Topic: - on February 21, 2003 at 5:52:15 PM CET
Von "unoriginell" bis "uninteressiert"
In ersten Reaktionen nahmen Künstler und Intellektuelle zu den angekündigten Koalitionsverhandlungen von ÖVP und FPÖ Stellung. So meint der Wiener Philosophie-Professor Konrad Paul Liessmann, Schwarz-Blau sei "keine sonderlich originelle Variante". Und Schriftsteller Robert Menasse findet die Entscheidung "infantil". Bereits unmittelbar nach der Nationalratswahl hatten zahlreiche Künstler die Fortsetzung der schwarz-blauen Koalition vorausgesagt.
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Topic: - on February 21, 2003 at 5:46:02 PM CET
73-jährige schmuggelte Kokain
Eine 73-jährige Rollstuhlfahrerin ist am Flughafen Wien-Schwechat als Drogenschmugglerin entlarvt worden. In ihrem Gepäck transportierte sie 1,6 Kilo Kokain. Durch Nervosität aufgefallen Die betagte Dame war den Beamten am 22. Jänner bei der Passkontrolle aufgefallen, weil sie besonders nervös wirkte. Sie war mit einer Maschine aus Asuncion via Sao Paulo und Zürich nach Österreich gekommen.
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Topic: - on February 21, 2003 at 5:30:52 PM CET
Refinery Catches Fire
An explosion rocked an oil refinery on the edge of Staten Island, sending black smoke and flames hundreds of feet into the air.
“We have a preliminary report that a tanker was transferring a product or was being fueled and somehow ignited,” Fire Department Chief William Van Wart said.
The explosion was reported at Port Mobil, near the Outerbridge Crossing in the southwestern part of Staten Island, said a spokeswoman for the Staten Island borough office. The fire started at 10:10 a.m., according to a spokeswoman for the New York Fire Department.

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Topic: - on February 21, 2003 at 7:24:51 AM CET
SSL cracked
Net security software exposed
The most commonly used security system to protect passwords over the internet has been cracked by researchers at one of Switzerland's top technology universities.
A team at the Federal Institute for Technology in Lausanne said they had been able to decipher a password in less than an hour.
"It is the first time we have noticed a security problem in the SSL protocol itself and not in how we use it or how we implement it," Professor Serge Vaudenay, director of the institute's security and cryptography lab, told the BBC.
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Topic: - on February 21, 2003 at 7:12:27 AM CET
How to make your car invisible to radar and laser!
Rocky Mountain Radar introduces a device designed to make your car electronically unreadable—if you get a ticket while using the product, the manufacturer will pay your fine!*
Today, Rocky Mountain Radar offers drivers a perfect solution to speed traps—the Phazer II. It uses a passive radar scrambler to make your automobile electronically “invisible” to police speed-detecting equipment. The radar component works by mixing an X, K or Ka radar signal with an FM “chirp” and bouncing it back at the squad car by way of a waveguide antenna, effectively confusing the computer inside the radar gun.

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Topic: - on February 21, 2003 at 7:06:45 AM CET
French fries off US menu
A fast food restaurant in America says it has received huge support after renaming its French fries, in protest at France's opposition to the United States' stance on Iraq.
Neal Rowland, the owner of Cubbie's diner in Beaufort, North Carolina, said his newly-named 'freedom fries' have been a hit with customers.

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Topic: - on February 21, 2003 at 7:03:23 AM CET
Bertelsmann sued for $17 billion over Napster
A music industry group including publishers of rock hits ranging from "Jailhouse Rock" to "Walk Like An Egyptian" sued Bertelsmann AG for $17 billion, alleging the German media company helped the one-time cult song-swap service Napster deprive them of royalties.
Songwriters and composers in the complaint alleged Bertelsmann perpetuated Napster by investing more than $100 million in the Web site that was ultimately forced to close in 2001.
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