Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 11:36:10 PM CET
One of the greatest fears computer owners face is the risk of someone breaking into their home and stealing their investment. The effects of data loss, alone, can be devastating! This page will cover a very effective method of protecting your personal computer.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 10:49:08 PM CET
'Osbournes' calling it quits after 2nd season
If she had to do it over again, Sharon Osbourne says she wouldn't have invited MTV's cameras into her home. The cancer-stricken matriarch of television's favorite dysfunctional family told ABC's Barbara Walters that she's calling it quits after an upcoming, 10-episode season is through. "This is definitely the last year," Osbourne said in an interview that will be broadcast on "20/20" Wednesday. "We can't do it anymore."
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 10:46:57 PM CET
Officers assaulted with hammer
A 48-year-old man is in custody after he allegedly attacked two police officers with fireworks and a masonry hammer. Police say the suspect was protecting a marijuana grow operation in his house with a street value of almost $7,000.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 10:45:08 PM CET
Saddam Hints at Flexibility, U.S. Ships Set Sail
If a resolution is issued which respects the U.N. charter, international law and Iraq's sovereignty, security and independence, and does not provide a cover for America's ill intentions, we will view it in a way that makes us deal with it," official Iraqi television quoted Saddam as telling visiting far-right Austrian politician Joerg Haider.
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Topic: Social Commentay English - on November 4, 2002 at 9:19:30 PM CET
A Sunny Place for Shady People
Pithy, contrarian, politically incorrect and curmudgeonly rants on sex, money, power and politics and religion and philosophy. In short: Nothing matters, everything changes and there are no guarantees. The rest is rationalization and bribery. -- The Old Buzzard. ¬> sunnyplaceforshadypeople
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 8:20:01 PM CET
Math discovery rattles Net security
Will Manindra Agrawal bring about the end of the Internet as we know it? The question is not as ridiculous as it was just two months ago. Prof. Agrawal is a 36-year old theoretical computer scientist at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, India. In August, he solved a problem that had eluded millennia of mathematicians: developing a method to determine with complete certainty if a number is prime. PRIME NUMBERS ARE those divisible only by themselves and 1. While small primes like 5 or 17 are easy to spot, for very large numbers, those hundreds of digits long, there never had been a formula of “primality testing” that didn’t have a slight chance of error.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 8:15:23 PM CET
American Open Technology Consortium
Educating politics about technology
The Worst Coders in Washington The best code in the world can be foiled by a single bug. One careless line of code can crash an entire program. Lawrence Lessig calls laws "East Coast Code," and it only takes a few buggy laws to strangle freedom and innovation in technology. Laws like the DMCA, the Hollings Bill, and the CDA threaten to put the American technology juggernaut up on blocks.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act Communications Decency Act Child Online Protection Act Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act P2P Piracy Prevention Bill CIPA
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 8:05:53 PM CET
Couple married for 85 years
Liu Yung-yang and his wife Yang Wan were married in April 1917. About 40 of the couple's 110 children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren have been celebrating with them.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 7:51:39 PM CET
Bin Laden Aide Said Killed in Blast
Six al-Qaida suspects were killed, including a top operative of Osama bin Laden, when their car exploded in northwest Yemen, the official Yemen news agency SABA said Monday. Tribesmen told The Associated Press they saw a military helicopter hovering overhead shortly before the car exploded, suggesting it may have been attacked from the air.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 7:49:05 PM CET
Digital Media Consumers’ Rights Act
The Digital Media Consumers’ Rights Act (the “DMCRA”) restores the historical balance in copyright law and ensures the proper labeling of “copy-protected compact discs”.
- Restores the Historic Balance in U.S. Copyright Law
Reaffirms Fair Use. The DMCRA provides that it is not a violation of Section 1201 of Title 17 (the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or DMCA) to circumvent a technological measure in connection with gaining access to or using a work if the circumvention does not result in an infringement of the copyright in the work. For example, under the bill a user may circumvent an access control on an electronic book he purchased for the purpose of reading it on a different electronic reader. However, if he were to upload the book onto the Internet for distribution to others, he would be liable for both a Section 1201 circumvention violation and for copyright infringement.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 7:41:13 PM CET
The Austrian brew named Samichlaus Bier - also known as Santa Claus - is a limited edition lager beer which is a staggering 14 per cent proof - nearly three times as strong as lagers such as Stella Artois and Kronenbourg 1664.
Can?t believe
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 7:20:10 PM CET
Hot-Air Balloon Bursts Into Flames During Event
A hot-air balloon crashed after it burst into flames in midair while taking part in an international competition in Japan. Officials said that two of of the balloon's crew members were injured in the crash. The accident occured just after 9 a.m. Monday morning during the "2002 Saga International Balloon Fiesta" competition on the Kase river in Saga city, Local 6 News reported.

¬> Local6 ¬> <a href=""target="_blank">VIDEO REALMEDIA
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