Saturday, 23. June 2012

Uruguay to become first government to SELL cannabis to its citizens

Uruguay could become the first country in the world to sell marijuana to its citizens as it attempts to fight a growing crime problem.

Under the plan, only the government would be allowed to sell marijuana to adults who have registered on a government database - letting officials keep track of their purchases over time.

Minister of Defense Eleuterio Fernandez Huidobro said the measure aims to weaken crime in the country by removing profits from drug dealers and diverting users from harder drugs.

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Baby soaps and shampoos trigger positive marijuana tests

Commonly used baby soaps and shampoos, including products from Johnson & Johnson, Aveeno and CVS, can trigger a positive result on newborns' marijuana screening tests, according to a recent study. A minute amount of the cleansing products in a urine sample — just 0.1 milliliters or less — was found to cause a positive result.

Researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, began studying the issue after an unusually high number of newborns in their nursery began testing positive for marijuana exposure. Newborn screening for marijuana at hospitals, particularly among babies of women who are considered at high risk of drug use, is not uncommon: at U.N.C. Chapel Hill, 10% to 40% of newborns are tested.

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Das Drogenverbot ist (mal wieder) am Ende

Der hochtechnisierte und globale Markt produziert ständig neue Substanzen, eine Kontrolle wird immer schwieriger

Die Problemlage ist seit langem bekannt: Einerseits steht eine Unmenge von Genussmittel und psychoaktive Substanzen zur Verfügung, die von Bürgern aus unterschiedlichsten Gründen konsumiert werden. Andererseits unterwirft sich die Gesellschaft über ihre Institutionen umfangreichen Regelwerken, die diesen Konsum in geordnete Bahnen lenken sollen. Während man bei den Genussmitteln froh darüber ist, dass der Staat deren Herstellung reglementiert und Inhaltsstoffe kontrolliert, damit gesunde Ernährung möglich bleibt, wird die Reglementierung bei den psychoaktiven Substanzen von einer mittlerweile nicht unerheblichen Teil von Bürgern und Experten kritisch gesehen. Denn um die Einhaltung der Regeln zu gewährleisten, setzt der Staat auf das Strafrecht. Wer also meint ein Kilogramm Zucker zu besitzen, der darf dies tun, bei einem Kilogramm Kokain sieht das anders aus.

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Here is the Accenture software for voter registration

This is an installation kit which contains the software; it also has the installation instructions, and a text file explaining how to set it up on a standalone machine if you aren't on a network.

This voter registration and voter history system has been widely criticized -- in Colorado, where it reportedly assigned voters who are Republicans as Democrats, and vice versa, and in Tennessee where it has been proven to lose voter histories.

Now you can examine it yourself.

The MS Access files contain quite a bit of source code. This set is circa 2004.

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