Topic: - on February 20, 2003 at 6:46:45 PM CET
Has Anyone Had Sex in Space?
he proposition of sex in space remains a source of playful speculation and we have on good word that the deed has been done.
Over at NASA headquarters, a veil of secrecy has descended on the subject. Serious inquiry is generally rebuffed (the company line: astronauts are "professionals") and officials are notoriously reluctant to discuss any details involving "s-e-x."

¬> Retrofuture
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Topic: - on February 20, 2003 at 6:42:48 PM CET
Freaking banned
It's just too nasty, school officials say.
Students at Palo Alto High are about to learn that ``freaking'' -- a popular way of dancing that simulates sex -- will get them kicked out of school dances.
Principal Sandra Pearson plans to tell the school's 1,650 students today that she is banning sexually provocative dance moves in response to suggestions from some parents and students. Critics say the amorphous dance known as freaking is a ``demeaning'' activity that looks like something that would be seen in an X-rated movie rather than at a high school dance.

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Topic: - on February 20, 2003 at 6:39:04 PM CET
Microsoft Accidentally Shares Office 2003
Microsoft posted the second beta of Office 2003 to its Microsoft Developer Network Web site on Wednesday, only to pull it a few hours later.
"A copy of the second beta was inadvertently posted yesterday. It was subsequently pulled because it is not ready for customers," a Microsoft spokesperson in Europe said Thursday. "We expect the beta 2 to ship in March."
Microsoft won't specify how many MSDN subscribers downloaded the beta, saying only that it was "a very low number."
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Topic: - on February 20, 2003 at 6:34:51 PM CET
Glow-in-dark bug strikes
A BACTERIA which glows in the dark and shares genes with the bubonic plague has caused a series of unexplained infections along Australia's east coast.
The photorhabdus bacteria, first identified in an 11-year-old Melbourne girl in 1994, causes excruciatingly painful ulcers and abscesses.

¬> News Limited ¬> avi
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Topic: - on February 20, 2003 at 6:19:12 PM CET
Fingerprinting P2P pirates
For months, the digital equivalent of a postal censor has been sorting through virtually all file-swapping traffic on the University of Wyoming's network, quietly noting every trade of an Eminem song or "Friends" episode. The technology, provided by Los Gatos, Calif., company Audible Magic, isn't yet blocking individual file trades. But that's the next step. As the company begins testing its service with more universities, corporations and small Internet service providers during next few weeks and months, this peer-to-peer monitoring and blocking technology threatens to open the next front in the online piracy wars.
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Topic: - on February 20, 2003 at 6:16:51 PM CET
Germans want cash for interrupted sex
A German couple are demanding compensation from a tour operator because a maid repeatedly interrupted them while they were having sex in their hotel room during a holiday in Cuba, a court spokesman has said.
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Topic: - on February 20, 2003 at 6:14:46 PM CET
Federal agents seized nearly a ton of marijuana
U.S. Agents Seize Pot from Fake Border Patrol Cars
Federal agents on Wednesday seized nearly a ton of marijuana concealed inside two sport utility vehicles painted to resemble U.S. Border Patrol units and intercepted at the Mexican border, authorities said.
The vehicles, which featured the U.S Border Patrol logo and painted-on government license plates, were stopped before dawn by Border Patrol and U.S. Customs agents near Palominas, Arizona, about 70 miles southeast of Tucson.
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Topic: - on February 20, 2003 at 6:10:21 PM CET
Where does Gran go for sex education?
A typical 17-year-old probably has a lot of ideas on how to gather information about sex. But where does an older person turn?
A new centre in San Francisco opening on Thursday is promising to act as an impartial clearinghouse of information on the finer and not-so-fine points of sex for all ages.
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Topic: - on February 20, 2003 at 6:02:50 PM CET
Working at Microsoft
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Topic: - on February 20, 2003 at 5:57:51 PM CET
U.S.: Citizens in Iraq should depart
With the threat of war looming, the State Department urged all Americans Wednesday "to avoid travel to Iraq" and advised Americans there to leave.
"Foreigners present in Iraq have in the past been used as 'human shields' by the regime during periods of confrontation with the international community," the travel warning says. "There are credible reports that foreigners may face the risk of kidnapping in Iraq."

¬> CNN
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Topic: - on February 20, 2003 at 1:40:13 AM CET
Waiting for the webcam in iraq
The embargo imposed on Iraq for more than a decade, and the pre- war situation that the country now is facing, makes the webcam in Iraq project face a range of new difficulties. Among other things, the frequent cuts in the electric supply and problems with the connection will most likely interrupt the transferring of images during some point.

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Topic: - on February 20, 2003 at 1:38:04 AM CET
Waiting for the webcam in iraq / Deutsch
Das lang ertragene Embargo und die heutige Vorkriegs-Situation im Irak konfrontieren das Projekt "Webcam im Irak" mit zahlreichen neuen Schwierigkeiten. Besonders technische Probleme sind den typischen Schwierigkeiten bei derartigen Projekten, hinzuzufügen. Die häufigen Stromausfälle und die Probleme der Telefon- und Kommunikationsleitungen können die Übertragung der Webcam-Bilder unterbrechen.
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