Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 1:45:38 AM CEST
Photo of Bush reading book upside down is suprisingly a fake
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Topic: SCIENCE - on September 28, 2002 at 1:36:05 AM CEST
Bees Trained to Sniff Land Mines
Trained honeybees have shown a remarkable ability to sniff out land mines, suggesting a possible new way to find the estimated 110 million unexploded land mines around the world, according to researchers at the University of Montana.
Jerry Bromenshenk has studied bees as pollution sensors and environmental sensors for the past 30 years. He said honeybees have proven themselves to be easier to train, harder working and more accurate than bomb-sniffing dogs.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 1:32:11 AM CEST
Wie werden eigentlich chrash test dummies gebaut ?
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 1:24:37 AM CEST
1968 ? NO DC Police Crack Down on Anti-Capitalist Protests
Police took a tough line on Friday against anti-globalization protesters hoping to disrupt Washington D.C. during meetings of the world's leading finance policy-makers, arresting hundreds of them and largely foiling their efforts to block traffic.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> REUTERS ¬> CNN ¬> ABC 7
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 1:18:51 AM CEST
MTV Russia Admits Its Rotten
MTV Russia is unable to make any comments; therefore, PRAVDA.Ru addresses the MTV corporation with the following questions:
Is it legal for MTV to play music videos on the basis of commercial agreements with record companies? Are there any examples of such cooperation?
Does MTV use any other criteria for determining the ratings of individual artists?
Does MTV-2 use this commercially-based rating practice?
Is it common for MTV not to answer questions from media outlets?

¬> Pravda
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 12:52:14 AM CEST
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 12:47:35 AM CEST
Wife files for divorce from agricultural-researcher husband, then notifies cops about his special backyard "herb" garden.
University of Florida agricultural researcher active in Palm Coast politics was arrested Sunday on a warrant charging him with using his green thumb to cultivate an illicit herb. Jeff Seib, 53, a former member of the county's Palm Coast Service District Advisory Council and a 1998 candidate for the Flagler County Commission, was picked up by sheriff's Deputy Jamie Roster.
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Topic: COMPUTER - on September 28, 2002 at 12:43:06 AM CEST
Redmond center previews Microsoft's vision for future office
-Microsoft unveils the "office of the future" The cybernetic implant in your anus is only the start. - Microsoft Corp. today will unveil the Center for Information Work, a permanent exhibit of office products and software that are at least five years away. The center is intended to do for business products what the Microsoft Home display does for household products. Sony Corp., Acer Inc. and Intel Corp. are partners in the endeavor.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank"> Seattle Post-Intelligencer ¬> <a href=""target="blank"> derStandard
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 12:30:19 AM CEST
"1. April 2021 - Haider lebt"
... doch nur bis Filmende: fiktive Ermordung Jörg Haiders in Heimat-Satire erhitzt FPÖ-Gemüter - Kärntner Obmann Strutz fordert Verbot
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