Topic: - on February 8, 2003 at 1:31:48 PM CET
Zoll bietet indizierte DVD an
Wer aus dem Ausland eine DVD oder eine VHS-Kassette bestellt, muss vorsichtig sein: Filme, die in Deutschland indiziert wurden, dürfen nicht importiert werden. So steht in § 4 Absatz 3 des Gesetz über die Verbreitung jugendgefährdender Schriften (GjS) deutlich: "Eine Schrift, deren Aufnahme in die Liste bekanntgemacht ist, darf nicht im Wege des Versandhandels in den räumlichen Geltungsbereich dieses Gesetzes eingeführt werden". Wer sich dennoch entsprechendes Material aus einem Nicht-EU-Land bestellt, muss damit rechnen, dass es vom deutschen Zoll einbehalten wird, der zudem in der Regel ein Strafverfahren in Gang setzt.
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Topic: - on February 8, 2003 at 1:13:41 PM CET
Van Gogh original nearly sold for $80
A missing portrait by Vincent Van Gogh was valued at as little as $80 by a Tokyo auction house this week - before the mistake was discovered.
The Shinwa Art Auction Company was planning to auction off the small portrait of a peasant woman for between 10,000 and 20,000 yen ($83 to $167) after struggling to establish the identity of the artist.

¬> BBC
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Topic: - on February 8, 2003 at 1:07:41 PM CET
Columbus Bell to Go on Auction Block
-For sale: one ship's bell, old and corroded, big piece missing. First user: Columbus.
Bidding starts at $1 million when that bronze artifact from the Santa Maria, the flagship of Christopher Columbus' historic 1492 voyage, goes to auction Feb. 20 in Madrid.
The bell belongs to an Italian diver, Roberto Mazzara, who found it in a shipwreck off Portugal's coast in 1994 and did years of detective work to prove it is the bell that tolled when Columbus and his tiny flotilla arrived in America.
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Topic: - on February 8, 2003 at 1:02:10 PM CET
RIAA Site Under Attack--Again
For one reason or another, your business or organization has raised the ire of some very tech-savvy individuals, and you can't seem to keep your Web site up and running. What do you do? That may just be what the Recording Industry Association of America is asking itself, given that its site came under attack yet again on Friday, knocking it offline.
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