Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 3:29:19 PM CET
Getting High Makes You Forget
Anti pot propaganda. Light up a spliff while you read it Being a teen is exciting. Being a teen in a world with drugs, sex, and AIDS, is hard. You might not know all the ways drugs and AIDS are connected. This booklet will help you understand the dangers and how to avoid them. Drugs, like alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine can cloud your judgment, make it hard to know right from wrong, distract you from reality.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 2:53:06 PM CET
Power Stolen to Heat Pot
John J. Stempka, 24, and Jennifer L. Gilligan, 20, were in the Erie County Prison early Saturday on charges they pilfered power from neighbor Michsella Babcock to run all their appliances, including heat lamps for their pot plants. Babcock alerted Penelec, her power company, when she got a $518 bill, and then discovered a wire running from her circuit breaker box to the apartment of Stempka and Gilligan, police said.
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 2:41:21 PM CET
World Longest Tounge
Now, before we go any further, SHE IS 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!. So get those thoughts out of you head, you sickos.
¬> Annika
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Topic: 404 - on November 3, 2002 at 2:30:38 PM CET
404 The porn cannot be displayed
The porn you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or your cramped, sticky fingers may have typed in the wrong URL.
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 2:24:28 PM CET
Music business pushing security-laden super audio discs
Two new digital audio disc formats touted by the music industry for their stellar sound are nowhere near as consumer-friendly as regular old CDs: They're engineered to be copy-proof.
The proposition thrills digital piracy-fearing record executives. But many audiophiles are cool to the virtual padlocks, which could prove the undoing of one or both formats.
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 2:22:11 PM CET
Burglar Alarm Leads To Drug Bust
Police responded to a burglar alarm at 1463 Worthington Park Blvd. When an officer looked inside the apartment, he saw guns, drugs and money left in the open inside the residence.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">nbc4 ¬> Video
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 2:11:14 PM CET
Donate for breast implants
[welcome] My name? Ann. What is this page about? I am asking for financial help to get something I have always wanted and need. What is that? Breast implants.
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 2:05:36 PM CET
Spacecraft sweeps by asteroid
A NASA spacecraft swept within 1,900 miles of a small asteroid in a practice run before a much closer brush with a comet scheduled for January 2004. A NASA spacecraft swept within 1,900 miles of a small asteroid in a practice run before a much closer brush with a comet scheduled for January 2004.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">CNN
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 1:55:43 PM CET
Europe's Microsoft Alternative
N O T in A U S T R I A
Region in Spain Abandons Windows, Embraces Linux
Luis Millan Vazquez de Miguel, a college professor turned politician, is succeeding where multibillion-dollar, multinational corporations have failed. He is managing to unseat Microsoft Corp. as the dominant player in the software industry, at least in his little part of the world.
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 1:23:57 PM CET
Army's secret 'people zapper' plans
The documents reveal the full scope of the new weapons programmes that the US military is developing. The first was high-power microwave technology that cooks an enemy's skin. Its military name is the Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System (V-Mads), but it has already been nicknamed the People Zapper. It works by harnessing electromagnetic power to fire an invisible pulse of energy at light speed towards a target. The beam causes the water molecules under the skin to vibrate violently, producing heat and discomfort. Scientists believe the system could heat a person's skin to about 130 degrees in two seconds.
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 1:15:44 PM CET
Iran detained one of bin Laden's sons
Iranian security forces have detained one of Osama bin Laden's sons among several hundred people suspected of links to the al Qaeda terror network, the Financial Times reported on its Web site Saturday. Bin Laden has at least 23 children by several wives. One of the oldest, Saad bin Laden, who is about 22, has emerged as an al Qaeda leader and one of America's top two dozen targets in the network. Mohammed and Ahmed bin Laden also support their father's efforts, U.S. officials say.
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Topic: - on November 3, 2002 at 1:08:49 PM CET
Geographic Database of Bigfoot Sightings
This comprehensive database of credible sightings and related reports is maintained by an all-volunteer network of bigfoot/sasquatch researchers, archivists, and investigators in the United States and Canada--the BFRO.
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