Topic: - on February 22, 2003 at 11:45:08 PM CET
99-year-old man skis down Mont Blanc
In a feat that would challenge many people half his age, a Japanese man celebrated his 99th birthday by skiing down western Europe's highest mountain, Mont Blanc.
Mr Keizo Miura made his way down an off-piste run in the celebrated Vallee Blanche area on Wednesday with 40 people and 10 guides, including his 70-year-old son Yuichiro and his 37-year-old grandson Yuta, a mere youngster in the group.

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Topic: - on February 22, 2003 at 11:41:10 PM CET
Australia's Government looks to Linux
GOVERNMENT agencies are embracing the potential of Linux, but Australia's leaders in public sector deployments caution that the open source flagship still needs to prove itself.
The head of one of the biggest Australian government open source software projects said it was still too early to be sure that Linux would be cheaper and more reliable than commercial platforms.
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Topic: - on February 22, 2003 at 11:39:02 PM CET
AltaVista sold for $235m
Advertising-driven search engine Overture Services announced it will buy fallen Internet star AltaVista for $US140 million ($235.5 million), upping the stakes in a quest for search engine supremacy.
Overture will pay $60 million in cash and $80 million in stock for AltaVista, which introduced a pioneering search engine in 1995.
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Topic: - on February 22, 2003 at 11:21:27 PM CET
Images of war protests
from around the world.

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Topic: - on February 22, 2003 at 11:17:54 PM CET
Smaller, smarter PC cards ahead
The days of having to open up your PC to fit a new card to improve its ability to handle graphics or produce sounds could soon be at an end. The cards will act as readers for smart media, storage systems in their own right, identification tokens as well as upgrading the memory or other capabilities of a laptop or desktop machine.
The first of the new add-on cards are due to be available in 2004.

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