Topic: - on November 1, 2002 at 9:55:45 AM CET
Is Google power a threat to the Web?
Data Recovery Group, where he is president, would typically come up around the fourth listing on Google's popular search engine last year. Then in January, when Google removed the company from its listings without explanation, Data Recovery saw a 30 percent drop in business.
"When you're No. 4 that plays well; when you fall off, you tend to lose phone traffic. And if you don't have the right relationship with Google to find out what you could have done wrong, you're out of luck," Ahern said, noting that this can have a dangerous domino effect. "If you're not ranked in Google, Yahoo won't list you. It's incestuous."
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Topic: - on November 1, 2002 at 9:41:05 AM CET
Alleged kingpin: U.S. wants drugs
Benjamin Arellano Felix, the man accused of running Mexico’s most ruthless drug cartel, said the United States has already lost its war on drugs and that violent trafficking gangs will thrive as long as Americans keep buying marijuana, cocaine and heroin.
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Topic: - on November 1, 2002 at 9:31:17 AM CET
No bratwurst please, we're German!
Not even German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's famed fondness for grilled sausages could stop officials from banishing bratwurst at the Brandenburg gate. The license for the only bratwurst stand at the gate, which marks the old border between East and West Germany, expired on Thursday and will not be renewed despite widespread protests.
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Topic: BOARD NEWS - on November 1, 2002 at 2:05:02 AM CET
Heute vor 50 Jahren
50 years ago today
Heute vor 50 Jahren wurde auf Elugab island im Enewetak Atoll die erste Wasserstoffbombe gezündet. Die Bombe mit dem Namen XX-58 IVY MIKE vernichtete dabei die Insel.
Ignition of the first megaton thermonuclear device. An atom bomb explodes in a type of super cold liquid hydrogen. The explosion is more powerful than all the allied bombs dropped on WWII Europe.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Operation Ivy
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Topic: - on November 1, 2002 at 1:32:38 AM CET
Mazda no match for 1/2-ton pumpkin
Ever wondered what a giant pumpkin would do to a pickup?

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">VIDEOS Realplayer
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Topic: - on November 1, 2002 at 12:39:30 AM CET
Vanilla Coke makes debut in Europe
Coca-Cola is trying Vanilla Coke in Europe, starting in Sweden. The first cans of the product rolled off a production line at a Stockholm plant Wednesday.
Coke spokesman Jonathan Chandler said the company also plans to launch Vanilla Coke in France, Germany and Britain within 12 months.
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Topic: - on November 1, 2002 at 12:35:13 AM CET
Russia Arrests Alleged Terrorist
Sergei Krymgerei, an alleged member of prominent Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev's gang, was arrested by police acting on a tip, city police spokesman Filipp Zolotnitsky said. The suspect was carrying a champagne bottle full of the highly toxic substance when arrested, the Interfax news agency reported.
"Such an amount of mercury would poison a very large number of people," Zolotnitsky said on NTV television.
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