Topic: Appelbaum - on June 23, 2016 at 10:43:00 AM CEST
No more rock stars: how to stop abuse in tech communities
Content note for discussion of abuse and sexual violence. In the last couple of weeks, three respected members of the computer security and privacy tech communities have come forward under their own names to tell their harrowing stories of sexual misconduct, harassment, and abuse committed by Jacob Appelbaum. They acted in solidarity with the first anonymous reporters of Jacob’s abuse. Several organizations have taken steps to protect their members from Appelbaum, including the Tor Project, Debian, and the Noisebridge hackerspace, with other responses in progress.
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Topic: Appelbaum - on June 23, 2016 at 10:41:00 AM CEST
Linux Australia adopts wait-and-see approach on Appelbaum
Linux Australia has predictably chosen to take the safe option in the case of well-known privacy advocate Jacob Appelbaum who has been chucked out of various free software projects and associations after sexual misconduct charges were levelled at him. The organisation has said it will not place any restrictions on Appelbaum's potential participation in any of its events until "facts in this matter become clear".
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Topic: MUSIK - on June 23, 2016 at 10:34:00 AM CEST
Portishead Releases Video for Their Stunning Cover of ABBA’s ‘SOS’ in Memory of Slain MP Jo Cox
The British band Portishead released a new music video for their cover of the classic ABBA song “SOS“, which was featured on the soundtrack for the 2015 film High Rise, and dedicated it to the memory of slain Member of Parliament (MP) Jo Cox.
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Topic: AUSTRIA - on June 23, 2016 at 10:29:00 AM CEST
Fortsetzung der Wahlanfechtungs-Verhandlung am Verfassungsgericht
Am Donnerstag um 8.30 Uhr haben die Verfassungsrichterinnen und -richter unter dem Vorsitz von Präsident Gerhart Holzinger ihr Beweisverfahren rund um die Anfechtung der Bundespräsidentenwahl durch die FPÖ am Verfassungsgerichtshof in Wien fortgesetzt. -
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Topic: EU - on June 22, 2016 at 9:26:00 PM CEST
Burning Man Is Coming To The Netherlands
Word comes through the pipeline that the non-profit company associated with Nevada’s Burning Man will be crossing the Atlantic and touching down in the Netherlands. Burning Man Netherlands has been setup as co convey the 10 principles of its American counterpart here in Netherlands. Ten Principles that include: gifting, decommodification, radical inclusion, radical self reliance, and civic responsibility, shining a light on the world we need, rather than the world we have. The jewel of Burning Man Netherlands will come in the form of a 3 day festival in 2016 called “Where The Sleep Sheep” held in the Veluwe over 29-31 July, 2017.
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Topic: FUN - on June 22, 2016 at 9:25:00 PM CEST
Ленин — гриб - Lenin was a mushroom
Lenin was a mushroom (Russian: Ленин — гриб) was a highly influential televised hoax by Soviet musician Sergey Kuryokhin and reporter Sergey Sholokhov. It was first broadcast on 17 May 1991 on Leningrad Television.[1] The hoax took the form of an interview on the television program Pyatoe Koleso (The Fifth Wheel). In the interview, Kuryokhin, impersonating a historian, narrated his findings that Vladimir Lenin consumed large quantities of psychedelic mushrooms and eventually became a mushroom himself. Kuryokhin arrived at his conclusion through a long series of logical fallacies and appeals to the authority of various "sources" (such as Carlos Castaneda, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Konstantin Tsiolkovsky), creating the illusion of a reasoned and plausible logical chain.
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Topic: WEB - on June 22, 2016 at 9:22:00 PM CEST
Crims set up fake companies to hoard and sell IPv4 addresses
IPv4 addresses are now so valuable that criminals are setting up shell companies so they can apply for addresses, then resell them to users desperate to grow their networks. Criminals are doing so because there are no more IPv4 addresses left: the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) ran out in September 2015. ARIN maintains a waiting list for address buyers and also oversees a market for used IPv4 addresses. While it is conceivable that some users will hand back addresses they no longer require, the IPv4 transfer market is short of stock.
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Topic: STRANGE - on June 22, 2016 at 9:20:00 PM CEST
Sweden asks to meet Julian Assange inside Ecuador embassy
Ecuador has received a formal request from the Swedish authorities to interview Julian Assange, inside its London embassy, in a potential breakthrough to the long-running saga. The WikiLeaks founder, 44, is wanted for questioning over a 2010 rape allegation in Sweden, which he has always denied. He has been living inside Ecuador’s UK mission for four years in a bid to avoid extradition to Sweden, saying he fears he would then be transferred to the US to face political charges for orchestrating leaks of diplomatic cables.
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Topic: SCIENCE - on June 22, 2016 at 6:26:00 PM CEST
How Quantum Mechanics Could Be Even Weirder
And what it could mean for the future of computing
Why doesn’t the world make sense? At the fundamental level of atoms and subatomic particles, the familiar “classical” physics that accounts for how objects move around gives way to quantum physics, with new rules that defy intuition. Traditionally these are expressed as paradoxes: particles that can be in two places at once, cats that are simultaneously alive and dead, apparently impossible faster-than-light signaling between distant particles. But quantum rules are perfectly logical and consistent—the “paradoxes” are the result of our trying to impose on them the everyday reasoning of classical physics.
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Topic: EU - on June 22, 2016 at 6:18:00 PM CEST
Europe Will Spend €1 Billion to Turn Quantum Physics Into Quantum Technology
A 10-year-long megaproject will go beyond quantum computing and cryptography to advance other emerging technologies. European quantum physicists have done some amazing things over the past few decades: sent single photons to Earth orbit and back, created quantum bits that will be at the heart of computers that can crack today’s encryption, and “teleported” the quantum states of photons, electrons, and atoms. But they’ve had less success at turning the science into technology. At least that’s the feeling of some 3,400 scientists who signed the “Quantum Manifesto,” which calls for a big European project to support and coordinate quantum-tech R&D. The European Commission heard them, and answered in May with a €1 billion, 10-year-long megaproject called the Quantum Technology Flagship, to begin in 2018. “Europe had two choices: either band together and compete, or forget the whole thing and let others capitalize on research done in Europe,” says Anton Zeilinger, a physicist at the University of Vienna who did breakthrough work in quantum teleportation, which would be key to a future Internet secured by quantum physics.
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Topic: WEB - on June 22, 2016 at 6:16:00 PM CEST
Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media
Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda. The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda. A Californian corporation has been awarded a contract with United States Central Command (Centcom), which oversees US armed operations in the Middle East and Central Asia, to develop what is described as an "online persona management service" that will allow one US serviceman or woman to control up to 10 separate identities based all over the world.
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Topic: War and Peace News - on June 22, 2016 at 6:14:00 PM CEST
There’s a new tool to take down terrorism images online. But social-media companies are wary of it.
President Obama suggested that extremist information spread online inspired a Florida man to commit the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history at a gay nightclub in Orlando last week — the latest in a long line of terrorist attacks in which Islamist propaganda played some role in radicalizing the assailant. Now a Dartmouth College researcher and a nonprofit group say they have created a technology that can help Internet companies instantly detect images and videos generated by terrorists and their supporters and remove them from their platforms.
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