Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 7:14:24 PM CET
The Death Of The Internet
How Industry Intends To Kill The 'Net As We Know It
The Internet’s promise as a new medium -- where text, audio, video and data can be freely exchanged -- is under attack by the corporations that control the public’s access to the 'Net, as they see opportunities to monitor and charge for the content people seek and send. The industry’s vision is the online equivalent of seizing the taxpayer-owned airways, as radio and television conglomerates did over the course of the 20th century.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 7:10:51 PM CET
Three-legged old tom cat terrorising big dogs
A 15-year-old cat with three legs is terrorising big dogs in a Dutch community. Nelson's owner says she doesn't know what's come over her pet which hates big dogs and attacks them on sight. Adele Spikker says he has had complaints from dog owners who no longer dare walk their dogs near her home in Zwolle. She told Deventer Dagblad: "Since last summer, he has been more of a tiger than a handicapped, old tom cat. I get complaints from people who don't dare walk their dogs around here any more."
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 7:07:13 PM CET
Motorcyclists have bike stolen a day before completing round-the-world trip
An couple on a round-the-world charity trip have had their motorcycle stolen in Wales, just one day before completing their journey. Ralph Dixon, 42, and Fionnuala Livingston, 40, had stopped for a break at the Magor services on the M4 but returned to find their BMW F650 missing. The couple were on the last leg of a 30,000km trip to raise funds for multiple sclerosis.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 12:36:48 PM CET
Online music sales plummet
Sales of CDs and cassettes online have fallen by 25% in the first nine months of 2002, according to a survey. The increasing popularity of CD copying, or burning, and illegal song-swapping over the internet has been blamed for the drop.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 10:11:02 AM CET
Dust off that old Commodore!!!!!
These are the games available on Arnold. The list is heavily based on the one by Martin Pugh, which, unfortunately, has not been updated for a long time.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 9:22:50 AM CET
Heute vor 65 Jahren
Wurde Juden in Deutschland die Verwendung des Grußes "Heil Hitler" amtlich untersagt.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 9:19:28 AM CET
Fälschung und Betrug sind so alt wie die Wissenschaft
Betrug in der Wissenschaft ist etwa so alt wie die Forschung selbst. Schon der Astronom Ptolemäus fälschte und fingierte Beobachtungen oder übernahm die Daten von Hipparchos, wie sich fast 2000 Jahre später herausstellte. Auch Isaac Newton soll dem italienischen Historiker Prof. Federico Di Trocchio zufolge gemogelt haben. Den Beweis des allgemeinen Gravitationsgesetzes habe Newton von einem Kollegen "geklaut".
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 8:58:46 AM CET
Wo Whiskeytrinken unter Strafe steht
In der Heimat von Jack Daniel's, Lynchburg, gilt seit über 70 Jahren die Prohibition: Wegen kurioser Gesetze hatte der Landkreis nie genügend Bewohner, um die nötige Stimmenzahl für die Aufhebung zusammenzubringen. Die Lynchburger sehen das mit Gelassenheit.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 8:51:44 AM CET
Online-Musikverkäufe im Sinkflug
Die Online-Musikverkäufe sind im dritten Quartal stark gefallen. Die Verkäufe von CDs und Kassetten sind um nicht weniger als 25 Prozent auf 545 Millionen gesunken. In der Vergleichsperiode des Vorjahres betrug der Umsatz noch 730 Millionen USD, wie das Marktforschungsunternehmen comScore Networks feststellte. Damit folgt das Online-Musikbiz seinem Offline-Pendant. Die Musikindustrie musste in der Vergangenheit einen Rückgang der CD-Verkäufe von bis zu zweistelligen Prozentbeträgen hinnehmen.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 2:19:56 AM CET
Wer bastelt mit ?
Hallo liebe Leser. Bastelonkel Sputnik freut sich heute ganz besonders euch den Bastelonkel Dr. Stuart Savory vorstellen zu dürfen. Mit ihm könnt ihr nun die allerfeinsten Chiffriergeräte bauen.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 1:31:12 AM CET
Digital headache for Hollywood
Shooting movies digitally offers many advantages to film-makers. But it also makes it easier to distribute the digital media illegally, as BBC ClickOnline's Ben Silburn found out.
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Topic: - on November 4, 2002 at 1:22:55 AM CET
Georgian Ends 9-Year Bicycle Trip
Dzhumber Lezhava returned to Tbilisi Sunday, ending a nine-year trip around the world by bicycle. Lezhava, 63, began his journey on Aug. 13, 1993. He traveled 164,000 miles and wore out nine bicycles. "I missed you (Georgians) a lot," he said. "I can hardly believe my trip is over and I managed to fulfill it."
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