Topic: EU - on June 22, 2016 at 12:02:00 PM CEST
Beim Brexit dürfte das Parlament das Volk ignorieren - Nichts wird am 23. Juni endgültig entschieden
Die Mehrheit der britischen Abgeordneten ist gegen den Brexit – und darf den Willen des Volkes durchaus ignorieren. Es wäre nicht das erste Mal, dass das Parlament sich seinen Wählern widersetzt. In der Aufregung um das britische Referendum ist ein wichtiger Mitspieler völlig übersehen worden: das Parlament. Der Premierminister mag sich an das Ergebnis des 23. Juni gebunden fühlen und die "Instruktion" des Volkes, wie er es nennt, ausführen. Aber die Verfassung besagt etwas anderes: Hoheit über das, was passiert, hat nicht die Regierung, sondern das Parlament.
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Topic: War and Peace - on June 22, 2016 at 11:45:00 AM CEST
When Kodak Accidentally Discovered A-Bomb Testing
The ground shook, a brilliant white flash enveloped the sky, and the world changed forever. Code name "Trinity," the bomb test at dawn on July 16, 1945 in Alamogordo, New Mexico was the first large-scale atomic weapons testing in history. Only three weeks later two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan. More than 1,900 miles away from Alamogordo, at the Rochester, NY headquarters of Eastman Kodak, a flood of complaints came in from business customers who had recently purchased sensitive X-ray film from the company. Black exposed spots on the film, or "fogging," had rendered it unusable. This perplexed many Kodak scientists, who had gone to great lengths to prevent contaminations like this.
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Topic: logisch - on June 22, 2016 at 11:43:00 AM CEST
Refugees in Greece need internet so badly that they’ll stop a riot to let the wifi guys work
Kevin MacRitchie surveyed the inferno spreading across Diavata refugee camp. From his vantage point on the roof, where he had been fixing a satellite dish, he could see a column of thick black smoke twisting toward the sky above two rows of incinerated tents. While Greek army and police helped battle the fire, a protest had erupted at the front gate, by Syrian refugees frustrated with conditions in the camp and the asylum backlog that was keeping them there. That meant MacRitchie was now alone. His teammate, David Tagliani, had run out to drive their equipment van into the camp, and in the meantime, the angry mass had blocked the entrance. Yet when they recognized Tagliani behind the wheel, the protestors stopped. “Wifi,” they called to each other, “wifi.” And they cleared a path to let the van pass.
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Topic: DRUGS - on June 22, 2016 at 11:41:00 AM CEST
How 'Deleted' Yahoo Emails Led to a 20-Year Drug Trafficking Conviction
In 2009, Russell Knaggs, from Yorkshire, England, orchestrated a plan to import five tonnes of cocaine from South America hidden in boxes of fruit. Somehow, he did this all from the cell of a UK prison, while serving a 16-year sentence for another drug crime. As part of the plan, a collaborator in Colombia would log into a Yahoo email account and write a message as a draft. Another accomplice in Europe would read the message, delete it, and then write his own. The point of this was to avoid creating any emails that could be found by law enforcement.
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Topic: DRUGS - on June 22, 2016 at 11:39:00 AM CEST
On Legalizing Medical Cannabis: The DEA Responds
The DEA wants to remove the barriers to cannabis research, a spokesman told aNewDomain in a lengthy interview today. But how and when will it reschedule cannabis as a Schedule II drug? [Exclusive]
A DEA official responded at length today to a widely-circulated report that the DEA plans to effectively legalize medical cannabis this August. In an interview with aNewDomain today, DEA staff coordinator Russ Baer wouldn’t confirm the Santa Monica Observer report that the DEA will reschedule cannabis as a prescription-only Schedule II drug on Aug. 1, 2016. But he did comment at length about the agency’s thoughts around legalizing medical cannabis and how rescheduling cannabis from its current Schedule I status would have to work.
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Topic: AUSTRIA - on June 22, 2016 at 11:37:00 AM CEST
Live-Ticker zur Wahlanfechtung: "Alles sehr korrekt" in Liezen
Bis zum Mittag vernehmen die Richterinnen und Richter weitere Zeugen aus jenen Bezirken, in denen die FPÖ Unregelmäßigkeiten gemeldet hat
Zeugen aus den Bezirken Liezen, Bregenz, Kufstein, Graz-Umgebung, Gänserndorf, Leibnitz, Völkermarkt und Reutte wollen die Richterinnen und Richter des Verfassungsgerichtshofs (VfGH) bis Donnerstag noch anhören. Der erste vernommene Beisitzer aus Liezen erklärte aber – im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Befragten aus der FPÖ – bei der Auszählung der Wahlkarten anwesend gewesen zu sein. Manipulationsverdacht hegt er nicht: "Nein. Aus meiner Sicht war das korrekt."
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Topic: SECURITY - on June 21, 2016 at 10:00:00 PM CEST
How Terrorists Use Encryption
Abstract: As powerful encryption increasingly becomes embedded in electronic devices and online messaging apps, Islamist terrorists are exploiting the technology to communicate securely and store information. Legislative efforts to help law enforcement agencies wrestle with the phenomenon of “going dark” will never lead to a return to the status quo ante, however. With the code underlying end-to-end encryption now widely available, unbreakable encryption is here to stay. However, the picture is not wholly bleak. While end-to-end encryption itself often cannot be broken, intelligence agencies have been able to hack the software on the ends and take advantage of users’ mistakes.
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Topic: SECURITY - on June 21, 2016 at 6:42:00 PM CEST
New 'Hardened' Tor Browser Protects Users From FBI Hacking
According to a new paper, security researchers are now working closely with the Tor Project to create a "hardened" version of the Tor Browser, implementing new anti-hacking techniques which could dramatically improve the anonymity of users and further frustrate the efforts of law enforcement... "Our solution significantly improves security over standard address space layout randomization (ASLR) techniques currently used by Firefox and other mainstream browsers," the researchers write in their paper, whose findings will be presented in July at the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium in Darmstadt, Germany.
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Topic: DRUGS - on June 21, 2016 at 6:40:00 PM CEST
How a scholarly hippie got pulled into the orbit of the psychedelic revolutionary whom then-President Nixon labeled “the most dangerous man in America” Lisa Rein conducts the first in-depth interview of Timothy Leary’s longtime archivist, Michael Horowitz Interview 1: December 1969 – November 1970 LR: How did you become Timothy Leary’s personal archivist? MH: I was uniquely suited for the role with my background working with rare books and manuscripts, and my immersion in the psychedelic counterculture, first in New York City and later in San Francisco. The immediate catalyst was meeting Robert Barker in San Francisco at the tail end of the ‘60s. Bob was a fellow consciousness explorer and an art book collector. He’s a Gemini from San Antonio, I’m a Sagittarius from Brooklyn. We clicked.
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Topic: DRUGS - on June 21, 2016 at 6:35:00 PM CEST
U.S. Gov't Will Legalize Marijuana on August 1 - 8/01 is the new 4/20!
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration will reclassify marijuana as a "Schedule Two" drug on August 1, 2016, essentially legalizing medicinal cannabis in all 50 states with a doctor's prescription, said a DEA lawyer with knowledge of the matter. The DEA Lawyer had told the lawyer representing a DEA informant of the DEA's plan to legalize medicinal cannibis nationwide on August 1, 2016. When questioned by our reporter, the DEA lawyer felt compelled to admit the truth to him as well. "Whatever the law may be in California, Arizona or Utah or any other State, because of Federal preemption this will have the effect of making THC products legal with a prescription, in all 50 states," the DEA attorney told the Observer. Federal Preemption is a legal doctrine that where the US Government regulates a particular field, State and local laws are overridden and of no effect.
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Topic: Appelbaum - on June 21, 2016 at 10:31:00 AM CEST
Security expert Appelbaum no longer part of Debian
Well-known privacy advocate and developer Jacob Appelbaum is no longer a member of the Debian GNU/Linux project, with his status as developer having been revoked as of 18 June. Whether he was thrown out or chose to go on his own is unclear. Clarification has been siought from Debian leader Mehdi Dogguy. Appelbaum left the Tor project, a system enabling anonymous online communication, on 2 June after charges of sexual misconduct were raised against him.
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Topic: AUSTRIA - on June 21, 2016 at 9:44:00 AM CEST
Tag zwei in Causa Wahlanfechtung am Verfassungsgericht
Wahlbeisitzer und Beamte aus sechs Bezirken werden von den Verfassungsrichtern befragt – DER STANDARD tickert live
briefwahl, brieflos. ach, ist doch alles das gleiche.
Das sind solche Leute, die dann 500.000 Euro nach Nigeria schicken, aus Liebe.
newsflash: fpölerin erklärt an eides statt, dass ihre eidesstattliche bestätigung ungültig ist, und belegt dies damit, dass bei stichprobe keine manipulation bemerkt wurde. obwohl für manipulation türen und tore sperrangelweit offenstanden, hat sie auf korrektheit des protokoll vertraut, ohne es zu lesen. => bitte entmündigungsverfahren einleiten
Der Liveticker ist schuld!!!!
Druck + Leseschwäche + Obrigkeit
Sind die Zeugen heute besser gebrieft?
Das war ein Komplott zwischen ORF und Innenministerium.
ausgezählt wurde am Tempelberg!
Wir halten fest:
Die Putzfrauen hatten Dreck am Stecken. Die Schneidemaschine hatte Dreck am Stecken. Spiderman hat interveniert. ORF und Innenministerium stecken unter einer Decke.
Und am Himmel sind wieder diese komischen, langgezogenen Wolken zu sehen.
Schneid- und Wahloptimierungsmaschine "Opinion Leader 3000"
Da gibt's a Problem? Wurscht, weil ... "... da macht ma lieber Mittagspause."
"Der FPÖBeisitzer wird von der FPÖ angefochten!"
frechheit, warten die nichtmal bis 11:30 bis der werte Herr von der FPÖ auftaucht
Komisch darüber schreibt St. Rache aber nix auf seiner FB Seite
House of Cards trifft Kaisermühlen Blues
Kafka, übernehmen Sie!
die linksdrehenden granda-juristen sind besser.
Der Zeuge ist unglaubwürdig er erinnert sich an etwas
Die "eingrauchtn" Grünen erinnern sich seltsamerweise immer an Sachen
Der Österreichische Kabarettpreis wurde soeben vergeben
"Linksgrüne Aliens haben mich dazu gezwungen"
APA: Ansturm von Kabarettisten aufs AMS
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