Topic: - on February 18, 2003 at 11:54:55 PM CET
We're on the new server
Unfortunately we had to switch IP address, so it may take some time for the new DNS record to propagate. So far, things look pretty good. Let us know if you see anything weird.
With the new server we also switched back to better quality image resizing and switched story read count on again.
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Topic: - on February 18, 2003 at 11:44:28 AM CET
Inferno in der U-Bahn - über 130 Tote
Ein Mann hat in der südkoreanischen Stadt Taegu einen Brandanschlag auf einen U-Bahn-Zug verübt. Offiziellen Angaben zufolge wurden dabei mindestens 134 Menschen getötet und über 135 verletzt. Es ist zu befürchten, dass die Zahl der Opfer weiter ansteigt, denn viele Fahrgäste werden noch vermisst.
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Topic: - on February 18, 2003 at 11:39:07 AM CET
Fatal arson attack on S Korea subway
At least 100 people have been killed and many others injured in a fire on an underground train in the South Korean city of Daegu.
MBC-TV said that one of its reporters went down to the fire site wearing a gas mask and saw "dozens" of charred bodies in subway cars. A further 97 people are reported to be missing, officials said.

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Topic: - on February 18, 2003 at 11:30:33 AM CET
Opera turns Microsoft site into Muppet language
Norwegian software group Opera took a swipe at Microsoft on Friday by issuing an Internet browser that converts text on Microsoft's Web site into the nonsense language of a popular television puppet.
When Opera users visit Microsoft's MSN site with the new browser, the text displayed there appears to them in a language mimicking that of the Swedish chef on the popular Muppet Show, Opera said in a statement.
"This joke is for real," Opera's chief technology officer Haakon Wium Lie told Reuters.
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Topic: - on February 18, 2003 at 11:20:58 AM CET
Hackers View Visa/MasterCard Accounts
More than five million Visa and MasterCard accounts throughout the nation were accessed after the computer system at a third party processor was hacked into, according to representatives for the card associations. Early indications were that none of the information, which would include credit card numbers, was used in a fraudulent way, according to the representatives.
The associations said they could not provide a timeline of when the breach took place or details on how it was accomplished because it involved a third party processor used by merchants and not Visa or MasterCard systems. The associations said they could not disclose the name of that processor.
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Topic: - on February 18, 2003 at 11:06:04 AM CET
Fox News pirates CNN's live video feed
During coverage of the space shuttle Columbia's disintegration, the folks in CNN's control room thought the picture they saw on rival Fox News Channel looked familiar.
So they tried a little experiment.
The producers superimposed a tiny "CNN" logo on the upper left corner of the network's screen as it showed the shuttle breaking into pieces. Blip! The same logo appeared on Fox News Channel.
Then they decided to abruptly switch cameras so a picture of correspondent Miles O'Brien appeared. For two seconds — until it was hurriedly replaced with a view of NASA 's mission control — it looked like O'Brien was working for Fox, too.
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Topic: - on February 18, 2003 at 10:55:30 AM CET
Corporate Suppliers for Iraq's Weapons Programs
The following companies in the USA, Britain, France, China, Russia and other countries are identified in the Iraqi weapons report, submitted to the United Nations 2002-12-07, as having supplied materials or advice to Iraq in the development of its various weapons programs. Whatever "weapons of mass destruction" Iraq may (or may not) possess (or once possessed) were obtained or developed with the assistance and cooperation of many Western governments and companies, mostly American and British. This is interesting, since it is the political leaders of the USA and Britain who have been loudest in denouncing Saddam Hussein as an "evil dictator" intent on using his military might to terrorize civilian populations — exactly what those leaders have themselves been doing in Iraq for the last ten years. Who can be silent in the face of such blatant hypocrisy?
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Topic: - on February 18, 2003 at 10:48:22 AM CET domain wiped off face of Internet
The domain was wiped off the face of the Internet this morning with no notice, leaving more than 8,000 livid individuals and businesses - including Amazon and Priceline - with no Web presence or email.
The only proof of its existence is a posting on from the top-level domain .co owner - the University of the Andes in Bogota, Colombia - saying that the registrar for the domains Net Registrar had failed to agree terms of a new arrangement and so it was "no longer entitled to operate sub-domains". Therefore, "Net Registrar is not entitled to permit you to use the domain names that you had registered with them".
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Topic: - on February 18, 2003 at 10:42:48 AM CET
Coming Soon to Baghdad – The Preview of the E-Bomb
It will begin with a sharp crack, like the sound of a bolt of lightning hitting its target. In an instant, Baghdad and its environs will go dark. Even though turned off, fluorescent lights and television sets will glow and the smell of ozone mixed with the odor of smoldering plastic will seep from outlet covers as electric wires arc and telephone lines melt. Palm Pilots will feel warm to the touch, their batteries overloaded. Computers, and every bit of data on them, will be history.
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Topic: - on February 18, 2003 at 10:34:34 AM CET
Czechs win battle over Bud name
The American beer giant Anheuser-Busch has lost a long-running legal battle over the use of its trademark "Bud" name in the UK.
A ruling by the House of Lords, Britain's highest court, allowed rival Czech brewer Budejovicky Budvar to continue to use the trademark "Bud" name.
The UK is the only country where both Anheuser-Busch and Budvar can sell their beer products using the Budweiser brand.

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Topic: - on February 18, 2003 at 10:30:56 AM CET
Salon May Not Survive Beyond February
Online magazine publisher Salon Media Group Inc. warned that it may not survive beyond this month if it can't raise more money to pay its rent and other bills. Things are so bad, Salon said, it stopped paying rent for its San Francisco headquarters in December, prompting the landlord to issue a Jan. 29 demand for a $200,000 payment.
To raise money, the company said it may sell its rights to $5.6 million worth of advertising on a Cablevision Systems Corp. subsidiary for as little as $1 million.
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Topic: - on February 18, 2003 at 10:28:26 AM CET
Two killed for practising witchcraft
A 40-year-old tribal and his minor daughter were allegedly beheaded by their relatives for reportedly practising witchcraft at Burudih Tola in Kendua village of East Singhbhum district, police said here today.
Suspecting one Sambhu Mardi of practising witchcraft, he was allegedly killed along with his 12-year-old daughter Dulari yesterday, they said. Sambhu's relatives suspected that he was responsible for the death of his nephew Jagannath on Tuesday last.
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