Topic: - on February 17, 2003 at 1:03:33 PM CET
Opera-Browser für Smartphone Sony Ericsson P800 erschienen
Kostenloser Download des Opera-Browsers für die Symbian-Plattform
Nachdem Opera bereits im Juni 2002 eine Smartphone-Version des Opera-Browsers angekündigt hat, ist nun eine Fassung für das kürzlich in Deutschland erschienene Symbian-Smartphone von Sony Ericsson P800 erhältlich. Damit sollen sich auch normale Webseiten gut auf dem kleinen Display eines mobilen Geräts betrachten lassen.
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Topic: - on February 17, 2003 at 12:57:27 PM CET
Weisheiten fürs Poesiealbum
Und endlich lief Daniel Küblböck ins Studio, einer der letzten drei Kandidaten in der "RTL"-Supererfolgsshow "Deutschland sucht den Superstar". Er war tadellos gekleidet in braunem Anzug und T-Shirt, was darauf hindeutet, dass dieses Mal nicht die "Superstar"-Stylisten das Outfit ausgesucht hatten, sondern entweder Küblböck selbst oder das "Kerner"-Personal. Küblböck schüttelte zunächst allen Gästen artig die Hand, strahlte wie immer euphorisch und bat Kerner, ihn zu duzen - ein Angebot, das der Moderator mit den Worten "ich bin ein alter Sack" annahm.
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Topic: - on February 17, 2003 at 3:13:32 AM CET
Voice On Bin Laden Tape Calls Bush Stupid
An audiotape said to be the voice of Osama bin Laden is calling President Bush "stupid."
And it says American war plans against Iraq are part of a plot to attack other Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
The tape appears to be the same recording excerpted last week by an Islamic Al Ansaar news agency.
The tape has begun appearing in full today on Islamic-oriented Web sites. The British-based news agency says it acquired the tape from a seller who advertised it over the Internet.
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Topic: - on February 17, 2003 at 2:58:38 AM CET
At hardware stores and survivalist supply shops like The Survival Shack in Horse Branch, Arkansas, the shelves have been picked clean. We spoke to Clem Riley, an employee of The Survival Shack. "Hooey! we're making so much money. When Y2K came and went and nothing ever did happen, we thought we were going to have to close. Only the nutbars with cabins up in the woods were buying our stuff. That started to change after 9/11, but everything really took off thanks to Tom Ridge. It's bigger than 1999. We're going to be rich!"

¬> uncoveror
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Topic: - on February 17, 2003 at 2:52:20 AM CET
Graffiti Space Trap Tested
Psssst, wanna catch a tagger?
Satellites and super-sensitive sensors are now tuned to the sibilant hiss of spray cans in a space-age effort to eradicate one of the oldest and most persistent urban problems -- graffiti.
TaggerTrap, a graffiti eradication system being tested in several California cities, uses global positioning system technology, cell phones and sensors that recognize the ultrasonic pitch of spray cans to alert police when vandals begin their work, representatives said.
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Topic: - on February 17, 2003 at 2:43:26 AM CET
The next tech toy: X-ray cameras
Developers predict consumer version could hit market in five years. Voyeurs take note: a portable, cheap camera that can see through objects and clothing may be available for sale to common folk in as little as five years, say British-based space researchers.
The camera, built by a European Space Agency-funded team working at a lab in central England, could one day be used to find skin cancer or hidden weapons, reveal wounds beneath animal fur or bandages, spot forged works of art, even pierce through fog.
¬> Canada
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Topic: - on February 17, 2003 at 2:26:25 AM CET
UN Documents German Firms Who did business with Iraq
Iraq's arms report to the United Nations shows that more than 80 German companies have done business with Baghdad since the 1970s and that some have contravened a UN embargo, according to a German newspaper. In its Tuesday edition, the daily Tageszeitung said that the companies included public and private research laboratories and firms which supplied whole systems or components for weapons of mass destruction. Citing what it claimed were parts of the report, the newspaper said some of the 86 companies that had been doing business in Iraq since around 1975 had continued to do so at least up until 2001.
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