Topic: - on February 11, 2003 at 1:39:12 PM CET
Bundesweiter Schlag gegen Software-Piraten
Kriminalbeamte und Mitarbeiter der Gesellschaft zur Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen e.V. (GVU) haben am heutigen Montag bundesweit zahlreiche Objekte wegen des Verdachts der Produkt- und Markenpiraterie bei aktuellen Kinofilmen, Unterhaltungssoftware, Anwendersoftware, Musik-CDs und E-Books durchsucht. Laut GVU wurden dabei große Mengen an Raubkopien beschlagnahmt und mehrere Personen festgenommen.
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Topic: - on February 11, 2003 at 1:37:01 PM CET
IPv6 Appli- Contest 2003
The IPv6 Promotion Council is holding a contest called "IPv6 Appli- Contest 2003" from February to July. The contest will award developers of applications and software which helps to create new possibilities in the Internet world. The Internet has spawned application and software developers in unexpected places. It is estimated that IPv6, the next generation Internet protocol, will further enhance the possibilities of the Internet.
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Topic: - on February 11, 2003 at 12:47:51 PM CET
Segler-Yacht gegen Designer-Yacht
Schweiz vs Neuseeland
Auckland - Fünf Can-Can-Tänzerinnen hüpften in Auckland bei der Präsentation vier Tage vor dem Start der Finalrennen um den America's Cup vor der Schweizer Herausforderer-Yacht herum. 300 Medienvertreter und rund 1000 Schaulustige rieben sich verblüfft die Augen, als die Damen schließlich ihre Röcke hoben und darunter die Segelnummer SUI 64 präsentierten. Dass Herausforderer Alinghi Challenge um den deutschen Sportdirektor Jochen Schümann den Bug etwas verkürzt haben und damit die Segelfläche vergrößern können, ging in der Tanzeinlage fast unter.
Das erste Rennen im 31. America's-Cup-Duell seit 1851 beginnt am 15. Februar um 13.15 Uhr Ortszeit und ist in der Nacht von Freitag auf Samstag (1.40 Uhr) live in der ARD zu sehen.
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Topic: - on February 11, 2003 at 12:40:29 PM CET
Musikindustrie führt - Barcode - für Online-Verkäufe ein
Der Weltverband der Musikindustrie IFPI hat einen auf elektronisch ausgelieferte Medien zugeschnittenen "Barcode" vorgestellt, der dabei helfen soll, einen legalen Online-Musikmarkt zu schaffen. Die auf den Namen "Global Release Identifier" (GRid) getaufte Kennung ist insbesondere dafür gedacht, über das Internet ausgelieferte elektronische Medien zu identifizieren. Damit soll sich künftig verfolgen lassen, welche Musik übertragen, lizenziert und verkauft wurde. Ziel von GRid sei es unter anderem, eine faire Vergütung von Künstlern und Urhebern zu gewährleisten, hieß es beim IFPI.
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Topic: - on February 11, 2003 at 12:33:51 PM CET
Polls find Europeans oppose Iraq war
In opinion poll in Germany this week makes it look almost as if the Germans now see the US - not Iraq - as the main threat to world peace.
The Forsa poll found 57% of Germans held the opinion that "the United States is a nation of warmongers".
Only 6% said they think President George W Bush is concerned with "preserving peace".

¬> BBC
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Topic: - on February 11, 2003 at 12:20:23 PM CET
Croatian PM condemns Nazi salutes at handball
The Croatian prime minister on Thursday condemned parts of the crowd and the singer at a public welcome-home party honoring Croatia's newly crowned handball world champions for doing Nazi salutes.
About 50,000 people gathered Monday in Zagreb's main square to welcome the team home. Folk singer Marko Perkovic Thompson, who performed at the party, shouted a slogan used by Croatia's Nazi forces during the World War II. Dozens of fans answered with Nazi salutes. Prime Minister Ivica Racan on Thursday said such behavior "cannot be tolerated in Croatia."
"Such scenes ... cast a shadow on the handball team's victory and besmear the face of Croatia," Racan said. "Croatia has long ago broke off with its Nazi past."
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Topic: - on February 11, 2003 at 11:48:11 AM CET
5 Tons Of Seized Cocaine Hauled Into Port Canaveral
A Coast Guard cutter that seized five tons of cocaine in the Pacific Ocean docked in Florida on Monday to turn over eight Colombian men suspected of smuggling the drug.
The cocaine, stacked on the deck of the cutter Diligence in 50-pound plastic bags, has an estimated street value of about $300 million, officials said.
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Topic: - on February 11, 2003 at 11:44:21 AM CET
Famous hacker gets hacked
The world's best-known computer hacker suffered the indignity of having someone break into his new security consulting company's Web site. But Kevin Mitnick shrugged it off as "quite amusing," not serious enough for him to call the FBI.
Mitnick, whose federal probation on hacking charges ended a few weeks ago, acknowledged that this weekend's electronic break-in at Defensive Thinking Inc. of Los Angeles was actually the second time in weeks that hackers found a way into the computer running the firm's Web site.
¬> Seattle Post-Intelligencer ¬> Take a look
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Topic: - on February 11, 2003 at 11:26:52 AM CET
Music industry unveils Net sales tracking tag
A music industry trade body launched on Monday electronic identity tags to keep tabs on Internet music sales in a bid to compensate musicians and song writers as more of their works become available online. The Global Release Indentifier, or GRid, is a code akin to the Universal Product Code (UPC) bar code found on a CD or cassette tape in stores.
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Topic: - on February 11, 2003 at 11:13:52 AM CET
Pixar swaps Sun for Intel
Pixar Animation Studios, which brought the world "Monsters Inc." and "Toy Story," is switching from Sun Microsystems to Intel, as the melodrama in the server market heats up.
The Emeryville, Calif.-based film studio is replacing servers from Sun in its "render farm"--a bank of servers that fuses artists' images into finished film frames--with eight new blade servers from RackSaver. In all, the blade system contains 1,024 Intel 2.8GHz Xeon processors, and it runs the open-source Linux operating system.
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