Topic: - on February 10, 2003 at 4:59:46 PM CET
Die lebenden Statuen
Nur wenige Ärzte kennen die extrem seltene Krankheit FOP: Wie in einem Alptraum verwandeln sich Muskeln in Knochen - und die darunter Leidenden versteinern. Mediziner sind dem Rätsel auf der Spur, was die Kranken zu Knochenmenschen werden lässt.

¬> Spiegel
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Topic: - on February 10, 2003 at 1:51:47 PM CET
Matrix: Infos und Bilder zur Spielumsetzung des Kino-Hits
Fans des Maßstäbe setzenden Kinofilms "Die Matrix" können sich freuen: In diesem Jahr kommen gleich zwei Fortsetzungen auf die große Leinwand. Parallel zum Kinostart des ersten Sequels "The Matrix: Reloaded" am 15. Mai 2003 veröffentlicht Infogrames zudem das Spiel "Enter The Matrix", das nicht einfach die Geschichte des Films nacherzählt, sondern vielmehr einen besseren Zugang zum Kinoabenteuer ermöglichen soll.

¬> golem
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Topic: - on February 10, 2003 at 1:42:07 PM CET
Retro Remakes
is the largest game remakes community on the internet. Our aim is to bring you the latest news from the scene together with a database of links to relevant websites.
As well as the website we have a very active forum and IRC channel where news, ideas and new remakes are planned and previewed. So come in, pull up a seat and join in the fun .....
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Topic: - on February 10, 2003 at 1:36:12 PM CET
Lucas Building Special Effects Campus
"Star Wars" creator George Lucas hopes a $300 million special effects campus for his film company will help San Francisco rival Hollywood as a producer of movie magic. "San Francisco's always had a quality of filmmaking that most people haven't been able to recognize, we always get shoved under the title 'Hollywood,'" Lucas said Saturday at the project's groundbreaking.
"I think this will begin to put a stake in the ground for San Francisco as a filmmaking community, as a creator of world cinema."
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Topic: - on February 10, 2003 at 1:33:22 PM CET
Switch to Linux
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Topic: - on February 10, 2003 at 1:14:28 PM CET
Ashamed that Rumsfeld is one of the family
The Rumsfelds of Weyhe-Sudweyhe, a suburb of Bremen, were once proud of their long-lost cousin, America's Secretary of Defence. No longer.
Like many Germans, they are appalled by Donald Rumsfeld's hawkish attitude to war in Iraq. Some 18,000 demonstrators marched through Munich on Saturday to protest at his presence at an international security conference - chanting slogans such as "No room for Rumsfeld!"
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Topic: - on February 10, 2003 at 12:48:43 PM CET
L.A. Crew Rescues 8,000-Pound Elephant
An 8,000-pound elephant laid down in a pond at the Los Angeles Zoo and couldn't get up, and it took the fire department to get her back on her feet.
Handlers found Tara, who is in her 40s, in the shallow pond at the zoo Saturday morning and she appeared unable to get to her feet.
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Topic: - on February 10, 2003 at 12:35:08 PM CET
Man Caught With 50,000 Doses Of Fake LSD
A Southern California man caught with more than 50,000 doses of fake LSD will take a trip to jail.
A Humboldt County jury convicted William Felton Butler, 27, of selling a fake controlled substance. The felony conviction carries a maximum sentence of three years in prison. Butler actually faces more than 11 years in prison because he was also convicted of assault, robbery and kidnapping.
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Topic: - on February 10, 2003 at 12:26:16 PM CET
Mobile phones may trigger Alzheimer
Mobile phones damage key brain cells and could trigger the early onset of Alzheimer's disease, a study suggests.
Researchers in Sweden have found that radiation from mobile phone handsets damages areas of the brain associated with learning, memory and movement.
The study, which was carried out on rats, is the latest twist in the long-running debate over whether mobile phones are a health risk.
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Topic: - on February 10, 2003 at 12:24:05 PM CET
Aussie girls let it all hang out
700 women posed nude
More than 700 women posed nude on Saturday to protest against Australia's likely involvement in a potential war against Iraq.
Lying naked end to end on a grassy knoll in the Australian beach town of Byron Bay, they formed a heart around the words "No War" for an aerial photograph.

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Topic: - on February 10, 2003 at 12:22:02 PM CET
There is a unique brothel in the Japanese city of Osaka – the brothel for impotent men. The brothel is owned by two brothers – Takeo and Kanebo Isida. They say that their brothel helped a lot of men to get rid of their complexes, some of them even managed to get their man power back.
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