Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 12:52:42 PM CEST
Bees Trained to Sniff Land Mines II
Six years ago, we began development of methods to add the capability of detecting and monitoring volatile and semivolatile chemicals in the air inside beehives and real time monitoring of the responses of honey bee colonies to exposures to these and other harmful substances. This work was sponsored by the U.S. Army's Center for Environmental Health Research. They are leaders in the area of health risk assessment research using non-mammalian animal models.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 12:15:22 PM CEST
THE world has fought to save the whale and the panda. Today conservationists face a new challenge — the demise of the blonde. We told yesterday how blondes are an endangered species. Too few people carry the right hair colour gene for them to survive to 2202.

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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 12:00:04 PM CEST
Der Kreative Dieb es gibt ihn noch | Thief robs jewels with a vacuum cleaner
Armed with a vacuum cleaner and an extension cord, a thief drilled a small hole in a Danish jewellery shop window and sucked out goods worth more than €12,000 without setting off the alarm.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 4:05:41 AM CEST
ahh BBC got the story Japan goes barking mad for dog toy
A computerised gadget to help canine owners make more sense of doggy noises has been an immediate hit in Japan. The Bowlingual device is reported to have sold out when it hit stores in Japan for the first time on Friday, defying the wider trend of falling consumer sales.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 3:51:36 AM CEST
Madonna's e-Bay garage sale US $5,520.00 154 items found

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> Sothebys
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 3:36:25 AM CEST
Psychedelic philanthropist and shareware leader dies
Psychedelic philanthropist and computer shareware pioneer Bob Wallace -- Microsoft Corp.'s ninth employee -- died at his San Rafael, Calif., home Friday. He was 53. During the past decade, Mr. Wallace championed such psychoactive drugs as MDMA, or Ecstasy, donating up to $350,000 a year to groups studying the drug. "MDMA seems to help reduce the fear people have of really looking at themselves, and it really helps people communicate well," Mr. Wallace told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer in May.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 3:30:41 AM CEST
Downloads: 1,686,533 not WAREZ
Microangelo 5.54 Description Microangelo, voted Best Graphics Program three years running, provides a total solution for Windows software developers, graphic designers, and home users. You can create/edit icons in all image formats, including Windows XP. You can create/edit cursors and animated cursors, and access and organize icon libraries with four viewing modes. You can edit or replace icon images in any type of executable file, as well as browse drives and folders. Locate and access icons in any file type.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 3:22:39 AM CEST
Did the Vikings Spread HIV Resistance?
The chemokine receptor CCR5 is one of two receptors on macrophages, an immune cell, used by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) early in the establishment of an infection. Individuals with two mutant copies of this receptor (homozygotes) have proven to have high, but not absolute, resistances to infection, while those with one copy (heterozygotes) have a delayed progression of AIDS.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 2:55:23 AM CEST
The Rules of Attraction (2002)

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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 2:51:15 AM CEST
!!! WARNING !!! One night's ecstasy use can cause brain damage
'Like Russian roulette': Study finds drastic effect on neurons of monkeys, baboons Just one night's use of the drug ecstasy can cause long-lasting damage to the brain that may lead to the early onset of Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative diseases, according to a study published today in the journal Science. The researchers gave baboons and monkeys the same amount of the drug as is often taken at all-night rave parties. They found "severe" neurotoxicity and brain damage in the animals.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 2:44:45 AM CEST
Spermicide offers no HIV protection
A widely used spermicidal gel, which was thought to protect against HIV infection, has been shown to increase the risks of acquiring the virus. The discovery has prompted scientists and AIDS-awareness groups to call for a ban on the use of the spermicide Nonoxynol-9 in lubricants and condoms. They fear it gives users a false sense of protection.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 2:17:07 AM CEST
War against drugs just isn't working
What do the following items have in common?
• We have embarked on yet another attempt to eradicate the coca crop in Colombia, a country beset by civil war.
• Law enforcement drew a direct link recently between terrorism and the drug trade, moving beyond those ill-reasoned TV spots and arresting suspects in the Midwest who were allegedly funneling proceeds to terrorist groups.
The simplistic view is that drugs, of course, connect all these items. What really connects them, however, is the black market in drugs.
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