Topic: - on February 4, 2003 at 5:49:03 PM CET
Opera schnüffelt im Dateisystem
Die israelische Sicherheitsfirma Greymagic warnt vor einer Reihe von schwerwiegenden Sicherheitslücken im Web-Browser Opera 7 für Windows, den der gleichnamige Hersteller vor einer Woche herausgebracht hat.
Das gravierendste Probleme basiert auf einer Schwäche in Operas JavaScript-Sicherheitsmodell. Um Missbrauch zu vermeiden, verhindern andere aktuelle Browser wie Mozilla oder der Internet Explorer, dass ein HTML-Dokument aus einer Domain auf Inhalte von Web-Seiten einer anderen Domain zugreifen kann.
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Topic: - on February 4, 2003 at 5:33:41 PM CET
Net grief for online suicide
Condolences have been pouring into a website set up in tribute to a young man who died online.
Brandon Vedas, a 21-year-old computer expert from Arizona, USA, killed himself with a lethal dose of prescription drugs in January while chatting to online buddies.
In a macabre twist to the story, a transcript of his final hours found by his family a week after his death shows that his online friends egged him on to take more and more drugs.
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Topic: - on February 4, 2003 at 4:08:14 PM CET
N E V E R buy a car at U.S. Customs Service
Francisco Rivera knew the used Nissan Pathfinder he bought from the U.S. Customs Service had some dents on the fender and dings on the door, but he didn't spot the marijuana stashed in a false compartment in the vehicle's rear -- and neither did U.S. agents.
However, Mexican soldiers did -- and charged Rivera and his brother-in-law, Alfonso Calderon, with drug trafficking.
The Tijuana businessmen spent a year in prison after the routine check uncovered what U.S. Customs inspectors had missed -- 37 pounds (17 kg) of marijuana in a false compartment.
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Topic: - on February 4, 2003 at 4:03:46 PM CET
2,000 chickens "scared to death" before Chinese New Year
Some 2,000 chickens on a southern China farm died from fright or were suffocated by other terrified birds when teenagers set off firecrackers for Chinese New Year.
A chicken farmer identified only as Mr. Zhou was having dinner with his family in the southern city of Guangzhou on Thursday, two days before the New Year, when he heard a loud burst of firecrackers, the Haixia Dushi newspaper said Sunday.
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Topic: - on February 4, 2003 at 3:57:48 PM CET
Penguin poo threatens oldest building in Antarctica
Penguins are ruining a wooden hut put up on Antarctica in 1899, the first building on the icy continent, according to a conservation expert.
Penguin excrement is piling up against the shack built by little-known Norwegian explorer Carsten Borchgrevink, the first person to make a confirmed landing on Antarctica in 1895.
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Topic: - on February 4, 2003 at 3:35:20 PM CET
German priest brews beer in washing machine
A German priest has found a way to brew beer in his washing machine. Michael Fey, 45, of Duisburg built a computer interface into the machine to let it run an automatic brewing programme. It consists of turning and heating, but no spinning, the Sueddeutsche Zeitung reports. "A priest without alcohol, that's the wrong combination," he argued. "Jesus didn't say, take this healthy camomile tea, he offered wine."
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Topic: - on February 4, 2003 at 2:05:25 PM CET
Singer Love arrested at Heathrow
Singer Courtney Love has been arrested at Heathrow Airport in London, airline officials have said.
She was held on Tuesday as she landed on a transatlantic flight, Virgin Atlantic said.
The airline claimed she had been "verbally abusive" to cabin crew during the flight from Los Angeles.

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Topic: - on February 4, 2003 at 1:59:06 PM CET
London goes wild for Kylie's knickers
he thought of getting a peek at Australian pop diva Kylie Minogue's new knickers had the media flocking to Selfridges today. Kylie, famed for appearing on stage wearing little more than her underwear, was launching her own range of lingerie called "Love Kylie" at the plush store on London's Oxford Street.

¬> Reuters
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Topic: - on February 4, 2003 at 1:54:50 PM CET
World Trade Center Design Finalists to Be Whittled Down to Two
Officials overseeing the effort to rebuild ground zero met privately Monday to pick the final two designs to replace the World Trade Center. A design that evokes the original trade center with twin latticework towers, and another that exposes the foundation walls of the old towers emerged as leading contenders in recent discussions. The finalists were expected to be announced Tuesday, with a final choice to be made later this month.

¬> FoxNews
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Topic: - on February 4, 2003 at 1:21:37 PM CET
Glow: Spalding balls to glow, change color
Basketballs that glow in the dark and balls that change color in the sun - these are some new products Spalding Sports Worldwide will release this year.
"Our objective is to get into niche segments," Robert J. Llewellyn, category manager of sporting goods, said last week.
Spalding is the first company to offer color-changing basketballs and volleyballs. But not soccer balls. And glow-in-the-dark technology has been around for some time.
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Topic: - on February 4, 2003 at 12:10:50 PM CET
George Bush Hotmail account
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Topic: - on February 4, 2003 at 12:04:47 PM CET
Highway 400 in Toronto closed after flurries of money sweep roadway
Flurries of cash blew across a major highway Sunday after a movie theatre thief dropped the money during his getaway.
"A lone gunman handcuffed two employees, took a sum of money and left on foot like he was scared off by somebody or something," said Det. Lou Malbeuf, after Sunday morning's heist at the Famous Players Colossus theatre just north of Toronto.
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