Topic: - on February 1, 2003 at 5:33:37 PM CET
Wer im Kindergarten singt, muss Urheberrechtsgebühren zahlen
Der Konflikt der Musik-Industrie mit den Internet-Tauschbörsen ist nur ein Kampf von vielen, die zur Zeit rund um die Copyright-Streiteren stattfinden. In Finnland hat man nun einen neuen gefährlichen Feind aufgespürt und diesem den Kampf angesagt - dem Kindergarten.
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Topic: - on February 1, 2003 at 5:28:55 PM CET
Schutzheilige im Internet gesucht
Schon seit geraumer Zeit sucht der Vatikan nach einem Schutzpatron für die Internet-User und Programmierer - bislang allerdings ohne Erfolg. Nun starteten italienische Bischöfe eine Online-Umfrage und fordern Nutzer auf über "ihren" Schutzheiligen abzustimmen.
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Topic: - on February 1, 2003 at 5:04:12 PM CET
Raumfähre Columbia bei Landung abgestürzt
Die US-Raumfähre Columbia ist heute kurz vor der Landung abgestürzt. Um 15.00 Uhr (MEZ) war laut der US-Raumfahrtbehörde NASA der Kontakt zum Shuttle mit sieben Astronauten an Bord abgebrochen, als es sich über Texas befunden hatte. Vermutlich kamen alle Astronauten ums Leben. Laut NASA hat es keine Chance für die Columbia gegeben notzulanden. Die NASA nahm die Suche nach Wrackteilen auf und warnte die Bevölkerung, sich von den Trümmern fern zu halten. An Bord war auch der erste Israeli im All.
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Topic: - on February 1, 2003 at 3:11:46 PM CET
Happy Chinese New Year!
The Chinese Lunar New Year is the longest chronological record in history, dating from 2600BC, when the Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first cycle of the zodiac. Like the Western calendar, The Chinese Lunar Calendar is a yearly one, with the start of the lunar year being based on the cycles of the moon. Therefore, because of this cyclical dating, the beginning of the year can fall anywhere between late January and the middle of February. This year it falls on February 12th. A complete cycle takes 60 years and is made up of five cycles of 12 years each.

¬> Calendar
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Topic: - on February 1, 2003 at 2:52:19 PM CET
Cheech & Chong High on Reunion!
Cheech and Chong are ready to light up the big screen again. Twenty-five years after their first celluloid toke, the professional stoners otherwise known as Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong are hashing out what will be a happily hazy reunion movie, tentatively titled Cheech & Chong Get Blunt.
That's the word from Tommy's daughter, actress Rae Dawn Chong, who wrote the script and is currently shopping the project to distributors.
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Topic: - on February 1, 2003 at 2:46:22 PM CET
Rembrandt self-portrait uncovered
Art restorers have uncovered a self-portrait of Rembrandt which had been retouched hundreds of years ago to feature a Russian nobleman, a museum says.
Layers and layers of paint were painstakingly scraped away to reveal the original picture of the Dutch master, complete with the round chin and gentle eyes common to other self-studies.
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Topic: - on February 1, 2003 at 2:32:35 PM CET
Pot guru Ed Rosenthal could face life in jail
U.S. lawyers have presented closing arguments in a trial that could land a guru of the pro-marijuana movement in prison for the rest of his life, even though California deems his actions legal.
Ed Rosenthal, 58, has never hidden his enthusiasm for the weed and has written numerous books on the subject, including "Marijuana Grower's Handbook: The Indoor High Yield Guide" and "Marijuana Question? Ask Ed".
¬> Yahoo
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Topic: - on February 1, 2003 at 1:54:20 PM CET
Iraq sold on e-bay
Your Own Personal Paradise!!
Help your planet and improve your portfolio at the same time by purchasing the nation with the location - IRAQ!!
Comes with:
* A world-leading collection of date palm trees
* Millions of relieved citizens
* The world's biggest sandbox
Item # 2909539751 Current bid US $1.80 (approx. C $2.74 ) Starting bid US $0.99 (approx. C $1.50 ) Auction has ended. Location Middle East, out Euphrates way
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Topic: - on February 1, 2003 at 1:49:06 PM CET
"I knew that BGH in the milk was too good to be true!" This unusual sideshow attraction has been created from 2 large white lab rats that have been seamlessly combined into this mutant taxidermy mount. This photo has not been altered - it's very realistic and totally convincing. This was one of the first freak animal mounts I ever did from years ago, but I'm clearing out all of the old work from my collection to make room for new additions. This monster size mutant male rat measures approximately 14" long from nose to tail.
Item # 2705889239 Current bid US $199.00 (reserve met) Starting bid US $75.00
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Topic: - on February 1, 2003 at 1:38:56 AM CET
Räuber verbarrikadierten sich im WC
Ein turbulenter Polizeieinsatz hat in Meidling für Aufsehen gesorgt. Zwei Männer haben sich nach einem Überfall in einem WC versteckt. Die Polizei hat sie schließlich davon überzeugt, sich zu stellen.
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Topic: - on February 1, 2003 at 1:36:55 AM CET
Salami mit Gewehr verwechselt - Polizei-Großeinsatz
Für einen Großeinsatz der deutschen Polizei in Traunstein hat gestern eine vermeintliche Schusswaffe gesorgt, die sich jedoch bei genauerer Untersuchung als Salami entpuppte.
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