Topic: DRUGS - on September 21, 2009 at 1:29:00 PM CEST
Krieg gegen Drogen seit 40 Jahren ohne Erfolg
Am 21. September 1969 wurde an der Grenze zwischen den USA und Mexiko alles anders. Um zwei Uhr Nachmittag verkündete US-Präsident Richard Nixon übers Radio eine neue Initiative im Kampf gegen illegale Drogen. Am selben Tag nahmen zweitausend Polizisten und FBI-Beamte in der Region ihren Dienst auf. In Tijuana und an anderen Grenzübergängen wurde jeder Wagen durchsucht. Im Visier der Beamten: Marihuana
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Topic: DRUGS - on September 21, 2009 at 1:26:00 PM CEST
Important cannabis haul recovered from crashed van in Estepona
The 1.7 tons of the drug are amongst 6 tons seized by the Civil Guard in Málaga province this month.
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Topic: SECURITY - on September 21, 2009 at 1:00:00 PM CEST
60 Years of Cryptography, 1949-2009
2009 marks 60 years since the advent of modern cryptography. It was back in October 1949 when mathematician Claude Shannon published a paper on Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems. According to his employer at the time, Bell Labs, the work transformed cryptography from an art to a science and is generally considered the foundation of modern cryptography. Since then significant developments in secure communications have continued, particularly with the advent of the Internet and Web. CIO has a pictorial representation of the past six decades of research and development in encryption technology. Highlights include the design of the first quantum cryptography protocol by Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard in 1984, and the EFF's 'Deep Crack' DES code breaker of 1998.
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