Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 1:01:07 PM CET
Arctic Town to Get Offbeat Tidal Energy
In a novel use of clean energy, the world's most northerly town will soon be the first to get electricity from a sub-sea power station run on tidal currents tugged by the moon.
Gigantic forces in the oceans -- waves, currents and tides -- have often proved too costly or awkward to harness, compared to wind or solar power in global efforts to cut reliance on nuclear power or on fossil fuels blamed for global warming. From late November or early December, however, a tidal current will start turning the blades of a windmill-like turbine standing on the seabed near Kvalsund at the Arctic tip of Norway.
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 12:54:41 PM CET
symptom: brain explosion. cause: this auction's description

¬> e-bay
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 12:44:17 PM CET
Car runs on hot air
Politicians Car
Visionary 19th century French writer Jules Verne once described a fantastical future world where cars would run on air. He may not have been totally wrong. Inventor, car enthusiast and environmentalist Guy Negre has built a car powered by compressed air and hopes it will be chuffing along roads across the world within the next few years. Inside Negre's car, cold air compressed in tanks to 300 times atmospheric pressure is heated and fed into the cylinders of a piston engine.
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 11:53:59 AM CET
Slobs Make Better Lovers
According to a recent poll, guys with messy sock drawers have sex three times more per month than those who organize their socks. I never knew there was such a direct connection between socks and sex. Maybe soon, schools will be offering courses in socks education.

If the IKEA survey is correct, the
owner of this Messiest Apartment
winner must be one heck of a lover.
¬> <a href=""target="_blank">CBS
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 11:46:23 AM CET
Man nailed to fence in 'barbaric' attack
Harry McCartan, 23, was set upon by a gang of men at Seymour Hill near Dunmurry at about 0345 GMT on Saturday. His hands were nailed to fence posts in the attack. A police spokesman described the attack as "barbaric and particularly vicious".
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 11:42:47 AM CET
$2 Fine in Airport Stripping Case
A French woman accused of baring her breasts during an airport security screening pleaded guilty Friday and paid a $2 fine. Aguillaume was arrested Monday at Evansville Regional Airport after she allegedly stripped to the waist in an angry response to a security screener's attempt to search her with a metal-detecting wand.
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 11:40:18 AM CET
Beckham wife kidnapping plot foiled
total of nine people have now been arrested after police foiled an attempt to kidnap singer Victoria Beckham, a former Spice Girl and wife of soccer star David Beckham.
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 11:19:14 AM CET

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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 12:41:46 AM CET
Heute vor 45 Jahren
- Heute vor 45 Jahren - verließ das erste Lebewesen die Erde. Die Hündin Laika wurde an Bord des Sowjetischen Satelliten Sputnik II ins All geschickt und starb als Heldin. Laika war das erste Lebewesen, das dem Zustand der Schwerelosigkeit über längere Zeit ausgesetzt war und damit den Beweis erbrachte, daß bemannte Raumfahrt möglich ist.
¬> <a href=""target="blank"> BR3 ¬> <a href=""target="blank"> Animal Paradise
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Gesellschaft zur Verbreitung nutzlosen Wissens.
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