Topic: COPYRIGHT - on September 28, 2002 at 11:41:05 PM CEST
Verkehrssicherungspflicht für Hyperlinks?
Anmerkung zum Urteil des OLG München vom 15. März 2002, 21 U 1914/02 (1) JurPC Web-Dok. 304/2002, Abs. 1 - 22
........Die Sorge der Anbieter ist indes nicht unbegründet. Das Setzen von Links ist im Internet sehr stark verbreitet. Die meisten Websites haben aus ihrem Angebot Links auf andere Angebote gesetzt. Viele Angebote im Internet bestehen sogar größtenteils aus Hyperlinks auf fremde Websites, die die Anbieter als Service für die Benutzer zu einem bestimmten Thema zusammengetragen haben. Für solche Anbieter wäre eine uneingeschränkte Haftung für rechtswidrige Inhalte auf den verlinkten Websites ein unkalkuliertes Risiko. Die rechtliche Unsicherheit der Anbieter wird auch dadurch verstärkt, dass in Rechtsprechung und Literatur keineswegs Einigkeit über die haftungsrechtliche Einordnung von Hyperlinks besteht. Auch der Gesetzgeber hat bei der jüngsten Reform des Teledienstegesetzes auf eine ausdrückliche gesetzliche Regelung dieser Frage verzichtet(5).........
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 10:56:15 PM CEST
Judge frees medical-pot patient, returns stash
Federal prosecutors might not respect the state law that allows people to grow marijuana for medical use, but a judge in Santa Cruz County does. Medical-marijuana user Greg Brown walked out of the courthouse Wednesday a free man with a legal bag of marijuana.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> santa cruz sentinel
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 7:47:40 PM CEST
It takes only about an hour for Unreal Tournament 2003 to be cracked
Protection.....: SecuROM Group: DEViANCE Released: Saturday September 28th, 2002 Size: 3 CDs
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 7:22:56 PM CEST
On the nature of the primordial field and the possibility to create energy from free energy fields. Includes a collection of papers by Bruce DePalma.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 7:05:11 PM CEST
Zu wenig Rettungskapseln auf der ISS
Russland schlägt NASA zeitweise "Suspendierung" der Arbeit vor - es fehlt am Geld ...
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 7:01:35 PM CEST
Achtung - Gottes-DiskutiererInnen hier hinein! Die Debatte geht weiter ...
Dies war mal ein Artikel über Eisen-Produktion durch Quasare - Jetzt ist er das Basislager einer anhaltenden Foren-Diskussion um Gott (aus welchen Gründen auch immer ...).
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 6:06:16 PM CEST
ALARM Turkish Police Seize Weapons-Grade Uranium
Turkish paramilitary police have seized more than 33 pounds of weapons-grade uranium and detained two men accused of smuggling the material, the state-run Anatolian news agency said on Saturday. Officers in the southern province of Sanliurfa, which borders Syria and is about 155 miles from the Iraqi border, were acting on a tip-off when they stopped a taxi cab and discovered the uranium in a lead container hidden beneath the vehicle's seat, the agency said.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> REUTERS ¬> SPIEGEL ¬> related articles (BETA)
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 2:57:18 PM CEST
After what witnesses described as an all night blinder during which it kept droning on about how it was always being bloody ignored by the whole bloody world and would bloody well stand to do something about it, Australia this morning woke up to find itself in the middle of the North Atlantic.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 2:51:45 PM CEST
Opium glut in Hamid Karzai’s Afghanistan | another point of view
Europe is about to be inundated by a tidal wave of cheap heroin from Afghanistan, which will reach the cities of the Old Continent via Turkey and Albania.
Since the Taleban regime was ousted and the US-backed regime of Hamid Karzai was installed in Kabul, opium production has risen by one thousand, five hundred tonnes. In one year.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 2:39:02 PM CEST
I've tried to format these letters as clearly as possible, but some of the spacing may still be off. Also be aware that these letters are unfiltered, and therefore occasionally contain language unsuitable for broadcast.
¬><a href=""target="_blank"> CHAIN LETTERS
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 2:31:25 PM CEST
e-bay Lord of the Rings cloak by Ralph Lauren
Be the only person in your town to possess this Lord of the Rings-style cloak. This woollen cloak, manufactured by Ralph Lauren and obtained from a vintage clothier in San Francisco, is guaranteed to make you look more like a ranger than any other Ralph Lauren item.
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Topic: - on September 28, 2002 at 1:18:51 PM CEST
Wearable PC
The holy grail of the personal computing hypesters has always been the full-fledged wearable PC. Hitachi has realized this promise with its three-piece WIA. Sold by Xybernaut Corp and known as Poma in the U.S., it gives users the chance to be gawked at as they do their personal computing while wandering the streets.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> Japan Today ¬> Hitachi ¬> OLD SHIT
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