce’s Ulysses Banned Again — by Apple

Somewhere, James Joyce must be laughing at Steve Jobs.

As everyone who took a modern lit class in college knows, Ulysses was banned from publication in the United States because of a scene in which Leopold Bloom masturbates on a beach while fireworks burst nearby. The courts eventually decided the episode wasn’t obscene because it didn’t promote lust.

History is repeating itself again, this time in Apple’s (AAPL) App Store.

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