Topic: - on February 16, 2003 at 11:04:28 PM CET
Google kauft größten Weblog-Anbieter
Der weltgrößte Suchmaschinen-Betreiber Google hat dieser Tage das Softwarehaus Pyra Labs übernommen.
Die Company aus San Francisco hat als einer der ersten ein Tool entwickelt, dass das einfache Erstellen von tausenden Weblogs auf einem Server ermöglicht. Herausgekommen ist, das auf bereits 1,1 Millionen registrierte User verweisen kann.
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Topic: - on February 16, 2003 at 7:07:42 PM CET
Google buys Pyra in big boost for blogging
Google, which runs the Web's premier search site, has purchased Pyra Labs, a San Francisco company that created some of the earliest technology for writing weblogs, the increasingly popular personal and opinion journals.
The Thursday buyout is a huge boost to an enormously diverse genre of online publishing -- also known as ``blogging'' -- that has begun to change the equations of online news and information.
¬> Dan Gillmor
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Topic: - on February 16, 2003 at 6:56:25 PM CET
Video recorders enter the digital age
Video recorders are evolving into pocket-sized, portable digital machines that can records hours of entertainment, as BBC ClickOnline's Ian Hardy explains. One of the greatest inventions in the modern home was VHS recorder.
When it was introduced in 1964 there was a great deal of excitement. No longer did you have to miss your favourite show because of work, or worry if your partner wanted to watch something that clashed with your choice.

¬> BBC
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Topic: - on February 16, 2003 at 6:52:30 PM CET
No time left to lose
Scientists are developing a new generation of atomic clocks which will be so accurate they will have lost only about a second by the time the world ends a few billion years from now.
The clock's technology will be used in telecommunications and experiments testing fundamental theories in physics and in probing human diseases.
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Topic: - on February 16, 2003 at 12:52:46 PM CET
Sprachrohr Saddams
Ein Wissenschaftler des renommierten Orient-Instituts gilt als Propagandist des Hussein-Regimes in Deutschland. Finanziert wird die Einrichtung aus Steuergeldern. Gerade hatte sich die Mehrheit der Experten im "ARD-Presseclub" darauf geeinigt, Saddam Hussein für einen Staatsverbrecher zu halten, wegen Massenmordes, Führen von Angriffskriegen und Verstößen gegen so ziemlich alle sonstigen Paragrafen des internationalen Strafrechts. Da warb ein Herr ganz links am Tisch um etwas mehr Respekt für den Diktator.

¬> Spiegel
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Topic: - on February 16, 2003 at 12:39:53 PM CET
Vernachlässigte Nachrichten: Kriege gibt es auf der ganzen Welt
Im Jahr 2002 gab es eine Fülle wichtiger Themen, über die in den Medien unzureichend berichtet wurde. Die Initiative Nachrichtenaufklärung und das Netzwerk Recherche haben am 15. Februar 2003 die Top Ten der vernachlässigten Themen 2002 vorgelegt. Die Untersuchung und Analyse der Themen wurde von Journalisten, Wissenschaftlern und Studierenden der Journalistik und der Medienwissenschaft vorgenommen. Auf Platz 1 der Liste setzte die Jury das Thema „Vergessene Kriege“. Auch über die Verabreichung von Psychopharmaka an Menschen in Altenheimen wurde nur ungenügend informiert. Nur sporadisch berichteten Medien über lebenslänglich Verurteilte, die hinter Gittern vergessen werden.
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Topic: - on February 16, 2003 at 12:17:47 PM CET
Mama mia! Italy losing mom-and-pop shops
Mom and pop are closing up shop, hanging up their prosciutto knives, bagging the last plump tomatoes and calling it a day. Or, rather, a lifetime, as they take off their white grocers' aprons for good.
In ancient city alleys as well as suburban malls across Italy, supermarkets are luring customers away from family-run neighborhood shops with lower prices and more convenient hours, defying skeptics who thought Italians would never abandon generations-old shopping habits.

¬> Cnn
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Topic: - on February 16, 2003 at 12:07:29 PM CET
Send a ...
Dead Fish The fish is back, the increase in price is due to the fact that the only way we can ship it is overnight… Sending a dead fish is a great way to hook your prey. Revenge, in this case, is not sweet but, scaly and sour!

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Topic: - on February 16, 2003 at 12:02:11 PM CET
CNN Leaves 750 Words Out Of Blix Transcript.
Now, this is pretty much what we're talking about here.
How in the world do you trust a 'news' organization like CNN, when they offer what purports to be a full transcript of Hans Blix' address to the UN Security Council but they leave out nearly 800 words - and those words just happen to be the ones where Blix refutes Colin Powell's 'smoking gun' presentation from earlier this week?
via Information Clearing House
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Topic: - on February 16, 2003 at 11:56:33 AM CET
Millions Worldwide Rally Against Iraq War
Millions of protesters - many of them marching in the capitals of America's traditional allies - demonstrated Saturday against possible U.S. plans to attack Iraq.
The protests that started Friday in Australia continued through the weekend with a massive Sunday demonstration of more than 100,000 people in Sydney. The protests were the biggest in Australia since the Vietnam War three decades ago.
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Topic: - on February 16, 2003 at 11:51:55 AM CET
En Irak

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Topic: - on February 16, 2003 at 11:46:48 AM CET
Alinghi Wins Again
A very hard loss for Team New Zealand, with Alinghi stealing the race in the final minutes... Alinghi skipper Russell Coutts got the better of his young protégé, Kiwi skipper Dean Barker on Sunday in a thrilling race to go up 2 – 0 in the America’s Cup Match. Coutts made an incredible pass on the final run, breaking hearts across New Zealand as Alinghi slipped by just a few hundred metres from the finish.

¬> Americascup
Schweizer Crew schlägt erneut Neuseeländer
Es war eine der spannendsten Wettfahrten in der Cup-Geschichte: Mit sieben Sekunden Vorsprung gewinnt die Schweizer Yacht "Alinghi" gegen das Verteidiger-Team aus Neuseeland. Sollten die Europäer zum ersten Mal den Cup gewinnen?
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