Topic: - on September 29, 2002 at 11:52:53 PM CEST
Who's Got a Meankitty ? I Do, I Do!
Just click on the small photo to see the larger version and the story behind what makes this particular kitty so mean. When you're done looking, feel free tell me about a really meankitty...yours!

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> Meankitty ¬> Viking Kittens
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Topic: - on September 29, 2002 at 11:25:15 PM CEST
Video system can redirect stray missiles
The US Navy has developed a new missile guidance technology that it hopes will cut the number of casualties caused when its missiles are wrongly targeted or go astray.
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Topic: - on September 29, 2002 at 11:14:29 PM CEST
Mexico's Poor Trading Machetes for AK-47s
Growing guerrilla movement in Guerrero state ensnares peasants in drug trade and violence. Mexico's newest insurgency is no ordinary guerrilla movement. According to secret Mexican government documents, guerrillas of the Popular Revolutionary Army are helping protect poppy production in one southern state in exchange for weapons from two Mexican drug cartels. While past guerrilla movements have been involved with traffickers in Colombia and Peru, this marks the first time an anti-government insurgency has been drawn this closely into the drug trade in Mexico. It presents two problems for the Mexican government: Drug operations are being protected by increasingly well-armed guerrillas and peasants; and the drug cartels are helping strengthen the fledgling anti-government insurgency.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> Albuquerque Journal
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Topic: - on September 29, 2002 at 10:56:59 PM CEST
Israeli special forces (IDF) are operating inside western Iraq
to locate missile launchers that could be used against Israel, according to a report in the recent issue of Jane's Foreign Report. Israeli officials refused to comment on the report. According to the report, the elite General Staff Reconnaissance Unit was ordered to scout out and "find and identify places used by or likely to be used by Iraqi Scud missiles."
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Topic: - on September 29, 2002 at 10:50:31 PM CEST
Refined uranium found in Turkey weighs grams, not kilograms
The refined uranium caught by Turkish police Saturday weighed far less than originally thought, an official source in southwestern Turkey said Sunday. It was originally believed that the Turkish paramilitary police had seized over 15 kg of weapons-grade uranium in the operation that also resulted in the detention of two men accused of smuggling the substance. The actual weight of the uranium turned out to be hundreds of grams, a fraction of the initial estimate.
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Topic: - on September 29, 2002 at 10:45:49 PM CEST
e-bay Kevin Mitnick's Laptop Seized by FBI
This is the Toshiba Satellite T1960CS, 486 laptop computer seized by the FBI on February 15, 1995, in Raleigh, NC, during the arrest of the world's most celebrated computer hacker, Kevin Mitnick. The laptop is working and has been loaded with a fresh version of Windows 95.
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Topic: - on September 29, 2002 at 6:52:30 PM CEST
Arcade ist die neueste Installation von Projekt Blinkenlights
Als Teil des Nuit Blanche Kunst- und Kulturfestivals in Paris, verwandelt das Blinkenlights Team den Turm T2 der Bibliothèque nationale de France in einen riesigen Computerbildschirm. Mit einer Matrix von 20 x 26 Fenstern (520 direkt addressierbare Pixel) und einer Fläche von 3370m2 ist Arcade der größte Computerbildschirm aller Zeiten.
Elf Nächte Die Installation beginnt am 25. September 2002 und läuft elf Nächte bis zur offiziellen Nuit Blanche vom 5. auf den 6. Oktober 2002. In diesem Zeitraum wird Arcade ein Kaleidoskop von Animationen und interaktiven Anwendungen auf dem Gebäude präsentieren.
Öffentliche Beteiligung Mit dem neu entwickelten Programm ArcadePaint - lauffähig auf Mac OS und Windows Betriebssystemen - kann jeder seine eigenen Bilder und Animationen für das Gebäude entwerfen. Die resultierenden Dateien können per E-Mail an uns gesendet werden, um Teil eines kontinuierlich wachsenden Archivs von Animationen zu werden, die während der Laufzeit von Arcade gezeigt werden.

¬> Live Stream 25.09 - 6.10 2002 20 bis 8 Uhr
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Topic: - on September 29, 2002 at 5:01:14 PM CEST
Would you die for a blowjob from a cow
Kids dont try this at home
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Topic: - on September 29, 2002 at 4:19:23 PM CEST
Heute vor 40 Jahren
- Heute vor 40 Jahren brannte das Hotel auf der Zugspitze bis auf die Grundmauern nieder.
- Heute vor 40 Jahren wurde am Ney Yorker Brodway nach 2.717 Vorstellungen das Musical "My Fair Lady" vom Spielplan abgesetzt.
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Topic: - on September 29, 2002 at 4:12:03 PM CEST
Mehrere Spaltenstürze auf Tiroler Gletscher
Vier deutsche Wintersportler überlebten zum Teil verletzt - Ein Snowboarder im Schnee erstickt
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Topic: COMPUTER - on September 29, 2002 at 4:05:20 PM CEST
Reprieve for Greek gamers
The Greek Government has backed down over its blanket ban on computer games. The law, rushed through the Greek parliament in record time, was intended to tackle the problem of illegal gambling.

¬><a href=""target="blank"> BBC ¬><a href=""target="blank"> Heise ¬><a href=""target="blank"> older shit ¬><a href=""target="blank"> very old shit
¬> related articles (BETA)
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Topic: - on September 29, 2002 at 3:54:48 PM CEST
photokina: Megapixel-Rekord
In einer für Amateure unerreichbaren Preisklasse spielen die Fachkameras und Digital-Rückenteile des Schweizer Herstellers Sinar, dessen Präzisionsgeräte in Profi-Kreisen hoch angesehen sind. Das neue Sinarback 54 stellt mit 22 Megapixeln (5440 × 4080) den derzeitigen Auflösungs-Weltrekord für One-Shot-Digitalkameras auf.

¬><a href=""target="blank"> Hier gehts zur Geschichte
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