Topic: NATURE - on August 31, 2002 at 11:34:35 PM CEST
Geckos’ feet get sticky from static
US scientists have found the first experimental evidence that geckos use electrostatic forces - not capillary action - to walk safely across even very smooth ceilings. To compare the electrostatic and capillary theories, Kellar Autumn of Lewis and Clark College in Oregon and colleagues measured the shear forces exerted by geckos' toes on a variety of surfaces. The team's discovery that geckos employ Van der Waals forces in this way could now be exploited to develop a new generation of 'dry adhesives'

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Topic: LOST FOUND - on August 31, 2002 at 11:26:02 PM CEST
The Green Card Lottery: It's That Time Again
Between October 7th, 2002 and November 6th, 2002, those of you who wish to live and work in the United States of America (or, if you are already here, become a permanent resident) can submit your entry in the 2004 DIVERSITY IMMIGRANT VISA PROGRAM (DV-2004), also known as the green card lottery, and hope to be among the lucky winners.
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on August 31, 2002 at 11:20:12 PM CEST
uiiii die brückenquerung wird teurer
can rember that i drived the bridge for 1$. The most expensive bridge crossing in the Bay Area becomes even more costly this weekend. A toll hike that was approved at the end of June is going into effect Sunday on the Golden Gate Bridge. For most cars, the new toll will be $5. Those using FasTrak electronic toll collection will pay $4. The first increase in 11 years is designed to deal with a $452 million dollar budget shortfall.

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Topic: LOST FOUND - on August 31, 2002 at 11:06:33 PM CEST
Polar Bear party?
Scientists can't explain why 40 to 50 bears have converged on area. Large numbers of polar bears have crowded into the Point Barrow area this month, and scientists are at a loss to explain exactly why. Bears were showing up regularly in town last week. And tour groups that visit the whale bone piles at Point Barrow, 12 miles north of town, were seeing 40 to 50 bears instead of the usual five or six.

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Topic: MUSIK - on August 31, 2002 at 10:36:24 PM CEST
'Vibes' master Lionel Hampton dead
Jazz musician dies at 94
The American musician, Lionel Hampton, who made history by becoming the first jazz vibraphonist, has died in New York, aged 94.
Hampton's rise to fame began in 1936, when he played with his own band at the Los Angeles Paradise Cafe and was discovered by Benny Goodman when he came into the club.
Six weeks later, Hampton officially joined the Benny Goodman Quartet and started actively recording music.
Hampton stayed with Goodman until 1940, sometimes substituting on drums and taking vocals.
In 1940, he formed his first big band and in 1942 had a huge hit with the tune "Flying Home".
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Topic: GOOGLE - on August 31, 2002 at 12:25:40 PM CEST
Meet Mr. Anti-Google
Daniel Brandt is a 54-year-old webmaster in San Antonio, Texas, and he's not a fan of Google. He knows that opinion puts him in the minority. Some people have insulted him for it, and others -- mostly webmasters -- have told him please shut up, lest Google get upset. "I've heard all the stories about Google -- how the former cook for the Grateful Dead serves up their lunches," he says, reciting a point of the Google mythology. "I know people love them, and I've been censored on some of the webmaster forums when I get too upset at Google."
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Topic: DRUGS - on August 31, 2002 at 11:22:03 AM CEST
Das Für und Wieder von Cannabis
Die österreichische Tageszeitung der Standard präsentiert eine Fülle von interessanten Artikeln über Cannabis.

<a href=""target="blank">Hier gehts zum Cannabis
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Topic: DRUGS - on August 31, 2002 at 10:57:17 AM CEST
Mann springt aus fahrendem Zug
Zu einem kuriosen Einsatz ist gestern Abend die Bergrettung Semmering ausgerückt. Ein 35-jähriger Wiener sprang aus einem fahrenden Zug, weil er Drogen bei sich hatte. Er blieb in einem Baum hängen.

<a href=""target="blank">Hier gehts zur Geschichte
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Topic: BOARD NEWS - on August 31, 2002 at 10:50:04 AM CEST
Blamage für Rüstungsprojekt
50 Millionen Dollar war der US-Regierung ein neues Konzept für "Superkampfanzüge" ihrer Soldaten wert. Wie sich nun herausstellt, war das Konzept um 2,95 Dollar zu haben, an jedem Kiosk. Die Illustration der Pläne war nicht das Resultat von High-Tech-Forschung, sondern ist aus einem Comic-Heft gestohlen.

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Topic: FUN - on August 31, 2002 at 10:12:38 AM CEST
The internet's most famous monkeys
NOTE: Some of these are not monkeys

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Topic: FUN - on August 31, 2002 at 9:59:26 AM CEST
Ohne Worte

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Topic: BOARD NEWS - on August 31, 2002 at 6:00:03 AM CEST
Schweinegülle als Strom-Lieferant
Vier Bauern aus dem oststeirischen Paldau beweisen Erfinder- und Pioniergeist. Sie erzeugen Strom aus Schweinegülle. Sie können mit ihrer Anlage 350 Haushalte mit Strom versorgen.

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