Wednesday, 20. June 2012

Jäger in Tirol tötet "versehentlich" einen Steinadler

Der Mann leugnete zunächst, auf das Tier geschossen zu haben und sprach später von einem Querschläger - Mehrere tausend Euro Strafe möglich

Ein von einem Tiroler Jäger "versehentlich" erlegter Steinadler sorgt im Ötztal für Aufsehen. Ein Bergführer, der vergangenen Mittwoch mit einer deutschen Wandergruppe bei Vent unterwegs gewesen war, hatte den Vorfall beobachtet. Seinen Angaben gegenüber "ORF Radio Tirol" nach sei das auf einem Felsvorsprung sitzende Tier nach einem Schuss tot runtergefallen.

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Karl Marx bank cards prove hit in eastern Germany

Two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, some eastern Germans are once again carrying round images of Karl Marx - if only in their pockets.

The disappearance of communist former East Germany has not deterred them from using credit cards emblazoned with the image of the man who foretold the end of capitalism and the triumph of communism.

Karl Marx bank cards

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Visa, Mastercard Credit Card Information Hacked? What you should do know

Two days ago a hacker going by the name Reckz0r claimed to have gained over 50 Gigabyte worth of data from 79 banking companies that he hacked in to over the course of the past three months. The data is said to contain extensive information, including customer Visa and Mastercard credit card data.

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U.S., Israel developed Flame computer virus to slow Iranian nuclear efforts, officials say

The United States and Israel jointly developed a sophisticated computer virus nicknamed Flame that collected intelligence in preparation for cyber-sabotage aimed at slowing Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear weapon, according to Western officials with knowledge of the effort.

The massive piece of malware secretly mapped and monitored Iran’s computer networks, sending back a steady stream of intelligence to prepare for a cyber­warfare campaign, according to the officials.

The effort, involving the National Security Agency, the CIA and Israel’s military, has included the use of destructive software such as the Stuxnet virus to cause malfunctions in Iran’s nuclear-enrichment equipment.

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China: Arbitrary Expulsions of Tibetans from Lhasa Escalate

As many as several hundred Tibetans from eastern areas of the Tibetan plateau who live in Lhasa, the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), have been arbitrarily expelled from the city as part of a drastic security drive, Human Rights Watch said today. The policy measure appears to have been taken in response to an incident on May 27, 2012,in which two Tibetan protesters from eastern Tibet set themselves on fire in front of Lhasa’s famous Jokhangtemple.

Since the Jokhang incident, security forces in Lhasa have been carrying out sharply increased identity checks on the streets of the city. Tibetans from areas where protests have recently taken place, in eastern Tibet, have been ordered to leave not only the capital, but the TAR as well. Those expelled are not known to have been accused of any wrongdoing and there are no reports to date of non-Tibetans being expelled.

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Exclusive: Secret EU summit document shows first step to banking union

A classified draft of next week’s EU summit conclusions is the first step on an emerging “roadmap” to a banking union, pooling debt via eurobonds and political union via EU treaty change over the next 10 years.

The “limite” text - published exclusively by The Daily Telegraph, is secret, restricted for the "eyes only" of diplomats and officials preparing for the 28 and 29 June European Council in Brussels.

Most of the text, the annexed “Compact for Growth and Jobs”, are deals on project bonds and other small scale EU initiatives that FranCois Hollande is trumpeting as a €120bn “growth pact”.

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