Sunday, 17. June 2012

Spitzel außer Kontrolle

Bundesregierung mußte zu internationalen Polizeinetzwerken Stellung nehmen. Details bleiben geheim

Seit dem Mauerfall 1989 befassen sich das Bundes- und das Zollkriminalamt in einer internationalen Arbeitsgruppe mit dem Einsatz von Polizeispitzeln. Das erklärte die Bundesregierung jetzt in ihrer Antwort auf eine kleine Anfrage des Linkspartei-Abgeordneten Andrej Hunko. Neben Vertretern fast aller EU-Staaten arbeiten auch solche aus Südafrika, Kanada, Israel und der USA in der Gruppe mit. Details sollen aber unter Verschluß bleiben. Deshalb dürfen eine Reihe von Antworten auf die Anfrage Hunkos nur nach einer besonderen Geheimschutzüberprüfung eingesehen werden. »Selbst auf wessen Veranlassung das informelle Spitzelnetzwerk gegründet wurde«, soll nicht öffentlich werden, kritisiert der Parlamentarier.

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South African intel officials faked threats to increase spy budget

SENIOR crime intelligence officials planted paid informers to make fake right-wing-related threats against the government.

This was allegedly part of a wider strategy to loot the unit’s Secret Service Account for personal benefit.

Law enforcement agency sources allege that spy bosses worked their way into the R600 million-a-year slush fund by fabricating information to create a false impression of imminent, unprecedented attacks on black people and ANC members.

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Air Force's Secret X-37B Space Plane May Land This Weekend

A robotic Air Force space plane that has spent more than a year in orbit on a mystery mission is slated to come back down to Earth this weekend, perhaps by Saturday, Air Force officials say.

The Air Force is aiming to land its secret X-37B space plane, which has spent 15 months in space, on Saturday (June 16) at California's Vandenberg Air Force Base. But that timeline is dependent on the weather and other considerations, officials said.

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Wildlife camera catches Austrian politician having sex in forest

An Austrian politician is in line to get up to £16,000 in compensation after a hidden camera used for snapping wildlife photographed him having sexual intercourse in a forest.

The politician, who has not been named, will get the money if a court rules the photographs violated his privacy.

Carefully concealed, placed well away from areas frequented by people and packing motion sensors the camera was designed to record the wildlife of the forest in the Austrian region of Carinthia but instead caught the politician's physical liaison.

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