Topic: COMPUTER - on September 5, 2008 at 12:16:00 PM CEST
The My Document Laptop Bag
Remember when the Macbook Air came out with that commercial of the computer fitting in an envelope and that singer that I think I want to have sex with singing that song that's really catchy? And then how people actually started making laptop envelopes like the one in the ad so they can make a quick buck to support their drug habits? Me neither, but apparently it happened. And now there's another novelty laptop carrier on the market -- the $30 My Document!
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Topic: MUSIK - on September 5, 2008 at 12:13:00 PM CEST
'Torched' Jimi Hendrix Guitar
On a warm March night back then in 1967, Jimi Hendrix displayed awesome showmanship playing his Fender Stratocaster at Finsbury Park in London. He wowed the audiences with classics such as “The Wind Cries Mary” and “Purple Haze.” The acclaimed guitarist and rock god did not stop at just enthralling the audience, but also did the shocking act of burning a guitar the first time in his life. The incident itself was notorious enough to make the guitar an object of great value. Collectors and rock pilgrims have waited and hunted for the Fender Stratocaster for years and finally, it was found in a garage last year.
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Topic: Green - on September 5, 2008 at 12:11:00 PM CEST
Geräuschlos durchs Gehölz
Dank rapider Fortschritte der Batterietechnik taugen Elektrofahrzeuge nun auch für den Sport. Erste strombetriebene Motocross-Motorräder sind bereits im Handel.
Artig sieht es nicht aus, das Gefährt namens Quantya. Man assoziiert diesen Zweiradtyp mit furchtlosen Hünen, die im Hartplastik-Harnisch durch die Krume pflügen, als gäb's keinen Naturschutz - und dann dieses kehlige Geknatter: RrrrräääängtängtätätÄÄÄNG. Die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz von Motocross scheint im Kanon modernen Freizeitsports kaum unterbietbar.
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Topic: GOOGLE - on September 5, 2008 at 12:05:00 PM CEST
A decade on: Google's internet economy
It's the success story to beat all internet success stories.
Ten years ago, on 7 September 1998, two young graduate students at Stanford University incorporated a company with the (then) odd-sounding name "Google".
Today, Larry Page and Sergey Brin are billionaires. Their company is hugely profitable; between April and June this year alone, it reported a turnover of $5.7bn (£3.2bn) and generated a net profit of $1.25bn (the first quarter was even more profitable).
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Topic: POLICE REPORT - on September 5, 2008 at 12:01:00 PM CEST
Global Crime Report - Policing The Planet [BBC World Service Radio Series]
Organised crime is a major problem in our increasingly globalised world. Just as legitimate business has grown and benefited from better communications and information technology - so has criminal enterprise.
In a landmark BBC World Service radio series, Policing the Planet looks at how crime fighters across the world are struggling to cope with the new demands upon them.
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Topic: POLITIK - on September 5, 2008 at 12:00:00 PM CEST
Palin: She inhaled
Alaska Gov. [and Republican Vice Presidential nominee] Sarah Palin is known as a staunch social conservative. She's a life long NRA member, belongs to an anti-abortion-rights group called Feminists for Life and opposes civil unions.
But the self-proclaimed "hockey mom" had some youthful indiscretions.
Palin has said she smoked marijuana but didn't enjoy it and doesn't smoke anymore.
"I can't claim a Bill Clinton and say that I never inhaled,” she told the Anchorage Daily News in 2006.
At the time, marijuana was legal under Alaska's liberal drug laws.
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Topic: DRUGS - on September 5, 2008 at 11:59:00 AM CEST
Wichtiger Drogen-Richter ermordet
Die tödliche Kugel traf ihn ins Herz: Auf Alim Hanif, einer der wichtigsten Anti-Drogen-Richter Afghanistans, wurde auf dem Weg zum Arbeitsplatz geschossen. Er sei beim Transport ins Krankenhaus gestorben, teilte die afghanische Einheit zur Drogenbekämpfung (CJTF) mit. Die Mörder konnten unerkannt entkommen.
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Topic: DRUGS - on September 5, 2008 at 11:50:00 AM CEST
7 Ways To Tell Your Elephant Is A Drug Addict
An Asian elephant has just completed a DRUG REHABILITATION PROGRAM after his captors got him hooked on heroin spiked bananas. Feel free to roll that last sentence around in your brain a couple times before reading on. Absorbed? Great. Police discovered the elephant was hooked after seeing strange withdrawal symptoms: “The elephant’s eyes kept streaming and he made continuous trumpeting noises.” So celebratory, and yet so heart-breaking.
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